urbanemovies's profile

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Friday, May 3rd, 2024 10:01 AM

2 LIVE POLLS: Fictional Astronaut 2010s Movie Characters

Fictional Male & Female Astronaut 2010s Movie Characters 

Fictional Male Astronaut 2010s Movie Portrayals 

Which of these selected 2010s live-action movie portrayals of a fictional male astronaut is your favorite one?

Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/XxiG02ogsCY/

Poll List: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls545166468/

Fictional Female Astronaut 2010s Movie Portrayals

Which of these selected 2010s live-action movie portrayals of a fictional female astronaut is your favorite one?

Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/DsZ--fY3kGE/

Poll List: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls545162594/

*Answer pool is limited to live-action, 2010s movie earthling astronaut characters, affiliated with an earth-based space agency or corporation including those under earth's sphere of influence, such as space stations, other off-world work sites, colonies, missions, etc. The pool excludes alien astronauts, other worldly humanoid astronauts or earthling astronauts that are multi-planetary affliated).

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161.7K Points

5 months ago

NATIONAL ASTRONAUT DAY is May 5, 2024 in the United States.

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161.7K Points

5 months ago

Honorable Mention or Possible Inclusion 

Fictional Astronaut 2010s Live-Action Movie Characters



9.6K Messages


192.7K Points

5 months ago


There was an error when I tried to push the Male Astronaut poll. It could be the length of the text, but that seems odd. It might be the links to the other sites, I'm not sure.

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161.7K Points


The header box comes in with 1421 characters with the hidden coding, well below the 2000 character header text polls that I have seen approved a week ago. It is a lot a characters for something that looks so short, but is below the limit that has been approved in the past.

I think these two names may be the issue. So, I changed these names that use special characters to their anglicized versions.


Michael Peña as Rick Martinez in The Martian


Michael Pena as Rick Martinez in The Martian


Daniel Brühl as Ernst Schmidt in The Cloverfield Paradox


Daniel Bruhl as Ernst Schmidt in The Cloverfield Paradox

Now with the text corrections

Hopefully, one of those two characters were the source of the problem and the corrections should solve the problem. I would try to push it live now to see if the fix worked.

FYI, I checked the Fictional Female Astronaut 2010s Movie Portrayals poll suggestion and didn't see a need for any similar corrections.


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161.7K Points

@Jessica​ I removed the hyperlinks also to be safe, both polls know are below 1150 characters as a result.



19.3K Messages


475.8K Points

5 months ago

@urbanemovies ,

Your poll suggestion, Fictional Male Astronaut 2010s Movie Portrayals, produces a DATABASE_ERROR when we try to push it. I'm not certain what is causing the problem, but in the past certain characters have caused the problem. I suspect that these two names are causing the problem:

Maybe you should use Michael Pena and Daniel Bruhl instead.



9.6K Messages


192.7K Points


He already did that three days ago. It must be something else.



14.2K Messages


328.3K Points


We have had polls with ü in descriptive text this year (Sandra Hüller) and ñ seven months ago.

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161.7K Points

5 months ago



I cut-n-past the character and actor names in the notes from casting lists on wikipedia, so sometimes some non-standard puncuations symbols slip in. I found a single set of curved quotation marks on the female version (fixed) that would have prevented that poll suggestion from going live. Regardless, I decided to wash both poll suggestions completely of any potential issues. I assumed everything was the issue, rather than trying to identify one issue specifically. Although, I have found and corrected three non-standard characters (2 accent marks on the male version and 1 set of curved quotations on the female version) already that likely would have prevented both from going live. 

  • I went through both introduction headers and stripped both down to the question only.
  • I re-typed all puncuation and any non-alphabet characters from my own standard keyboard. 
  • I deleted both lists and created two new lists by copying the answer choices to ensure it could not be a hidden missing image issue (it was not) or some thing else associated with this list upgrade / change over.
  • I went back to using parenthesis instead of brackets for the #35 everything else option
  • I recreated male list https://www.imdb.com/list/ls033404463/ is now https://www.imdb.com/list/ls545166468/
  • I recreated female list https://www.imdb.com/list/ls032865780/ is now https://www.imdb.com/list/ls545162594/
  • I removed the /copy extensions used for easier viewing on the posts.

I would think all these actions would fix the issue(s), I would try pushing them again live to see, as I am hopeful.




9.6K Messages


192.7K Points


You still have an asterisk after astronaut, but no text beneath.

Which of these select 2010s live action movie portrayals of a fictional male astronaut* is your favorite one?


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161.7K Points


I was on the fence on removing it as the asterisk explanation is on a different page, the poll discussion thread.

But, I get your point how it could be confusing. I removed it on both poll suggestions, as the term, "selected" should let poll takers know it is limited collection. If they have any complaints about the answer pool or any ommisions, they hopefully will see the reasonable criteria on the discussion page, where they would have to go to make a comment. 




14.2K Messages


328.3K Points

5 months ago

In option 7, you appear to have a double space in the text between High Life and the year. It isn't displayed in the list, but is seen when exported. Maybe this is a problem.

The descriptive text is probably unnecessary anyway since Pattinson's performance is the main performance. I don't remember the child performance, but I guess it's short.



14.2K Messages


328.3K Points

Looking again, you also have the ł character in Mikołaj.


9.9K Messages


161.7K Points

@Peter_pbn​ I don't understand your point on Mikołaj Gruss????,  it seems to correspond to the sources. I retyped it nonetheless.


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161.7K Points

@Peter_pbn​ Corrected double space for High Life. The extra note is for consistency with other astronaut characters, where the younger version plays a more prominent role, like in Space Cowboys & Contact.


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161.7K Points

 @Peter_pbn​ I think I understand now, capital I and lowercase l look similar.

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161.7K Points

@Peter_pbn​ Thanks, for your help and taking a deep look at it.



9.6K Messages


192.7K Points

5 months ago

Typo #13: Mark Strong as William D. Stanaforth 

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161.7K Points

@Jessica​ Corrected.



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192.7K Points

5 months ago

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161.7K Points

@Jessica​ Thanks.

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161.7K Points

@dan_dassow​ Thanks