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118.5K Points

Saturday, January 13th, 2018 6:33 PM

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Lists: Edit list enhancement requests

After the 6 Dec 2017 Update to List Pages, many people have expressed frustrations/desires to improve the new Edit functionality.

Perhaps the most popular is to bring back Compact View, which is documented here:

In addition:

A. Select List (to copy or move titles) should include a Create New List option (as it did before the Update)

B. Add title 
  1. (or name on People list) should support using the full url
  2. alternate titles appear; instead need titles that match the search; see how it's done on iPhone app per C.Needham
  3. as part of the drop-down results, provide a link that would show full search results in a new tab, namely the same results we'd get from the search box at the top of every page, but without having to reenter the search
  4. option to show thumbnail image with title matches, and make results box bigger to accommodate that.
C. Changing title position within list
  1. return drag/drop reordering 
  2. return one-button delete title 
  3. allow within position box to trigger Save List Order
    D. Provide option to show more than 100 titles on the Edit page

    E. Add all the Refine/Sort options from View list to Edit list.

    F. Navigation within the Edit page
    1. provide floating menu to move/copy/delete/save order/prev page/next page/Add Title, OR
    2. provide floating menu to take us to the move/copy/reorder options NEAR the TOP or to the page navigation/add title NEAR the BOTTOM of the edit page, NOT to the physical top/bottom, OR
    3. need all these features at both top and bottom of page: move/copy/delete/save order/prev page/next page/Add Title/Done
    4. provide individual page numbers for direct access, as Amazon does on product search results pages, but include Last Page (since that is where you can Add Title and see the result immediately).

    2 Messages


    104 Points

    7 years ago

    This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled List management.

    I think  IMDB should enable the possibility of changing the elements in our private lists by mouse movement . Typying any number to change their position is very exhausting.

    45 Messages


    2.3K Points

    7 years ago

    I agree that dragging to reorder lists should be restored.  I don't understand why IMDb removed this capabilty in its recent wide spread revision of the website.



    7.5K Messages


    182.1K Points

    The context is in and 

    Drag and drop is an unfortunate casualty of the changes, hence this idea thread.  It is supported on the iOS app for both iPhone and iPad where this type of functionality is significantly easier to implement and support. 



    5.1K Messages


    118.5K Points

    Col Needham
    You already have the code to push movie cards up and down the screen from the system before the Dec 6 update.

    If you adapt that code to the new back-end system, and offer it as a separate mode with only 50 titles at a time (as it was before the Dec 6 update), it would provide a lot of relief.

    48 Messages


    2K Points

    More like list 500 titles at a time. The more, the merrier as far as I'm concerned. :)



    5.1K Messages


    118.5K Points

    I do most of my list editing on a Chromebook, which often struggles when I have too many tabs open. I remember the old drag/drop being sluggish even on my laptop, which has more memory/computing power. 

    48 Messages


    2K Points

    7 years ago

    That's from an early beta of a Chrome extension I built. It's in limbo right now because manipulating IMDb's complicated new pages is not easy and there's no point in finishing the extension if IMDb are going to add the features back themselves.

    I have no idea what's going on and uncertainty breeds inertia.



    5.1K Messages


    118.5K Points

    Your video is amazing. I hope IMDb contacts you to get the code and make it official!

    What his extension does is allow you to drag/drop titles to change their position. He also has an option to hide the comments, to make the dragging distance shorter.

    48 Messages


    2K Points

    Thanks! IMDb won't help but at least I can potentially give people back their features (with extras!) if I make the extension public in future.

    I'm so conflicted at the moment. I don't want to help IMDb as a matter of principle (they removed features and they should deal with the consequences) and I don't know if I'm wasting my time because they have their own plans. On the other hand, I think they're finished with their "improvements" and I could make a lot of fellow list-makers happy.

    77 Messages


    4.7K Points

    7 years ago

    Don't understand why this is taking so long. Must be permanent holiday time at IMDB

    'E' is needed faster than ASAP, like yesterday. Gone in a flash, months later promised but not delivered.

    48 Messages


    2K Points

    7 years ago

    I'm looking at your list of features as more or less a roadmap for ILMg.

    (A) should be achievable but it will require a new layer of code because it'll require AJAX calls when I'm currently only dealing with DOM events. One of those things that's easy to deal with on the server side and not easy on the other side.

    (B) not too sure what some of these mean because I've only ever made title lists. (B.2) just seems like a quirk that IMDb has always had -- it would be difficult to fix with a browser extension and I'm not convinced it's worth the effort (never been more than a minor inconvenience to me in the past). (B.3) should be trivial. In fact, I'll look at adding it today. Should the search open in a new page/tab or the same?

    (C.1) is obviously already done. (C.2) is simulated to the best of my ability using the "jump to list controls" feature. The workflow becomes: check item -> jump to controls -> delete. It's hardly "one click", I agree, but it's a hell of a lot better than scrolling. I would also argue that true "one click" delete with no confirmation is a bad idea. I lost some great comment writing thanks to the old system. At least my current workflow feels somewhat intentional. (C.3) could be fairly easy now that I've cracked IMDb's DOM event system -- it's certainly something I would like to add and will look at today.

    (D) I'm very happy with the current default but my ideal would be for ILMg to allow an arbitrary number of items per page. That is probably the single hardest feature request from the client side though. I'd love to do it but it's not in my current plans.

    (E) would require much the same tricky coding as (D). If I ever solve one, I could probably solve the other rather quickly. But given that I would personally use neither feature, it would take a considerable amount of external motivation to encourage me to do either.

    (F) I hadn't read your topic when I created ILMg but as you can see, I read your mind with the floating menu. Cloning the pagination at the top/controls at the bottom turned out to be harder than expected because my clones weren't receiving the correct DOM events. If I figure out what they are, I can hook my own elements up to those event handlers. In the meantime, perhaps I should add a "Jump to list bottom" (not sure of name?) that will effectively do what you want: provide easy access to both control regions from anywhere on the page. (F.4) can be done pretty easily, I would imagine.

    The only planned feature not included here is a little element that appears after you change a position textbox value and then hover over it. The little box that appears tells you the name of the film that you're going to displace in the new position given.

    B, C and F are the only ones likely to make it into any early public releases of ILMg. But 50% isn't bad compared to the 0% you're likely to get from IMDb.



    5.1K Messages


    118.5K Points

    B.3 question: my vision when I wrote it was to open the full search in a new tab. I wanted the full search that they do when you hit enter/the search button here, basically that bottom link "See all results for...":

    48 Messages


    2K Points

    7 years ago

    ILMg update 1

    Added "Open all results" option to the bottom results list attached to the "add new item" textbox.

    In this example, clicking on the new option opens the following page in a new foreground tab:



    5.1K Messages


    118.5K Points


    You're making terrific progress!

    Quibble: Instead of saying "Open all results", which might be interpreted to mean several tabs will explode into being, perhaps "See full search results" might be more reassuring.

    48 Messages


    2K Points

    Yeah, I wasn't happy with the wording myself to be honest. Thanks :)

    48 Messages


    2K Points

    7 years ago

    ILMg update 2
    • Pressing enter in a position textbox automatically enables the checkbox for that item and then triggers the "update list order" event.
    • New toolbar button that jumps to the "add a new film" section.
    • New toolbar button that fires the "update list order" event with a single click.
    • Toggling Compact View now always puts the item closest to the top of one view at the top of the other (instead of generally preferring the next item down). Note: This lovely smooth transition between views doesn't happen automatically! I had to code an algorithm to do it. By default, you could be hovering around position 20 when you activate Compact View and then end up closer to 100! ILMg is full of tiny (often unnoticeable to the untrained eye) UX enhancements like this.
    • Upgraded some of the technical stuff: swapped out the inefficient and deprecated DOM3 mutation event listeners for MutationObservers. Since IMDb's pages are already slow as dick and some people apparently struggle to use the new list editor properly on old hardware, ILMg has to be fairly well optimised.
    • Fixed regression bug that enabled all list controls except "change order" after a drag and drop operation. Some controls listen for "change" and others listen for "keydown". ILMg now consistently fires both.

    A public beta should be available this month.



    5.1K Messages


    118.5K Points

    watchinglotsofstuff said:

    A public beta should be available this month.
    You read my mind. I thought of asking after your earlier post, but didn't want to be pushy.

    You've added:
    • Pressing enter in a position textbox automatically enables the checkbox for that item and then triggers the "update list order" event.
    I'm surprised you implemented this in addition to drag/drop and floating menu. Is there some confirmation requested before the update executes? I've noticed that I sometimes hit Enter without meaning to (don't know why, since it has no functionality), and if premature in a multi-title move, that could make the position numbers entered incorrect. (If you'd rather remove the Enter trigger, that would make sense to me.)

    Will you look at whether this script/extension will work on Name lists too? (I've never made an Image list, so I don't know how similar Edit mode is there.)

    48 Messages


    2K Points

    Not only does it update the order immediately, it automatically checks the checkbox so you don't even have that to protect you. I would advise not accidentally pressing enter. :P

    Drag and drop doesn't really cover my personal use case. It's very nice to have but I want to be moving items between several pages a lot. The initial release won't have many options but there's no reason I can't make it more customisable in the future.

    48 Messages


    2K Points

    7 years ago

    ILMg update 3

    Redesigned the control panel/toolbar thingy to add a bunch of features while also making it smaller. On the far left and right are pagination controls. With the additional buttons, it feels like you can do pretty much anything from anywhere on the page. :)



    5.1K Messages


    118.5K Points


    Update 3 looks terrific! Where does "List Controls" take you? Since your public list has a long description, I'm betting it's to the line just under that description.

    Regarding the navigation toolbar: Any thoughts for providing a page number box to allow the user to specify the page to display? Will mouse middle-click (or control tap on a touchpad) while on a directional arrow open the requested page in a new tab? (I'm speaking Windows in that last sentence.)

    Regarding <enter> activating Save Order: if this navigation toolbar is always onscreen, I don't see why that feature was so attractive to you... unless you move 1 title at a time. 

    You also mentioned in this post "it automatically checks the checkbox". I'm sure the IMDb version of changing position number doesn't require checking the box. Unless they changed something since I last did a move, which hasn't been too long ago.

    48 Messages


    2K Points

    7 years ago

    ILMg update 4

    Self-explanatory video:

    Another big extra feature that IMDb never had. The box only comes up if the position you're moving to is on another page allowing you to easily double-check your movements.



    5.1K Messages


    118.5K Points

    update 4 video; awesome feature added.
    The word "Replacing" would make me nervous. I'd suggest "Moving ahead of ..."

    Then again, are you also changing the movement algorithm? If not, does your confirmation message take into account whether the move is forward or backward among the titles? Does the message only pop up when you hit <enter> within the position box? What if you've changed multiple position numbers?

    48 Messages


    2K Points

    Yeah, the UI messages are very much work-in-progress. That stuff will be finalised when I add them to a set of const strings at the end of development. Functionality first at the moment!

    All movements act according to IMDb's default movement behaviour. I think changing it would be foolish because it expands the surface area of the interaction between ILMg and IMDb (more stuff to break!) and because people have adjusted to the current behaviour.

    Thanks for your comments as usual :)

    48 Messages


    2K Points

    7 years ago

    ILMg update 5

    Latest showcase:

    • Even though I've never made a People list and have no interest in doing so, I've confirmed that ILMg works with those lists. But Image lists will be incompatible indefinitely.
    • "Save order" button is unavailable until there's actually a changed order to save.
    • Placeholder now has a blue mark next to it -- a minor cosmetic change but one that makes drag & drop a better experience.
    • Adding a new item whilst in compact view now reverts the view to normal. This is necessary because of how the code works. Fortunately, in my opinion, it's also the logical behaviour.
    • Further code optimisations. Minimising jQuery calls as they're expensive.
    • I've decided that ticking all boxes between the old position and new position after a move operation is useful behaviour even if it's unnecessary. It allows for simplifying range deletion: move the first item you want to delete to the position after the last item you want to delete and then it's a one click operation. Not sure how often it'll be useful but there's also no harm in doing it.
    • Due to the slow speed of AJAX requests, the modal dialogue showing which item will be displaced from another page is activated by using the shift key inside the position textbox.
    I feel a first release coming soon!



    5.1K Messages


    118.5K Points

    I like what I see in the latest video (update 5). I watched it a few times, but couldn't figure out what you meant by 
    • Placeholder now has a blue mark next to it -- a minor cosmetic change but one that makes drag & drop a better experience.
    Didn't know what you mean by placeholder, and didn't see a blue mark... unless it's the vertical bar that follows the name card that you're moving.

    In your reply above, you answered my question about how the title will be moved (by existing IMDb methods; I'd dispute anyone getting used to the numbering when moving forward; they likely get used to moving it twice and swearing a lot.) But you didn't answer whether you've taken into account that moving a title/name down a list gives a different result than moving a title/name up in a list.

    Using the name list from your video:

    If I want to move Jackman between Noe and Fulci by using numbers, I have to specify position 2 as the new location. (But if I want to move Tarantino there, I'd specify position 3.) What will the software display in the confirmation box when moving Jackman down? (With your software, they are close enough that I'd drag/drop. But I wanted a simple example for the screenshot, and the relative position is the same: when moving down the list, you have to use n-1 to land the title/name in the position before the current n. That's not how moving a title/name UP the list works, where you specify position n.)

    48 Messages


    2K Points

    I'll read this later because I'm tired but yeah, the visual change is just that subtle blue highlight on the left hand side. Nothing major. :)

    48 Messages


    2K Points

    7 years ago

    ILMg update 6
    • Shift + R when outside of any kind of input element brings up a complete list of changes that will span multiple pages.
    • You can't enter non-numeric data into position textboxes anymore.
    • The feature set is completely frozen for a public release of v1.0.0.
    • The only stuff going on now is code polishing (bug-testing, refactoring, optimisations etc.) and administrative work (creating icons, signing up for a Google Developer account, getting a key etc.).

    1 Message


    80 Points

    @watchinglotsofstuff  Any updates on your app extension?

    3 Messages


    132 Points

    @watchinglotsofstuff Were you just trolling us? What happened? How could you get so close to "fixing" all these issues and then abandon the community? If you dropped the extension purely out principle than how are you any better than IMDb's noncompliance?  

    5 Messages


    160 Points

    5 years ago

    PLEASE return drag & drop. Lists are USELESS. For me IMDB is useless.