Michelle's profile



17.7K Messages


315.5K Points

Tuesday, July 5th, 2022 1:37 PM

Top 300 Contributor Leaderboard for June 2022

Top 300 Contributor Leaderboard for June 2022


Hi all!

Welcome to June’s top contributor leaderboard update. The below is our top 300 contributors by approved items submitted throughout May. As ever the movement column references the previous rankings - in this case those from the May leaderboard

Come and join the discussion. We appreciate all of your feedback on the leaderboard experience.

rank nick totals movement
1 SkipEastport 505587 ⬆️
2 Nomissimon10 360349 ⬇️
3 inespape-1 303950 ⬇️
4 formulakaz 172017 ⬇️
5 Gabrielfox 129708 ⬆️
6 cinelamour 64079 ⬇️
7 soma-2 35618 ⬆️
8 raympretorius 33107 ⬇️
9 ulyssas 29834 ⬆️
10 joeddelozier 27519 ⬇️
11 11433Sthlm 25899 ↔️
12 GusF 24820 ⬇️
13 edwinwilson65 23465 ⬆️
14 Perspicuity1 21299 ⬇️
15 harrisonjiang-78175 21298 ↔️
16 xylit333 20332 ⬆️
17 capamaroux-1 19896 ⬆️
18 Woodyanders 18643 ⬆️
19 Stevarooni 17786 ⬆️
20 winsfordtown 16965 ⬇️
21 Mark_a_Wood 16172 ⬇️
22 vorachotes 15786 ⬆️
23 david-4564 14643 ⬆️
24 ind3 13770 ⬆️
25 Sosna95 13628 ⬆️
26 zoltanakos 12670 ⬆️
27 frikybilbao 12598 ⬆️
28 philipfhayes 12480 ⬆️
29 bta98 12140 ⬆️
30 denny-27 12027 ⬆️
31 dbassler1304 11534 ⬇️
32 plomenzo 11520 ⬆️
33 vondiesel-1 11233 ⬆️
34 dscbulkmail-amazon 11166 ⬇️
35 NickRiganas 11024 ⬆️
36 Blaine1942 10853 ⬇️
37 fkevin-94651 10527 ⬇️
38 shatterdaymorn 10393 ⬆️
39 mikael-bryzell 10072 ⬆️
40 scharlachred 10002 ⬆️
41 essmom 9758 ⬆️
42 PierreLeewes-2 9750 ⬆️
43 elouie2000 9501 ⬇️
44 pegg1976 9488 ⬇️
45 Happy_Evil_Dude 9401 ⬇️
46 lapantera 9266 ⬆️
47 eknowlson 9249 ⬆️
48 bradleykent1 9110 ⬇️
49 Huggo 9027 ⬇️
50 sarge-19 9002 ⬇️
51 krisdeverett 8889 ⬆️
52 TTTEFan1990 8668 ⬇️
53 akira625 8544 ⬆️
54 lecoinducinephage 8535 ⬆️
55 migueloliveiramonteiro 8342 ⬆️
56 Holojarg 8213 ⬇️
57 shanesmith-51353 8176 ⬆️
58 emiebocalbos-jp 8165 ⬇️
59 niunoniotro 7988 ⬆️
60 garnmgu 7903 ⬇️
61 SlyFan501180 7785 ⬆️
62 J. Spurlin 7511 ⬇️
63 josarc 7486 ⬇️
64 bernardovanderlei 7270 ⬆️
65 vielguillaume 7213 ⬇️
66 yook 7209 ⬇️
67 aapraje 7182 ⬆️
68 skillwithaquill 7095 ⬆️
69 McBE92 7059 ⬇️
70 forbidden_love-359-717451 7022 ⬆️
71 chribren 6936 ⬆️
72 sundevilemily 6911 ⬇️
73 colinpenney 6833 ⬇️
74 ahmetkozan 6559 ⬇️
75 davefoss 6553 ⬆️
76 Channing_F 6519 ⬇️
77 AbdulMjeed_Alburikan 6498 ⬆️
78 geeked-out-4-movies 6474 ⬇️
79 mitchelvwijk 6442 ⬆️
80 severthor 6435 ⬇️
81 Morning5tar 6258 ⬆️
82 lor_ 6154 ⬇️
83 prudi-272-737983 6076 ⬆️
84 trotter1954 6042 ⬇️
85 jmosen 6022 ⬇️
86 nickromm 5984 ⬆️
87 ljdoncel 5677 ⬆️
88 Chip_douglas 5671 ⬆️
89 mnmonteiro 5646 ⬆️
90 abtheboss 5564 ⬆️
91 Solar_Dragon 5544 ⬆️
92 santoshbhatt-58490 5508 ⬆️
93 LargoDonWen 5497 ⬇️
94 horn-5 5438 ⬇️
95 brahammali 5423 ⬆️
96 aquarised 5394 ⬆️
97 danstarr69 5340 ⬆️
98 PierreS 5317 ⬆️
99 michaelfool 5302 ⬇️
100 ChrisFlynn372 5289 ⬆️
101 sl-15684 5259 ⬆️
102 ron_whisky 5184 ⬇️
103 Velaska_official 5133 ⬆️
104 solnoms 5103 ⬇️
105 martinchinwuba 5082 ⬇️
106 Ioana_St 4935 ⬆️
107 slordoshoes 4800 ⬇️
108 johanim 4769 ⬆️
109 Tarhaseppo 4761 ⬆️
110 JohnBahn 4621 ⬆️
111 Kurre 4523 ⬇️
112 projectobjectvault 4512 ⬇️
113 bbmtl-21883 4504 ⬆️
114 rharlan58 4496 ⬇️
115 Akasava 4487 ⬇️
116 xyndii6 4374 ⬆️
117 themichineitor 4374 ⬇️
118 aarayaam 4365 ⬇️
119 libaanosman-95912 4347 ⬆️
120 invisec 4241 ⬆️
121 jmgr-86592 4192 ⬇️
122 tillmany 4087 ⬆️
123 Greg75 4008 ⬇️
124 LoginTo 4005 ⬇️
125 KaramXXV 3992 ⬇️
126 a_chris80 3990 ⬆️
127 angeldimov-35162 3974 ⬆️
128 FangsNL 3967 ⬆️
129 SteveResin 3955 ⬆️
130 flareyr 3943 ⬆️
131 linus2001 3869 ⬇️
132 DarkstarNexus 3843 ⬆️
133 carllh 3830 ⬆️
134 dramallamazzz 3825 ⬇️
135 farhanazhari05 3694 ⬇️
136 jimjo1216 3676 ⬆️
137 Col Needham 3652 ⬆️
138 slownet2 3651 ⬇️
139 nikyp-87867 3641 ⬆️
140 tahagumustg 3640 ⬆️
141 Lara_Cain 3581 ⬇️
142 georgechambless 3524 ⬆️
143 jamieskinnercataloger 3513 ⬇️
144 boundlaw 3490 ⬆️
145 ramanlamba-69224 3485 ⬇️
146 Global_Joe21 3465 ⬇️
147 cocacolacorporation 3441 ⬆️
148 tmfraga 3404 ⬆️
149 neindyfeiv 3364 ⬇️
150 Fettzilla85 3338 ⬆️
151 nelliepants 3335 ⬆️
152 thomaswake16 3332 ⬆️
153 Jens Christian Skov 3297 ⬆️
154 tityron 3272 ⬆️
155 Dekkappai 3265 ⬆️
156 Benjiunkix 3185 ⬆️
157 AlvinTan87 3173 ⬆️
158 ryancharlton-03170 3145 ⬆️
159 chaudharykuldeep 3125 ⬆️
160 iceller 3107 ⬆️
161 mariojacobs 3098 ⬇️
162 brainybrailler 3083 ⬆️
163 galanilon 3069 ⬆️
164 PJ66MR 3044 ⬇️
165 The_Movie_Cat 3042 ⬇️
166 martdaniel-74817 3042 ⬆️
167 mikkiparker 3030 ⬆️
168 jerrygauthier 3029 ⬇️
169 manzanamx1 3024 ⬇️
170 rich975 2998 ⬇️
171 pbn 2981 ⬇️
172 valdo-13553 2979 ⬆️
173 deerajreddy 2946 ⬆️
174 egenardini 2943 ⬆️
175 TomiMaster14 2921 ⬆️
176 liamsaban 2887 ⬆️
177 greatgaza 2853 ⬆️
178 Jukka_A 2833 ⬆️
179 tomdelfino 2823 ⬇️
180 Mjollnir 2819 ⬇️
181 Zweewz 2812 ⬆️
182 Travis_Bickle92 2778 ⬆️
183 MrIQ 2742 ⬇️
184 jwelch-21319 2742 ⬇️
185 elogalde 2742 ⬆️
186 Cyborg89 2705 ⬆️
187 Simba63 2704 ⬇️
188 norbertcreutz 2686 ↔️
189 snazzyleo-40564 2683 ⬇️
190 jan_nihilation 2677 ⬇️
191 stefanocappuccio-sc 2629 ⬇️
192 markomisiraca 2623 ⬆️
193 mysteriousbluebox 2610 ⬇️
194 leadbeater 2609 ⬆️
195 tzot 2604 ⬆️
196 kenichiku 2597 ⬆️
197 bulldogenthusiast 2556 ⬇️
198 GMJames 2554 ⬆️
199 gal bela 2517 ⬆️
200 jacynthe-805-69599 2513 ⬆️
201 cnuddearthur2 2492 ⬆️
202 RioNice 2480 ⬆️
203 hershiser2 2466 ⬆️
204 marty602 2459 ⬇️
205 jsaggu-00809 2396 ⬇️
206 marcolacsonml 2393 ⬆️
207 darshapg 2365 ⬆️
208 kumkanta 2360 ⬆️
209 Cracker05 2358 ⬆️
210 jg-50323 2320 ⬇️
211 josephmonaghan72 2316 ⬇️
212 dj-dom 2300 ⬆️
213 johannawallenius 2274 ⬇️
214 lavendarmajenta 2265 ⬇️
215 saggujas 2265 ⬆️
216 hm-2021 2264 ⬆️
217 blytheandferb-10967 2264 ⬆️
218 yossi-tissona 2259 ⬇️
219 NoWireHangers 2256 ⬇️
220 benhampel 2256 ⬇️
221 The-Comedy-Man 2241 ⬆️
222 suprabj0083 2235 ⬆️
223 Rodrigo_Amaro 2218 ⬆️
224 glyntreharne-1 2202 ⬇️
225 natmata 2195 ⬇️
226 sjsproduction 2193 ⬆️
227 lament7 2192 ⬇️
228 vande 2189 ⬇️
229 bombersflyup 2189 ⬇️
230 saragreenwoodpipes 2179 ⬇️
231 Invisible2015 2177 ⬆️
232 mbjwilkins 2163 ⬇️
233 ayumihamasakifan 2152 ⬇️
234 kingstoken 2136 ⬇️
235 nagarnamit 2135 ⬆️
236 tazjjh 2116 ⬇️
237 sininenpiste 2091 ⬇️
238 daisyk-4 2070 ⬆️
239 mcfariar 2069 ⬆️
240 ivajox 2062 ⬆️
241 ETZ_Critic 2038 ⬆️
242 NoRa_FoKa 2033 ⬇️
243 JasonIK75 2031 ⬇️
244 johnnymoronic 2021 ⬇️
245 uammaasi 2019 ⬆️
246 EntertainMeProductions 2018 ⬆️
247 Marie-Gade-Denessen 2016 ⬆️
248 anoopj226 2008 ⬆️
249 amickbyron 1995 ⬆️
250 kristindonnelly 1979 ⬆️
252 alexandra2144 1965 ⬆️
253 whiffington 1957 ⬆️
254 solmaquina 1946 ⬇️
255 mmeijlof 1946 ⬇️
256 anthony-42000 1926 ⬆️
257 qsrinath 1907 ⬇️
258 over_the-world 1900 ⬆️
259 stasa227 1886 ⬆️
260 mitchellredwings19 1878 ⬆️
261 GBrazier 1875 ⬇️
262 MovieDude2001 1867 ⬆️
263 scgary66 1866 ⬇️
264 lucastagnari-871-237895 1862 ⬆️
265 tmariotoledo 1851 ⬇️
266 paulrtirado 1845 ⬆️
267 akashr-42322 1843 ⬆️
268 henriheine 1842 ⬆️
269 whiterose-54828 1842 ⬇️
270 Godslaye 1838 ⬇️
271 elenat-42567 1831 ⬆️
272 priyashahpriya 1821 ⬇️
273 Muvienutt 1812 ⬆️
274 CaldoTheKid 1805 ⬇️
275 rohitmmp 1801 ⬆️
276 allarago 1791 ⬆️
277 aninosc 1782 ⬆️
278 rdeaneny 1779 ⬆️
279 alxlopz 1776 ⬆️
280 prabhakarsingh_ps 1775 ⬆️
281 rajsimghjhinger 1775 ⬆️
282 markpaone 1774 ⬆️
283 neilr64 1755 ⬇️
284 jupiterscreen 1741 ⬆️
285 contactmartinspencer 1740 ⬆️
286 maria-ojeda 1739 ⬆️
287 iamabdulvahid 1693 ⬆️
288 RoderichFM 1674 ⬇️
289 richboy_is_dead 1674 ⬆️
290 Qylecoop 1655 ⬆️
291 pampeano2882 1639 ⬆️
292 marcial84 1638 ⬇️
293 fredcdobbs5 1631 ⬇️
294 rjkm-59698 1626 ⬆️
295 robetsonian 1622 ⬇️
296 ulf-635-523367 1622 ⬆️
297 ngoziosy 1615 ⬆️
298 EvanD71 1602 ⬇️
299 michh-82503 1591 ⬇️
300 blblovelybhati 1586 ⬆️

200 Messages


2.8K Points

3 years ago

*I am not an employee of IMDb, and all the data shown is publicly available, and simply put together into meaningful data
*New users means users that have never been on a leaderboard
*Returning users means users that the previous month were not on the leaderboard
*Inspired by ACT_1

Out of the 300 users on the leaderboard this month
New Users: 52
Returning Users: 40
Processing Times this month
Average Unprocessed Items: 153,692
Average Outside SLA: 109,326 (71.13%)

I extend an extra welcome to the
Top 5 Newcomers:
  1. david-4564 (23 place)
  2. plomenzo (32 place)
  3. AbdulMjeed_Alburikan (77 place)
  4. Morning5tar (81 place)
  5. santoshbhatt-58490 (92 place)
A graph on the development amount of unprocessed items during July can be found here

Top 5 - 2022
  1. Nomissimon10         - 4,694,779
  2. inespape-1               - 1,887,650
  3. matthias_metzger    - 1,326,694
  4. SkipEastport             - 1,015,885
  5. formulakaz               -    891,912

I welcome feedback on whether or not you find this info useful or not, and what stats could be added to make it better.




5.1K Messages


118.5K Points


When clicking on the link provided in this paragraph

A graph on the development amount of unprocessed items during July can be found here
I get a dark screen with "Unable to retrieve data" message.
Your paragraph
Out of the 300 users on the leaderboard this month
New Users: 52
Returning Users: 40
Average Unprocessed Items: 153,692
Average Outside SLA: 109,326 (71.13%)
makes it look as though the unprocessed items are only for the 300 users this month. Was that the intent?


200 Messages


2.8K Points

@bderoes​ The link should be fixed now. And no it is for all of the users of IMDb Contributor. I see the confusion. Will change it to make it a bit more clear. Thanks for the feedback

8.7K Messages


177.7K Points

3 years ago

June 2022

rank nick totals movement
1 SkipEastport 505,587 ⬆️
2 Nomissimon10 360,349 ⬇️
3 inespape-1 303,950 ⬇️
4 formulakaz 172,017 ⬇️
5 Gabrielfox 129,708 ⬆️
6 cinelamour 64,079 ⬇️
7 soma-2 35,618 ⬆️
8 raympretorius 33,107 ⬇️
9 ulyssas 29,834 ⬆️
10 joeddelozier 27,519 ⬇️

May 2022

rank nick total movement
1 Nomissimon10 1,067,651 ↔️
2 inespape-1 274,899 ↔️
3 formulakaz 204,624 ↔️
4 cinelamour 50,394 ⬆️
5 KaramXXV 40,822 ⬇️
6 raympretorius 32,608 ⬆️
7 joeddelozier 31,228 ⬆️
8 ron_whisky 30,386 ⬆️
9 bradleykent1 25,119


10 GusF 24,732 ⬇️

April 2022

rank nick totals movement
1 Nomissimon10 564996 ↔️
2 inespape-1 311161 ⬆️
3 formulakaz 217332 ⬆️
4 KaramXXV 70499 ⬆️
5 cinelamour 51699 ↔️
6 Gabrielfox 38383 ⬆️
7 raympretorius 32570 ⬆️
8 GusF 24097 ⬆️
9 ahmetkozan 22356 ⬇️
10 pegg1976 21961 ⬆️

March 2022

rank nick total movement
1 Nomissimon10 1,098,271 ↔️
2 matthias_metzger 789,834 ⬆️
3 inespape-1 435,824 ⬇️
4 formulakaz 140,891 ⬇️
5 cinelamour 63,825 ⬆️
6 RitaAbbas 46,061 ⬆️
7 arshela 43,552 ⬆️
8 ahmetkozan 34,102 ⬆️
9 raympretorius 33,213 ↔️
10 xylit333 28,121 ⬆️

February 2022

rank nick total movement
1 Nomissimon10 785,100 ↔️
2 inespape-1 324,101 ⬆️
3 formulakaz 102,229 ⬆️
4 matthias_metzger 97,661 ⬇️
5 daanishichsanme 70,502 ⬆️
6 soma-2 57,436 ⬆️
7 cinelamour 47,876 ⬇️
8 madhuc 37,018 ⬆️
9 raympretorius 31,787 ⬆️
10 RitaAbbas 26,022 ↔️

January 2022

rank nick total
1 Nomissimon10 818,412
2 SkipEastport 510,298
3 matthias_metzger 439,199
4 inespape-1 237,715
5 arshela 77,797
6 cinelamour 64,864
7 formulakaz 54,819
8 apostolis1989 52,020
9 BonaFideBOSS 40,972
10 RitaAbbas 40,585

Wayback Machine
Top 300 Contributor Leaderboard for June 2022

- - -

Change ??
Green arrows : UP
Red    arrows : DOWN

Green Arrow PNG pictures, free download - FreeIconsPNG

- - -


June 2022
rank nick                   total
1 SkipEastport      505,587
16,852 per day  : 702 per hour :  11 per minute ??

2 Nomissimon10  360,349
12,011 per day  : 500  per hour :  8 per minute ??

3 inespape-1        303,950
10,131  per day  : 422  per hour : 7 per minute ??

Above link for inespape-1 (and others)

and that goes to


Col Needham: Welcome to the IMDb Contribution Website

- - -

Contributor Hall of Fame

> Top Plot Summary Writers
> Top Mini-Bio Writers

 Please note that all counts are correct through to 31st December 2021.


      (Needs more than 2 contribution topics.  add: Titles, Names, Reviews...  See Stats below)

     Wayback Machine


- - -



IMDb Statistics
As of Jun 2022
Total Data Items: 451,282,450
Titles:    11,063,078
Names: 11,746,200

      Wayback Machine


Titles    21,219,000

Names 13,820,000

     * No pages of Odd Numbers for Titles past several years? ? *

IMDb Search title release_date=1874-now .......  9,708,704 titles.

IMDb Search name gender=male,female ......... 6,865,134 names. 

IMDb Search name ................................................. 12,035,572 names.

IMDb Reviews ...........................................................   8,300,000 reviews.

IMDb Search/title keyword ................................  10,837,147 titles. (keyword_expert)
- - -


IMDb User count

Fri Jul 1 2022

Wed Jun 1 2022

Sun May 1 2022

Fri Apr 1 2022

Tue Mar 1 2022

Tue Feb 1 2022

Sat Jan 1 2022

- - -


sprinklr Members



2,036 pages x 50 Names per page = 101,800 Members



8.7K Messages


177.7K Points

@Michelle  😀

To the Help Desk (with a link to my above message)

Contributor Hall of Fame
> Top Plot Summary Writers
> Top Mini-Bio Writers
Please note that all counts are correct through to 31st December 2021.

(Needs more than 2 contribution topics.  add: Titles, Names, Reviews...  )

From Help Desk

Thank you for your feedback about IMDb.
IMDb.com is constantly being updated and improved, 
and we welcome all comments and suggestions 
aimed at improving its features, flexibility and ease of use.
We appreciate that you took the time to share your thoughts with us
and we encourage you to post your suggestion in 
the IMDb User Community powered by Sprinklr:


where our staff and other IMDb users can vote on it. 
This will allow us to measure the level of interest 
and may help with future improvements.
Once logged in, you will be able to offer suggestions/ideas
for the IMDb community.
Thank you for your support.
Best regards,
IMDb Customer Service

The Help Desk does not even bother to read suggestions - just send an autobot reply

- - -


What do You count for Top 300 Contributors ??



62 Messages


1.6K Points

3 years ago

Hi! How can I see my points if I'm not in the list? Thanks

IMDb member since April 2021


62 Messages


1.6K Points

@ACT_1​ yes, that's me

62 Messages


1.6K Points

@ACT_1​ Done. Thank you

62 Messages


1.6K Points

3 years ago


I see every month there is a list of the best contributors. I want to know if it's possible for myself to know how many points are in my record, without asking this information to an IMDB employee/forum admin


Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Is there a way to track my contributor points?

582 Messages


10.9K Points

3 years ago

165th... okay, I suppose.

85 Messages


1.9K Points

3 years ago

@Michelle are you able to see my comments at https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/data-issues-policy-discussions/music-videos-are-missing-from-imdb-dataset-titlebasicstsvgz/62071442116db439b71011b0 ?

I haven't had any response from you or anyone else at IMDb for three months.

51 Messages


948 Points

3 years ago

I'm trying to get the Top Contributor badge, but then I wonder, how can anyone send 500K contributions and a month? Can anyone explain? seems humanly impossible.  Is 30K contributions in a year a possible number to get the medal?

IMDb member since July 2016


200 Messages


2.8K Points

@bonitao​ Automated software (same question has been answered in earlier Top 300 threads, in case you want to get a full explanation). And yes, 30k a year is around 175 place (2021) out of the top 300 that gets a medal for contributing each year.


51 Messages


948 Points

@Nomissimon10​ you can sent to me this topic?

imdb.com/user/ur68173442 - Since July 2016.

62 Messages


1.6K Points

@Nomissimon10​ do you have issues with your submitions to be approved when you use the API?

I submit plots in spanish for mexican movies and sometimes if I don't complain here, they would be in status pending forever

51 Messages


948 Points

@Asura_H do you have a tutorial, how can i use API for imdb contributions?

62 Messages


1.6K Points

@bonitao​ hi and no, I submit manually. @Nomissimon10 have done this before, maybe he could help

200 Messages


2.8K Points

@Asura_H​ IMDb does not use a contributor API as far as I know. I contribute using automated software. And yes, some of my contributions are stuck on pending. Around 5.000 contributions have been pending for a few months. But it is not a lot out of the total.

62 Messages


1.6K Points

@Nomissimon10​ thank you for your reply and clarification

51 Messages


948 Points

3 years ago

In next Top 300 Leaderboard somebody can show the Top Bio and Top Plot Contributors Leaderboard/statistics for this year? Thanks


IMDb member since July 2016