2.3K Messages
40.5K Points
INTRODUCING: Updated IMDb.com Title page experience

We are excited to announce the launch of IMDb’s newly refreshed movie and TV show pages! The renewed page is meant to make your IMDb experience easy and enjoyable, and its design represents the diverse interests of global entertainment fans. The refresh reflects IMDb customer feedback and research designed to enhance entertainment content discovery and navigation.
Please note, we are gradually launching the new design to a selection of IMDb customers. If you do not yet see the design, we expect to make it broadly available in the weeks ahead. Thank you for using IMDb!
For more information, check out this Help article.
7.5K Messages
182.2K Points
4 years ago
@alex_warheit Thanks for the feedback. This change is part of on-going work to improve IMDb both in the front-end user interface and on the back-end technology platform. This is work which happens continuously at IMDb and normally in smaller increments, which is always our preference. However, occassionally we do need to synchronize an update around a whole page type as in the case here. On the other hand, we have already moved the home, what to watch, video, and photo pages to the new system so this is not completely new.
A redesign at IMDb always starts with the customer -- both reactive feedback gathered from existing customers of the current site and proactive outreach with research panels of customers and non-customers alike. We consider what is working for them in the design and what is not. We build prototypes and we test engagement in numerous cycles until we are ready to update the experience.
In the case of the title pages, following all of the research, they have been in an open beta for nearly six months as we fixed bugs and measured the engagement. The new technology is significantly easier to build upon, it is more engaging, and it is also responsive so we no longer need to build every feature twice (once for desktop web and once for mobile web). Many customers access IMDb both on the web and on an IMDb app -- we are improving consistency so people do not have to learn two (or more) different interfaces to access IMDb. There are other behind-the-scenes advantages which will be revealed over time as we more rapidly launch new features and grow IMDb even further.
We accept that change is hard to handle and we have been able to make more incremental changes to the site since the last major redesign in 2010. However, here we are now in 2021 with a major refresh -- at least it is one page type at a time vs everything at once. All we ask is that you give yourself time to get used to the new interface -- we expect you too will start to appreciate many of the advantages as you become more familiar with it. This has definitely been my experience. Although it is probably of little help today, we observed the same kind of feedback in 2010, and again in the redesign before that one, and so on all the way back to our first site in 1993. Yet if we had retained the 1993 interface, we would not be here today. It is the sudden change which is hard and this why we try to avoid it unless absolutely necessary. We do appreciate this.
As a contributor we hope that you would want the data you contribute to be easily accessible to as many other people as possible and, as always, we remain true to the Contributors Charter. If you would like a more data focussed view then you can set your preference here to the advanced view. We typically steer regular customers away from this view as it lacks many features of the main interface.
Hope this helps.
10 Messages
324 Points
4 years ago
Is there an option to view the older version of a movie/show's main page? I'm not seeing it on the new edition (and immeasurably prefer the older version). Thanks!
4 Messages
108 Points
4 years ago
The new layout is horrible. Looks like it's made for some kind of underachieving schoolkids who only adapted to instagram like inferior apps.
Please provide the option to switch to the old layout. You may lose a bunch of users with the new one.
36 Messages
486 Points
4 years ago
I can understand your point of view, but you need to understand ours too! I can't get used to the new interface because the informations are less accessible than before, so I will have to use the advanced view (once it changes in Edge too). Then I will mostly have to scroll all day or visit extra sites I don't want to visit just because I want to copy a name from the list.
But most importantly: With the new interface I can't checkin a title anymore! At least I can't find it - whether in standard or advanced view. Are you killing this feature? If so, what happens with the old checkins? And what happens with the plot outlines in the different languages? Are they vanishing too? I only see the english plot outline wthout any selection of language. I have contributed so many that I am very upset about that.
So please find a workaround for PC users that all the relevant informations (i.e. release date) get back into the head section and the names' texts can be simply copied! Paleeease!
4 Messages
108 Points
4 years ago
I guess the only good thing IMDb has reached with that notorious new layout is the increased population of this very community - the place where IMDb users could hopelessly try to talk some sense into the IMDb authorities.
6 Messages
134 Points
4 years ago
Been an IMDB user for a decade or more. THIS IS Horrible, ugly, looks cheap and dated. Very cluttered, unprofessional looking, hard to find information, WAY too big and garish. Looks like a child's website or some old Geocites or MySpace website from 1999. Just terrible. Don't "fix" what is not broken as this garish "new look" is a prime example of. I see in some of the other comments a mention of "apps"....well, that could explain a lot. This ridiculous mobile phone crap and websites changing themselves to cater to tablets and phone trolls. this site now looks HORRIBLE to a PC user, and if not trimmed up and made more professional looking as opposed to a silly phone app, I'll be hunting for another movie database frequent. Don't bring your "App poison" to the PC , thanks!
2 Messages
70 Points
4 years ago
Is there any way to get the old layout back?
1 Message
62 Points
4 years ago
This is one of the worst redesigns I'v seen. It's clearly meant for mobile only.
5 Messages
150 Points
4 years ago
As Senglung said, "Absolutely hate the new design. Yes, it takes up more space and is harder to find information. I'd rather scan (by actually reading) what I'm trying to find and get taken to pictures when I click on something - smaller pictures. Looks like you shrunk everything I come to site to find and filled pages with too much what I hesitate to call "style" over substance. Why did you do this? Is there any way users can switch back to old design? Big fail." and other such comments, I agree. The managers and techs that came up with this design must been having extremely bad eyesight, or thinks people love giant bright designs because IMBD staff does, or they were drunk and possibly high on drugs when they came up with this design. When a company has good design, why is it that they think they should change it and usually for a disaster, instead of something truly good? The old design was easy on the eyes and easy to navigate. this new design is BAAAAAAAD. It is like that cartoon that was put out on windows 10, which vast amount of people hate as well. The cartoon describing windows 10 shows a new jet passenger plane with wings on the top (pointing up) and on the bottom (pointing down) instead of on the sides, in other words it could fly as the program could not, nor can this new design. This new design will have to be tolerated because IMBD staff love and think it is beautiful, and do care for what the user thinks. Comments like this and other similar comments only give your staff a big laugh. As others have commented, I wish that IMBD would return to the old design.
9 Messages
254 Points
4 years ago
I have to use my Windows magnifying glass (at 150 to 200%) to comfortably read online. The previous IMDb format had smaller sections
I could enlarge to fit the laptop screen. Now, the new format is spread out (same small text but huge sections) across the page requiring one
to continuously move left/right and up/down to navigate and read the small text. Not the end of the world, but, just makes enjoying the site a bit difficult.
2 Messages
70 Points
4 years ago
The part of the site when viewing a series/movie cast, it's just all images and looks like it belongs on a mobile device with very little information. However the rest of the site hasn't been tampered with.
The site with more information and text is better, this new image layout is just confusing and lacking.
5 Messages
110 Points
4 years ago
Yeah. Created a throwaway account on the Community forum just to post here: This new website is absolute crap. I guarantee you just ensure that more and more people will use adblockers just to clean up the page somewhat.
Now just waiting for an extension that will change the layout to something people on desktops would like to use rather than this massive waste of space you've foisted on us.
Fire the web designers - oh, wait...this is an Amazon company - probably the people they also had working on their video games...how are they doing again?
8 Messages
276 Points
4 years ago
Stop screwing with the old design! If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Or at least give us the option of which design to use!
1 Message
60 Points
4 years ago
I hate to say I HATE THE NEW DESIGN because you've probably expected old users to just hate anything new. But I do hate it for good reason. It's clunky, eyes will have to roam around the desktop screen to look for info, and worst of all, the top 2 things most users would like to know right away about a movie--GENRE & RATING--are far from the title. Please tweak the design. There's probably more to say but this design issue here you must admit is just plain mistake. Thanks.
1 Message
60 Points
4 years ago
This new page design is sooooo bad.... The main thing is that now I need to scroll the whole page to find things that before were all grouped together at the beginning (trivia, user reviews, connections... between the others...). I am trying hard to get used it, and I think I can say I am a power user as I visit IMDB many times a day, but I am starting to seriously considering other alternatives.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give us at least the option to go back to the previous design!