5.1K Messages
118.5K Points
Lists: Edit list enhancement requests
After the 6 Dec 2017 Update to List Pages, many people have expressed frustrations/desires to improve the new Edit functionality.
Perhaps the most popular is to bring back Compact View, which is documented here:
In addition:
A. Select List (to copy or move titles) should include a Create New List option (as it did before the Update)
B. Add title
E. Add all the Refine/Sort options from View list to Edit list.
F. Navigation within the Edit page
Perhaps the most popular is to bring back Compact View, which is documented here:
In addition:
A. Select List (to copy or move titles) should include a Create New List option (as it did before the Update)
B. Add title
- (or name on People list) should support using the full url
- alternate titles appear; instead need titles that match the search; see how it's done on iPhone app per C.Needham
- as part of the drop-down results, provide a link that would show full search results in a new tab, namely the same results we'd get from the search box at the top of every page, but without having to reenter the search
- option to show thumbnail image with title matches, and make results box bigger to accommodate that.
- return drag/drop reordering
- return one-button delete title
- allow within position box to trigger Save List Order
E. Add all the Refine/Sort options from View list to Edit list.
F. Navigation within the Edit page
- provide floating menu to move/copy/delete/save order/prev page/next page/Add Title, OR
- provide floating menu to take us to the move/copy/reorder options NEAR the TOP or to the page navigation/add title NEAR the BOTTOM of the edit page, NOT to the physical top/bottom, OR
- need all these features at both top and bottom of page: move/copy/delete/save order/prev page/next page/Add Title/Done
- provide individual page numbers for direct access, as Amazon does on product search results pages, but include Last Page (since that is where you can Add Title and see the result immediately).
2 Messages
104 Points
7 years ago
I think IMDB should enable the possibility of changing the elements in our private lists by mouse movement . Typying any number to change their position is very exhausting.
45 Messages
2.3K Points
7 years ago
48 Messages
2K Points
7 years ago
That's from an early beta of a Chrome extension I built. It's in limbo right now because manipulating IMDb's complicated new pages is not easy and there's no point in finishing the extension if IMDb are going to add the features back themselves.
I have no idea what's going on and uncertainty breeds inertia.
77 Messages
4.7K Points
7 years ago
'E' is needed faster than ASAP, like yesterday. Gone in a flash, months later promised but not delivered.
48 Messages
2K Points
7 years ago
(A) should be achievable but it will require a new layer of code because it'll require AJAX calls when I'm currently only dealing with DOM events. One of those things that's easy to deal with on the server side and not easy on the other side.
(B) not too sure what some of these mean because I've only ever made title lists. (B.2) just seems like a quirk that IMDb has always had -- it would be difficult to fix with a browser extension and I'm not convinced it's worth the effort (never been more than a minor inconvenience to me in the past). (B.3) should be trivial. In fact, I'll look at adding it today. Should the search open in a new page/tab or the same?
(C.1)is obviously already done.(C.2)is simulated to the best of my ability using the "jump to list controls" feature. The workflow becomes: check item -> jump to controls -> delete. It's hardly "one click", I agree, but it's a hell of a lot better than scrolling. I would also argue that true "one click" delete with no confirmation is a bad idea. I lost some great comment writing thanks to the old system. At least my current workflow feels somewhat intentional. (C.3) could be fairly easy now that I've cracked IMDb's DOM event system -- it's certainly something I would like to add and will look at today.(D) I'm very happy with the current default but my ideal would be for ILMg to allow an arbitrary number of items per page. That is probably the single hardest feature request from the client side though. I'd love to do it but it's not in my current plans.
(E) would require much the same tricky coding as (D). If I ever solve one, I could probably solve the other rather quickly. But given that I would personally use neither feature, it would take a considerable amount of external motivation to encourage me to do either.
(F) I hadn't read your topic when I created ILMg but as you can see, I read your mind with the floating menu. Cloning the pagination at the top/controls at the bottom turned out to be harder than expected because my clones weren't receiving the correct DOM events. If I figure out what they are, I can hook my own elements up to those event handlers. In the meantime, perhaps I should add a "Jump to list bottom" (not sure of name?) that will effectively do what you want: provide easy access to both control regions from anywhere on the page. (F.4) can be done pretty easily, I would imagine.
The only planned feature not included here is a little element that appears after you change a position textbox value and then hover over it. The little box that appears tells you the name of the film that you're going to displace in the new position given.
B, C and F are the only ones likely to make it into any early public releases of ILMg. But 50% isn't bad compared to the 0% you're likely to get from IMDb.
48 Messages
2K Points
7 years ago
Added "Open all results" option to the bottom results list attached to the "add new item" textbox.
In this example, clicking on the new option opens the following page in a new foreground tab:
48 Messages
2K Points
7 years ago
A public beta should be available this month.
48 Messages
2K Points
7 years ago
Redesigned the control panel/toolbar thingy to add a bunch of features while also making it smaller. On the far left and right are pagination controls. With the additional buttons, it feels like you can do pretty much anything from anywhere on the page. :)
48 Messages
2K Points
7 years ago
Self-explanatory video: https://vimeo.com/268239826
Another big extra feature that IMDb never had. The box only comes up if the position you're moving to is on another page allowing you to easily double-check your movements.
48 Messages
2K Points
7 years ago
Latest showcase: https://vimeo.com/268535192
48 Messages
2K Points
7 years ago
5 Messages
160 Points
5 years ago