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17.2K Messages


310.5K Points

Friday, March 8th, 2024 5:19 PM


List-Like Pages Beta

List-Like Pages Beta

Before launching IMDb’s redesigned List-Like Pages, we want to provide our valued users with a sneak peak, and extend an opportunity to provide feedback between March 14 and late March 2024.  You can find more information on our new List FAQ page.

We hope you enjoy these latest improvements, and thank you for continuing to make IMDb the world’s most trusted source for movie, TV, and entertainment content.

— The IMDb Website Team

44 Messages


1K Points

7 months ago

I had just gotten used to IMDb's new "advanced search" feature and, while I still prefer the old version, I do at least see where there are some advantages to it and could appreciate it in its own way.

However, today I checked out a sneak preview of the update to lists and... you have GOT to be kidding me with this. What is with this site's obsession with endless scrolling? How does that make editing large lists easier? What was wrong with dividing lists into pages? Are you saying that if I want to reach a specific spot on my list, I'll have to scroll through dozens of times instead of jumping straight to the page? Why can't I see the numbers of the entries while editing?

The list feature has gone through a dozen updates, many of them controversial, but at least I could somewhat follow the logic. Where is the logic in these changes exactly? Virtually all of them take things that were easy to do and make them significantly harder and more frustrating with no additional benefits to compensate. I highly recommend you walk back this update before you risk alienating a large amount of already annoyed users.

Change for the sake of change is pointless. Please listen to your users for once and don't "fix" something that isn't broken.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Got a sneak peek of the new changes to lists...

2 Messages


70 Points

Agreed. The new lists is pointless change and extremely painful to use.
It was not broken and didn't need to be fixed.

128 Messages


1.3K Points


I have to completely agree with this. I just saw a preview of the new design for my Watch List and other lists that I have made and I'm in total shock, it looks like crap! The movie posters are too big and even worse, it's now one huge list. I wonder who comes up with these dumb ideas and even worse, why is it being approved? Just leave the old design, it's way better.



7.2K Messages


178.1K Points

@Navin2000​ Do you have a screenshot of the larger movie posters — in the new design the posters are either smaller (desktop) or the same size (mobile)? 

128 Messages


1.3K Points


I'm talking about the desktop website, I don't use the mobile app. Just take a look at the difference between the old and new design. The old design isn't a huge list (very dumb idea), and I actually like the smaller posters.

Also, I just noticed something, isn't it possible to remember the view (detailed or grid) anymore? But anyway, the old design is much more streamlined and easy on the eye. And I really like to be able to see only 100 titles per page, instead of one huge list. 

Actually, I wanted to post links to the old and new design, but this isn't possible, so first load the old design (see link) and then choose the new design in a new tab. I always use the grid view, which should be selected in the new design.





7.2K Messages


178.1K Points


I'm talking about the desktop website

Thanks for the clarification; the posters in old/new grid view are the same size, however, based on customer feedback, we now provide additional info and links in grid view which does indeed make the overall space consumed larger.  

Also, I just noticed something, isn't it possible to remember the view (detailed or grid) anymore?

The view is not “sticky” in the old view either, but it is something we can at least now consider once the rest of the technology migration is complete (the iOS app already supports this).  If you are referring to navigating away from the list to a title page and then using your browser “back” button to return to the list, then the workaround for now is to open the titles in a new tab. 

And I really like to be able to see only 100 titles per page, instead of one huge list. 

The background on a paged view vs. an infinite scroll are explained on https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/imdbcom/listlike-pages-beta/65eb48a1e093635d1b21e0e7?commentId=65f46b9028fefa4e27a720e1&replyId=65f56fdded76fb2772059d66 

128 Messages


1.3K Points

Thanks for the clarification; the posters in old/new grid view are the same size, however, based on customer feedback, we now provide additional info and links in grid view which does indeed make the overall space consumed larger.  

I really don't believe the posters are of the same size, did you take a look at the old and new design of my favorite movies list? And yes, the overal consumed space is indeed larger, this is what I don't like. It's not need and tidy. Of course I can try to switch to another zoom level (let's say 80%), this does make things better, but then the rest of IMDB doesn't look good, so this is no solution.

The view is not “sticky” in the old view either, but it is something we can at least now consider once the rest of the technology migration is complete (the iOS app already supports this).

What I meant is that if I select the grid view in the old design, I can bookmark this and it will be remembered the next time I open the list via my bookmarks manager.

And you got to be kidding me about the infinite scroll issue. You guys don't see any problem with this? If I make a list with 1000 movies for example, I can now bookmark pages per 100 titles, so page 1 to 10. That's how I like it, because I can directly navigate to let's say movies 500 to 600. There is no way to do this with the new and pointless infinite scroll design. This really should be changed, give an option to disable it. This new design takes all the fun out of both making and viewing lists, you guys really dropped the ball on this one.

Also, perhaps you guys can switch to a new forum system, because this one seems to be broken, I can not even quote you without running into trouble, it somehow doesn't copy the selected text, but a whole bunch of other stuff that I did NOT select, this is crazy. And when you edit your post, the editing window is quite small.




7.2K Messages


178.1K Points

@Navin2000Thanks for the feedback on bookmark support; we have passed this along to the lists team. 



17.2K Messages


310.5K Points

Hi @Navin2000​ -

Thanks again for this great suggestion, I'm just following up to confirm that the team has added this for consideration.

309 Messages


7.2K Points

7 months ago

Why would you remove the ability to put paragraph breaks in list descriptions? This looks terrible.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Why would you do this?



7.2K Messages


178.1K Points

@timothy_gray_el34lojg1aih1​ You can insert line breaks by using SHIFT+ENTER.  This is covered in the FAQ for the beta, but this has been delayed in going live. 

309 Messages


7.2K Points

@Col_Needham​ Does this mean I will have to go through my list of 3,000 names and manually hit SHIFT+ENTER for every name that has more than one line just to get it back to the way it was before the update? Sounds like a blast.



7.2K Messages


178.1K Points

@timothy_gray_el34lojg1aih1​ Ah no, any existing line breaks should still be present.  If you have lists which have lost the line breaks in the descriptions, please can you (a) provide 2-3 examples which have lost the line breaks (b) do not edit the descriptions of these example lists until we have been able to take a look (c) let us know which browser you are using on which system [and if you have another browser installed, please check it has the same issue]. 



7.2K Messages


178.1K Points

@timothy_gray_el34lojg1aih1​ Sorry, we see you are referring to the notes field; this appears to be bug which will investigate.  



14.3K Messages


328.5K Points

Shift to add a line break, seems unusual.

When making lists for polls we usually need line breaks, and sometimes we have to ask users to use them. In fact we have to use double line breaks because the poll feature ignores single line breaks, similarly to the bug above.

309 Messages


7.2K Points

@Col_Needham​ I was referring to both descriptions and the notes field, which seem to be having the same issue. The list I screenshotted above (https://www.imdb.com/list/ls082480051/) is supposed to have a line break in its description.

Most of my lists don't have descriptions (although many of them have notes). Out of the ones that do, the only line breaks that are still there are the double line breaks (i.e. fully separated paragraphs).

National Film Registry: First (1989-1992) - no line breaks

National Film Registry: 1963-1976 - no line breaks

Westerns That Aren't Westerns - this one still has the paragraphs separated, but one of those paragraphs was originally a block quote. It seems there is no longer any way of putting block quotes in the description, which is totally not cool at all.

excuse me, I'm a star (I was in Breaking Bad and/or Better Call Saul) - this doesn't have anything in the list description spot, but it does have notes on every entry. This is another example of how not having line breaks makes it look a lot worse. The double line breaks are still there, but sometimes people want to use single line breaks and that option should not be taken away.

EDIT: And yes, I checked a different browser and the problem is exactly the same in both Firefox and Edge (these are the only two browser I have).


309 Messages


7.2K Points

@Col_Needham​ The main issue here, which applies to both the list descriptions and the notes field, is that the new update is ignoring single line breaks and only displaying the double line breaks (or paragraph breaks). Pressing SHIFT+ENTER doesn't solve this issue, it only creates paragraph breaks, which is not what I actually want (I only called them "paragraph breaks" in my initial comment because I didn't know how else to describe what I was talking about).

If I were writing essays or journal entries in these notes fields, I would have no need for single line breaks. I would only need to separate paragraphs. On lists like the National Film Registry Stars one, however, I am not using the notes just to rattle off random thoughts, I'm using them to list off relevant data, and for that data to be easily digestible, I need single line breaks.

Each name on that list is a person who starred in at least one National Film Registry title. In the notes field, I provide a complete list of every NFR title they had a role in. I'm not writing prose. I don't want them all to run on in a single line. I also don't want to create a whole separate paragraph for each title in their mini-filmography. It would look weird and ugly, take up tons of extra space pointlessly, and be more confusing and hard to read.

I sincerely hope that this is truly just a bug as you say, and not a part of the design that just completely overlooked the need for singular line breaks in addition to whole paragraph breaks.




7.2K Messages


178.1K Points

@timothy_gray_el34lojg1aih1​  Thanks for the extra details and examples.  We will take a look at what is happening here as, for example, my list descriptions are fine. The notes issue was missed during testing though — hence the reason for public betas. 



35 Messages


480 Points

Thanks for the thorough bug report, we've fixed a bug in our rendering system that wasn't converting newlines to HTML breaks. Your list now has the correct breaks in it. Please let us know if you find any other text rendering inconsistencies between the old and new experience that we missed in our test cases.

309 Messages


7.2K Points

@Jeff_IMDb​ Thanks, Jeff. The line breaks in the notes section have all been fixed in the lists I've mentioned, so that's good. The National Film Registry Stars one is still not displaying the line break in its description (although this has been fixed in the National Film Registry: First (1989-1992) one.)

Do you have anything to add about the block quote issue I mentioned? This is still not displaying in the Westerns That Aren't Westerns list. Is this a bug or are block quotes no longer supported?



35 Messages


480 Points

It might take up to 24 hours for strings without linked names and titles in them to be fixed. If you want to test before that, if you added another character to it and save it, it should refresh the cache.

I see the block quote in the description when I load the page. It's split out into its own lines, specifically this:

Should contain numerous scenes and/or a narrative where the portrayal is similar to that of frontier life in the American West during 1600s to contemporary times. Objective.

Is the concern that it's not pulled forward into a indented quote like Sprinklr does? That would be a difference in our new styling -- since it looks like it's rendering correctly to HTML, but the CSS is different now.


309 Messages


7.2K Points

@Jeff_IMDb​ I don't know if it somehow looks different to you, but on the page I'm looking at the quote looks no different than any of the other paragraphs. There is no visual indication whatsoever that it is supposed to be a quote. If this is by design, it defeats the entire purpose of designating it as such.

This is how the old and new versions look side by side:




35 Messages


480 Points

Thanks, that's what I meant, apologies if I wasn't clear. The team that owns front end styling is taking a look at that problem now.



35 Messages


480 Points

Our front end team has re-added the blockquote indentation and line. It doesn't look exactly the same as before, but it now stands out as it hopefully should.



17.2K Messages


310.5K Points

Hi @timothy_gray_el34lojg1aih1​ -

I'm just following up to confirm that we will correct the list item notes.



17.2K Messages


310.5K Points

Hi @timothy_gray_el34lojg1aih1 -

I'm just circling back to confirm that blockquote has now been fixed!

309 Messages


7.2K Points

7 months ago

I don't particularly care for the new look of the list redesign, and I especially can't accept the way they seem to have gotten rid of the ability to use paragraph breaks (see my other post on this subject), but I am pleased that we are finally regaining some more options for sorting people lists (specifically, by STARmeter and alphabetically). This is going to make it a lot easier for users to navigate large, unwieldy lists (like this one).

But, for the love of god, let us have the ability to use paragraph breaks, or this good news will be totally overshadowed.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled list redesign



7.2K Messages


178.1K Points

7 months ago

Thanks to those taking the time to try the beta and provide feedback.  

We have a specific additional question to help shape the launch -> to match the old behaviour your Watchlist and Check-ins still open sorted with the oldest entries displayed first.  We think it would be better if they opened with the most recent entries first.  We welcome feedback on either approach, thanks. 

309 Messages


7.2K Points

@Col_Needham​ I don't use the Check-ins, but I prefer that the Watchlist stays automatically sorted with the oldest entries displayed first. When I open my watchlist, I want to see the ones that have been waiting the longest, so to speak. The more recent additions to the watchlist can wait; after all, that's the whole point of putting them in the watchlist instead of, you know, watching them immediately.

Lists, on the other hand, should always automatically be in list order. On the mobile app, they always automatically start off with recent additions first, which throws me off. Most of the lists I make are in a specific order and I would rather not have the web version emulate this aspect of the mobile version.

16 Messages


316 Points

@Col_Needham​ I use Check-ins quite a lot and an option to automatically sort them from the most recent to the least recent ones would definitely be helpful. If not by default, it would also help if we could change sorting settings to whatever we prefer and keep them that way. Currently not only the list order but also the view are reseted each time I close the list, which is a bit frustrating.



7.2K Messages


178.1K Points

@Stormcatcher​ Thanks for confirming on your preference for the default on check-ins.  We too would prefer to store the view settings on a customer-by-customer and list-by-list basis — it is something on the list for when the technology migration is complete (this is already how the IMDb iOS app operates). 

16 Messages


316 Points

@Col_Needham is there any chance that the Check-ins will get the recent-first sorting before the whole website is transferred to the new platform? Only the new layout has been introduced, but since you mentioned that a changed default sorting is also your preference, could you specify when it is planned to be implemented?



14.3K Messages


328.5K Points

7 months ago

When editing a list on my iPhone X in vertical position, some of the data is a bit jumbled.



7.2K Messages


178.1K Points

@Peter_pbn​ Thanks — we are looking into this. 



7.2K Messages


178.1K Points

@Peter_pbn​ The editing issues on your phone should be fixed now.  Thanks again for the problem report. 



14.3K Messages


328.5K Points

7 months ago

The list title and description can be edited in the same way whether you are in the edit mode or not. This made me wonder if it could also be possible to edit notes (or list item descriptions) when looking at one's own list, without clicking 'edit'.




7.2K Messages


178.1K Points

@Peter_pbn​ This is a good point, thanks. 

309 Messages


7.2K Points

@Peter_pbn​ This might sound silly, but I would prefer it this change was not made. I tend to compulsively highlight text as I'm perusing through my lists, and it would ruin my ability to do that if every time I clicked on the note it started editing it.

2 Messages


78 Points

7 months ago

I'm actually not bothered by this change to the list pages. I add lots of commentary and this new theme highlights it.

I am bothered by the 'List Activity' number. If I have a page with 1,144 views it now shortens it to 1.1k views.

I like precision. I want to be able to see, for example, "March 1, 2024" and not some vague "two weeks ago". Also, seeing an actual weekly (precise) number motivates me to keep working on my pages. Many users are probably not going to be bothered by this, but it serves as motivation.



7.2K Messages


178.1K Points

@paxd77​ Thanks for the feedback on this. 

4 Messages


104 Points

Agreed, I prefer the specific vs. the rounded numbers, since the specific numbers aren't even available on the title page anymore either.



17.2K Messages


310.5K Points

Hi @paxd77​ -

Thanks again for your feedback.  I can confirm that we will be maintaining consistency with rest of IMDb.

2 Messages


72 Points

7 months ago

I'm not a native english speaker so i'm sorry if i'm not clear in my comments. Well, to be honest, i will be really bothered if keep this new design like this. There is new tools i like, (actually not so new because it was like this 10 years ago) like the drag-and-drop button, i like it. The fact we can manually type the position of an element in the list, that's cool also. The poster is way bigger and that's good also. The notes are better. Maybe if there is not yellow when no comments will highliting more the comments.

But those better points, will not be enough to worth the change because the worst, is really worst. Imagine you have a list of 3.000 or more elements, how to find one specific element ? You have to open 100 after 100 after 100 until you find what you are looking for. A system of pages is way better. I'm not against to scroll over and stay in same page, but please, if you do this, there should be a way to navigate into your list better than this. It will be a nightmare, and i will be honest i will give up the list tool, and give up the list tool, mean give up the website in my side. If you absolutely want to keep this system of scroll, there is some suggestions i really advice to care of. 1.) A search bar to find a number in the list or a name of movie or people to arrive in the exact position you want to be. 2) A button to open your list completely (not every 100 titles please, that's really bothering 3) Please, don't reload the page after each modification of the list. Exemple. You want to change position of the elements 2001 and 2002. You change the 2001 and then the page reload and come back in position 1 and again 100 by 100 until you come back in the position 2002. That's is reaaallllly boring. That's a strange choice you made in doing a same page list and still reload after each modification, because the only advantage to make one page list and scroll it, it's that precisely you don't need to save everytime you change page. No ?

Really, come back like 10 years ago. Keep the drag and drop, poster bigger but in different pages. 

Oh and there no "sort by" anymore ? 



7.2K Messages


178.1K Points

@Papa_Nico83​ Thanks for the feedback.  The lists team are monitoring this thread and will look at your points. 

Oh and there no "sort by" anymore ? 

The sort options should be at the top of the list, along with additional filters available via the filter button, as in:

If you are not seeing this, please follow the steps in https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/common-issues/why-is-imdb-displaying-differently-on-my-browser/GF2ZAR69V859XLHF

Hope this helps. 

2 Messages


72 Points

@Col_Needham​ It remind me only now, but i think the list team should be inspire by this website. https://www.senscritique.com/ I am sorry it's a french website, there is not english. 

I was only user of IMDB 10 years ago, but after change the list design a first time, i search other website and find this one, finally because this other website do not have all informations about movies, and the database is way more complete in IMDB, i decide to come back in here even if the list system is not so good, but like what, 2 weeks later, i see you are going to make this change, but if the list team are not listening the users and keep it the way it is right now, i will quit again IMDB for Senscritique. So i really hope you will consider feedback and not ignore it like before.

Like you see, in this website, the system look like the way you want to go now. A system of drag and drop. With the arrow you can move up or down an item in the list. You can also click and type the position you want your item go. You can remove easely an item from the list by clicking in the cross. And as you can see, it's a system of pages. Many pages mean also different URL. As you can see, the number of page is in the adress URL of the page. You want to change page further than the few numbers you can see in the pagination, you just have to modify the URL. So if i'm looking for the item number 700 for exemple, just a little math and i can find it easely. Actually the way you make the scroll right now, it's like to have a page system without pagination. You know what i mean ? It's really painful.



7.2K Messages


178.1K Points

@Papa_Nico83​ Thanks for sharing the example. 

2 Messages


70 Points

7 months ago

The new list pages layout is horrible and extremely painful to use. Where we used to be able to just type in a number to move an item on the list, we now have to click on it and hold it while we (very slowly) scroll up. On large lists this could take hours. And when we do get it there, there's no "save" button so we don't know if we've wasted our time or not.
Please don't go ahead with this change and if you really have to, then make it easier and NOT harder to use.



7.2K Messages


178.1K Points

@fillbee​ Thanks for the feedback. We are investigating the speed issue with drag-and-drop on large lists, however, the return of drag-and-drop itself is in response to customer demand from when this feature was removed in 2017, please see  https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/imdbcom/lists-drag-and-drop-needs-to-return/5f4a79f28815453dba91d2b1 and https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/imdbcom/lists-edit-list-enhancement-requests/5f4a79e68815453dba8f129d 




14.3K Messages


328.5K Points


The option to move the option to a specific number appears when I click the little arrow on the right.



17.2K Messages


310.5K Points

Hi @fillbee​ -

I'm just following up here to confirm that you can still use numbers, its available in the overflow menu. We will also add an FAQ to cover this.



7.2K Messages


178.1K Points

@fillbee​ The drag-and-drop speed issues should be fixed now. 



14.3K Messages


328.5K Points

7 months ago


How do I insert line breaks when editing a list page?

You can use SHIFT + ENTER which will insert line breaks.

While trying this out on iPhone I noticed that I had two buttons to save the edits ('Done' and 'return') while having to use shift to add a line break.

How do I expand the description field on a list page when editing it?

Clicking and dragging the size-control icon in the bottom right corner will expand the list description field.

Is this supposed to work on phones? I don't think it does.



7.2K Messages


178.1K Points

@Peter_pbn​ Thanks for these, which the team have seen and will look into. 



17.2K Messages


310.5K Points

Hi @Peter_pbn​ -

Just following up to confirm that we will update the FAQ to be more specific. For your second question, this doesn't work on mobile, so if you need to expand you will want to use desktop.



5K Messages


118.1K Points

7 months ago

Using Firefox, I received the pop-up to preview the new version. I was in Edit mode (perpetually open for a list I add to daily), and accepted.

The first things I miss:

- where is the number of items in the list (Edit mode)?

- how do I go directly to the end of the list, so that I can "live" at the end, add a new item there, see it displayed, and add a comment/description for the item?

These 2 ideas are related, because with the "100 more" link, I'm wondering how many times I'll need to click that to get to the end. But I really don't want to click and scroll 13 times for my 1369 item list, because every time the page decides to refresh itself I have to redo the multiple click and scroll, for instance after deleting the last item on the list, or after a Windows update.

To be consistent with other new-version features elsewhere, how about an "Expand All" option?

Next things:

- "Add a title to this list" sounded like I was supposed to add the title OF the list, which was silly because it's an existing list that already has a title/name. The old language is "Add a movie or TV show to this list:" 

- When I use that box to add a new item to the list (notice that "item" would work for all list types), I only get a message that the title was added (which is current-version behavior when I'm not at the end of the list). Which cycles back to my first reaction: how to get to the end of the list.

Third thing:

I'm missing the sort order options - at least the one that lets me Reverse the List Order. That, combined with having the "add item" box at the top of the list might work well together in a lot of circumstances. But frankly, there are times when I'd rather be at the bottom of the page, seeing things in forward order, where I'd also like an "add item" box too.

Fourth thing:

I don't see a way to click to the title/name already ON the list (remember I'm in Edit mode). Often after selecting a title/name, I'm not sure it was the correct one, so I want to open the title/name page to investigate. (A nice enhancement would be to allow opening the candidates from the drop-down list, but that isn't supported in the current version.) And of course, I need to be able to open the title/name page in a new tab/window.

Fifth thing (which will make you shrug):

The colorizing script I've been using via Tampermonkey is completely washed out during Edit mode. (It allows me to colorize the title/name text based on what List the title/name is already on, and mouse-over will show the title/name's lists and rating info). It still works fine in Display mode, but not Edit. Very big loss for me, and the author is not maintaining the script anymore.

Sixth thing:

It looks like we've lost the ability to resequence a batch of items. My recent uses of changing position numbers has been to move several items to the location where they need to be inserted (e.g. assign position 20 to all of them), then refine their positions to the exact locations after they've arrived. Now that we have drag-and-drop back, that would be even easier. But it seems we can only move one item at a time?

More later, I suspect.



7.2K Messages


178.1K Points

7 months ago

@steve_michaud​ & @List_o_mania & @Rex_Ressel & @fillbee  Thank you for the feedback. To address your general points on this and other redesigns.  Yes, we will be going ahead with the updates to the lists system, however, the purpose of the beta is to get early feedback on the interface & features plus to locate bugs which have otherwise been missed during internal testing.  During previous betas we have indeed fixed bugs and we have made (sometimes significant) changes to the user interface and product features based on the beta feedback. 

As to the purpose, this is all part of a multi-year update to the IMDb front-end design and back-end technology to support IMDb's growth and sustainability long into the future.  The new pages are modern, responsive, localised, and accessible, which in turn mean they work well for more customers on more devices in more languages and in more countries. The new technology means we only have to build things once (instead of multiple times previously) and we can do so more scalably. We can therefore launch more customer-facing features more quickly and fix issues as they arise. 

We appreciate that change is hard and we wrote more about this in the annual letter to top contributors at https://contribute.imdb.com/czone/top_msg specifically:

We have a responsibility to ensure the fruits of previous hard work and data contributions are accessible to a worldwide audience for the next 33 (and more) years. This does require the acceptance of change and an appreciation that the presentation of information online is always evolving. What once worked fine when technology was simpler, when expectations were lower, and when the content types IMDb covered were smaller, will not always work as well today. We are heading into the final stages of a multi-year rebuild of IMDb which will see us long into a future where: we grow data types to match the changing entertainment landscape; we cover more languages as entertainment becomes more globally accessible; we support more ways to discover then watch/listen/consume entertainment; and we are more consistent/accessible across a growing range of devices. It is an exciting challenge for us.

Hope this helps and thank you for your understanding even if you may not initally see the advantages. 

44 Messages


1K Points

Just give us pages instead of an endless scroll or the option to jump ahead to a certain point in the list. I can put up with everything else, but the endless scroll with no other options but to constantly load more and more entries has no advantages, especially on a long list.

8.4K Messages


175.2K Points

7 months ago

@Michelle 😁

I posted a copy of Your message "List-Like Pages Beta"

including links etc. to

IMDb Community Forums > IMDb > IMDb Poll

for all List Makers to read
and it was deleted.





7.2K Messages


178.1K Points

@ACT_1​ The beta is promoted on every list page already.  The Poll board is for poll ideas. 

8.4K Messages


175.2K Points




7.2K Messages


178.1K Points

@ACT_1​ The poll community members are unlikely to be creating lists with > 100 items (certainly not for use in polls anyway) so they will be unaffected by any issues relating to pagination, which (outside of small bug reports with fixes underway) is where the majority of the feedback has landed so far.  The new list pages offer significant improvements over the old ones. 

8.4K Messages


175.2K Points

@Col_Needham​ 😀

a few more Listers that may not read or comment here??

IMDb member since July 2017

https://www.imdb.com/user/ur78015401/lists - 112 Lists
TV-Episodes:   9,186 titles Created  7 December 2018
Sammlung 2:   9,192 titles Created 15 November 2018
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IMDb member since October 2020

https://www.imdb.com/user/ur124910210/lists - 272 Lists
TV4 Plus:     9,265 titles  Created 18 November 2021
TV3 Plus:     9,698 titles  Created 18 November 2021
TV2 Plus:     9,924 titles  Created 18 November 2021
TV1 Plus:     9,815 titles  Created 18 November 2021
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IMDb member since July 2012

Movies Watched The Big List - 10,000 titles created  9 March  2013
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IMDb member since January 2016

https://www.imdb.com/user/ur64692115/lists  - 8 Lists
Notable Actors List        - 10,000 people   created 27 August      2016
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IMDb member since September 2006

https://www.imdb.com/user/ur12202866/lists - 6 Lists

Tv Episodes Watchlist created - 6 Nov 2019  10,000 titles

Tv Episodes Watchlist 2 created - 27 Nov 2019  10,000 titles

Tv Episodes Watchlist 3 created - 30 Dec 2019  10,000 titles

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IMDb member since October 2010

https://www.imdb.com/user/ur23995989/lists - 5 Lists
SERIES EPISODES Created 10 December 2011 10,000 titles 


- - -



Werecats in Outer Space Cntd  created 25 Feb 2021 - 10,000 names





7.4K Messages


275.2K Points

7 months ago

Col: One thing we need to get back (i.e. not lose in the beta version) is list pagination.

So, for example, I have a list with 352 entries at https://www.imdb.com/list/ls529923431/.

Under the list design before the change, I see 100 titles at a time. But the successive pages each have separate URLs. So, for example, the second page is at https://www.imdb.com/list/ls529923431/?sort=list_order,asc&st_dt=&mode=detail&page=2

And that means that the last page is at https://www.imdb.com/list/ls529923431/?sort=list_order,asc&st_dt=&mode=detail&page=4. I can just change the page number in the URL to move around the list.

With the beta version, though, the list isn't paginated. One has to click on "100 more" to advance each page, because the URL doesn't change from https://www.imdb.com/list/ls529923431/ as you click on that. This aspect is not an improvement to the list function. 




7.2K Messages


178.1K Points

@gromit82​  Thanks for the feedback.  The scrollable / infinite feed is here to stay as there are many use cases this way around, specifically being able to view / print / search a list in its entirety vs. only in 100 item chunks.  The general switch to this style of view for lists / search results across IMDb is based on customer feedback, research, and modern UI practices. However, you (and others) are raising good points here and we will look at options to skip to specific points in the list and/or change the default number of items loaded per click and/or add an “All” option to more easily bring everything into view. 



17.2K Messages


310.5K Points

Hi @gromit82​ -

Just following up to share that we are in the process of improving pagination.  Thanks again for the helpful feedback!

2 Messages


72 Points

@Col_Needham​ To be fair, while it is a "common/modern" UI design approach, it does have a lot of drawbacks as well. Neither one is perfect

2 Messages


70 Points

7 months ago

The new Beta Test Pages are better in design and look.  One problem is that when I use the 9 dots symbol to line my collection up in rows of 3, then look at a movie's details, and then hit the back arrow to view my collection in rows of 3, but instead they are back to a single line of movies. Please correct this, so that the website has memory of customization.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Beta Test Pages



7.2K Messages


178.1K Points

@jpjgabby​ Thanks for the feedback.  We will take a look, but in the meantime, a workaround is to open any title pages which you wish to view in a new browser tab — this way the grid layout will be retained in the initial tab. 



17.2K Messages


310.5K Points

Hi @jpjgabby​ -

Just wanted to confirm that we will work on adding a URL parameter and memory to website.  Thanks again for your report!