22 Messages
538 Points
Tracking of watched movies etc
i'd like to keep track of what i have watched already. Over the years i've watched many movies etc; too many to remember them all. Which isn't good, because i'd like to watch all movies from some actors/directors etc. So i always have to think hard, when i go through the lists of those people, which titles i haven't watched yet. I have to watch trailers or read the plot to remember, which both i hate, because it costs time and i don't want to be spoiled.
By reading some of the articles on here, i came across the check in feature, but that doesn't fulfill my needs completely. It only helps a little, that i can see - after selecting a title - that i have watched this already.
I want markers/icons like already watched and on watchlist next to every title in all lists of any actor etc. As of now these lists are double-columned with title on the left and year to the right. I envision 2 tiny, new columns to the left of the titles with these icons. Alternatively you could place those icons to the right of the titles without creating new columns. Whatever is more pleasing to the eye. (2 pictures down i gave you an example)
There are other websites out there, which take the data from imdb and provide the feature i'm talking about. The following picture shows an example. The site doesn't have lists or tables; they chose a poster format, where the icons are below each title. This could be a useful alternative to watch lists for imdb as well.

I love the imdb feature, which splits up the directorial etc activities to movies, series, documentaries etc. How about for each category a progress summary. I made an example:

Here i marked two titles with a "D" for done and one title with a "W" for watchlist. You can substitute these letters with stylish icons as well. Next to the heading i added the progress. We currently got 30 movie credits for this actress. "2/30" i have watched already. This adds up to about "6 %" watched. From the remaining 28 titles, i got one on my watchlist.
You can argue about the counting method, because you can also have already watched titles on the watchlist, if you want to rewatch them. I'm not sure either, what would be best, but i think i'd kinda like to see the number 28 go down with every new title that i watch. Same as i like to see the watch percentage go up.
A few other subfeatures worth considering are:
The reason why i want this on imdb is that i love imdb. I use it for years. But now that i have found these other sites which provide this watch feature (that i want for ages and have realized poorly on my own), i rarely browse through imdb anymore, because i pretty much have the same lists on the other sites, where i mark stuff watched on a daily basis.
But imdb is the bigger site. It has a better backbone/performance and the data is more accurate/up to date.
I've used the other site now for 2 weeks and have recorded a few hundred movie titles and tv series as watched. I still haven't reached the point of no return to come back to imdb, but i guess if i mark a few thousand movies as watched on another site, i wouldn't want to do that "work" on imdb again and you might lose me for good. I'd like to only use one movie site :(
Is there any chance, that such a feature might be added to imdb as well?
Thank you and kind regards,
i'd like to keep track of what i have watched already. Over the years i've watched many movies etc; too many to remember them all. Which isn't good, because i'd like to watch all movies from some actors/directors etc. So i always have to think hard, when i go through the lists of those people, which titles i haven't watched yet. I have to watch trailers or read the plot to remember, which both i hate, because it costs time and i don't want to be spoiled.
By reading some of the articles on here, i came across the check in feature, but that doesn't fulfill my needs completely. It only helps a little, that i can see - after selecting a title - that i have watched this already.
I want markers/icons like already watched and on watchlist next to every title in all lists of any actor etc. As of now these lists are double-columned with title on the left and year to the right. I envision 2 tiny, new columns to the left of the titles with these icons. Alternatively you could place those icons to the right of the titles without creating new columns. Whatever is more pleasing to the eye. (2 pictures down i gave you an example)
There are other websites out there, which take the data from imdb and provide the feature i'm talking about. The following picture shows an example. The site doesn't have lists or tables; they chose a poster format, where the icons are below each title. This could be a useful alternative to watch lists for imdb as well.
I love the imdb feature, which splits up the directorial etc activities to movies, series, documentaries etc. How about for each category a progress summary. I made an example:
Here i marked two titles with a "D" for done and one title with a "W" for watchlist. You can substitute these letters with stylish icons as well. Next to the heading i added the progress. We currently got 30 movie credits for this actress. "2/30" i have watched already. This adds up to about "6 %" watched. From the remaining 28 titles, i got one on my watchlist.
You can argue about the counting method, because you can also have already watched titles on the watchlist, if you want to rewatch them. I'm not sure either, what would be best, but i think i'd kinda like to see the number 28 go down with every new title that i watch. Same as i like to see the watch percentage go up.
A few other subfeatures worth considering are:
- to select single episodes or seasons from tv series to mark them as watched
- to give a specific watch date, when marking a title as watched (for example "right now" for just watched, "release date" for watched close to release of the title and "specific date", where i can choose a specific date in history or a year, where i think i might have watched this
- give me timeline of all my consumed movies etc (sorted by watch date, release date etc)
- when i mark a title on the watchlist as watched, delete it from watchlist (this might already be in place; haven't tested that yet)
- let me mark future movies, tv episodes on my watchlist (and maybe give me a notification when they are out)
- publish the watched list/watchlist on imdb for others to see
- add up the runtime of all watched movies, tv series etc (if you are a movie buff, you can easily end up with a few hundred days of watchtime; i love those numbers, lol)
The reason why i want this on imdb is that i love imdb. I use it for years. But now that i have found these other sites which provide this watch feature (that i want for ages and have realized poorly on my own), i rarely browse through imdb anymore, because i pretty much have the same lists on the other sites, where i mark stuff watched on a daily basis.
But imdb is the bigger site. It has a better backbone/performance and the data is more accurate/up to date.
I've used the other site now for 2 weeks and have recorded a few hundred movie titles and tv series as watched. I still haven't reached the point of no return to come back to imdb, but i guess if i mark a few thousand movies as watched on another site, i wouldn't want to do that "work" on imdb again and you might lose me for good. I'd like to only use one movie site :(
Is there any chance, that such a feature might be added to imdb as well?
Thank you and kind regards,
1.8K Messages
55.3K Points
6 years ago
The same is for movies selected to watch later (watchlist). They may be (un)selected with checkbox as the other sites do, but on IMDb they can be operated only in lists (yours or other users).
So, there is nothing about 'new' features, but the existing features really need to be accessable on all pages (titles, actors, etc.), not only lists.
14.6K Messages
332.8K Points
6 years ago
But it could probably be better integrated into the site.
1 Message
80 Points
5 years ago
6 Messages
144 Points
2 years ago
Hello Erika. Thanks for writing this article. This is what IMDb needs. Too bad that even 4 years after you wrote it, IMDb still didn’t expand on the “seen” feature. I wonder why? I’ve seen hundreds of movies on IMDb and rated hundreds but I gave up on rating. I need a “seen” button that works all over the website and I need a “seen” list that automatically adds all the movies I’ve seen into that list and lets me sort them in useful ways. (Just like other movie websites and apps offer as a feature)
please IMDb, as an 18 year IMDb member, don’t let us down and implement this feature so we don’t have to migrate. Thank you!
1 Message
64 Points
2 years ago
Indeed it is amazing how imdb still have not introduced this simple feature. I have been waiting for years to be able to mark those movies that I watched. Because of lack of this I have to use other movie app/website, although imdb would be my preference if it had that feature.
To those suggestions to rate movies and by rating you can put it to a different list - I do not want to rate the movie, some of which I watched many years ago. I just want to mark them as seen. Simple as that.
3 Messages
70 Points
2 months ago
3 Messages
94 Points
2 months ago
I created a "Watched" list, adding all the movies I have watched. However, when browsing in general through IMDb, and I run across a movie, it does not tell me upfront if I have watched it, that is, if it´s on my "Watched" list. Is there any way to do that?
6 Messages
142 Points
2 months ago
The custom list I managed to create is not very useful, because you cannot sort it by name, neither does it have a "date watched" field. It is very limited.
I would be REALLY grateful for this movie database website to have a list where it's users can make their own documentation about the movies they have completed watching.
This would empower users as all they need is to visit your website to get a detailed list, rather than creating excel spreadsheets of their own.
Could someone let me know if it is possible to create such a list and if so how, because I have totally missed it!
9 Messages
120 Points
2 months ago
I hope this will not sound stupid but I am using this website about 8 years and I am a software test engineer that is specialized in UI/UX improvements. So I hope operators will take this advice of mine into consideration.
Why don't we have a separate list for movies that we have already watched?
Once we watch them, we will click the WATCHED button just next to the movie title (same place next to Watchlist button), and this operation will put the movies to the Watched list.
In the current flow, we only have a Watchlist. Which is used for the movies/series TO BE watched. I know there is a Check-In list (or we can manually create another list) but the UI is not as visible as the Watchlist. And there is no icon popping up after we put a show into the Check-In list. On the other hand, there is this Add button used for adding a movie to a Watchlist, and once we do that, a green mark icon pops up for that movie.
And about that green mark, it definitely gives a wrong impression, as if something is already WATCHED. For the majority of the web world, a green mark is not something that is used for a list of PENDING items . Usually a yellow circulated icon (or a similar one) is used for such cases. So it is really really confusing.
Long story short;
6 Messages
198 Points
2 months ago
4 Messages
80 Points
2 months ago
IMDb should generate lists for: 'Plan To Watch', 'Watching', 'Completed', and 'Dropped'. As well as each show/movie added to one of these lists the ability to track what episode you're on. For example say you are watching the Archer series and are on Season 4 Episode 6. You can add the show to your 'Watching' list, and adjust the episode to 6/13.
It would just be really helpful for people trying to organize all the shows they watch on multiple platforms, an organizational tool for media lovers, and also a tool that would attract more users to the site to utilize it - which they would be encouraged to contribute to other areas of the site as well.
You already have given users the ability to create their own lists in addition to the default 'Watchlist', so really if you wanted to simplify it the most; You could just add the ability to track what episode you're on.
4 Messages
80 Points
2 months ago
I don't rate movies, but keep track of titles I've seen. Can you add one click option to add movie to check-in/seen (as it now works for watchlist)?
For now I'm using watchlist button as check-ins because of usability.
P.S. Long press on watchlisted movie doesn't open popup with lists on iOS.
3 Messages
100 Points
2 months ago
So, I would love to see IMDB develop a "Watched" feature to add as an option to ratings and reviews. The way it would work is simply clicked you've watched this title, played this game, watched this show etc. Then when it comes to searching titles it would be great either in tiled or list view to have those buttons easily accessible. Reason I would love this feature is because I want to rate every movie and show I've ever watched. Rating a movie is currently the easiest/fastest way to mark off you've seen a title. I still want to rate movies, but would be cool to have a separated list for "Watched". Thanks. - Mike
3 Messages
70 Points
2 months ago
6 Messages
144 Points
2 months ago
I guess its a good thing that someone here at the IMDb community has merged all these discussions about the ‘Seen’ feature.
I already said it over 2 years ago, a seen feather and a seen button is important, additional to a rating feature.
What IMDb needs to implement is a tracking of the PAST, the PRESENT and the FUTURE.
In the PAST i wanna have the option to mark a movie or tv show as seen. I wanna be able to access a list with all my seen movies and I wanna have the option to rate them, if i feel like it.
In the PRESENT I wanna be able to organize my viewing of movies and TV shows. The WATCHLIST is a good start but some other websites already offer a feature to tell where these movies and TV shows can be watched (Streaming or TV channels) and i can add my own subscribed Services and then it tells me what is available for me now to watch.
And FUTURE, i wanna have a more visual ability to structure TV shows and movies that i might wanna watch or when i could watch them. There also needs to be an ability to show partially watched tv shows or lists that show movies or tv shows i didn’t finish watching. Ideally that feature could be shared with other IMDb members.
I wanna be able to share a list with my partner, so she can choose what TV shows or movies from that list we could watch at what day in the future.
I know it’s a lot but i think we are brainstorming here to make things better. The first thing is to bring BACK the SEEN button. The structure for it is still there, so why hide it. I know it can be accessed with the SEEN URL, but it needs to be on every page with every movie and ever actor and accessible from app and website.
Anyways, IMDb is a useful website but many new websites start to be more useful and IMDb needs to keep up. Im a 20 year member, one of the earliest still active users and i think IMDb deserves better.