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17.2K Messages


310.4K Points

Thursday, April 25th, 2024 4:30 PM

IMDb Redesigns List-Like Pages

IMDb Redesigns List-Like Pages




We are excited to announce the launch of IMDb’s redesigned List pages! These pages are meant to make your IMDb experience easier and more enjoyable by providing a modern, clean presentation of information with 3 different viewing types available (detailed, grid, compact) on each List page tailoring to both written and visual preferences. We have also improved mobile navigation making it easier to view IMDb features on the go. These enhancements reflect changes suggested by IMDb customers, as well as our own in-depth research designed to enhance entertainment content, discovery, and navigation.  For more information about the redesign you can review our List Page FAQ.


We hope you enjoy these latest improvements, and thank you for continuing to make IMDb the world’s most trusted source for movie, TV, and entertainment content. 


— The IMDb Team

23 Messages


420 Points

5 months ago

I like it!
It is taking a little getting used to but the design is eye-pleasing and the increased functionality is great!


9.8K Messages


161.7K Points

5 months ago

I noted this issue yesterday, which has been solved.


Now, that I am able to see the missing image is on a list and it is viewable, I am noticing two minor issues that require extra work and a more significant issue that required a creative off-site soultion.

  • I cannot see the text from missing image from the list page like before. However, I was able to view it by clicking the missing image, which required to an extra step to figure out what needed to replaced.

  • When I tried to edit the text out to a replacement page with the coding I was unable to. I was only able to cut-n-paste it out and put the coding back onto the transferred text in the notes of the replacement image. Again extra work, but a minor issue, except when you have to do things like this a hundred times, it adds up.

  • Lastly, in the end I was unable to format the text like before or like the other existed listed item on-site. When I tried to add a space line in the notes, the return key could not be used to add the space line back in from the transferred text, because it acts to save the changes and closes the editing feature. So, the #6 item is not formatted like the items in #5 or #7.

  • I guess one solve could be editing the text elsewhere off-site and then I could cut-n-paste it in as a solution. But, it seems like what should be a 5-10 second fix is going to require going off-site and be a minute plus fix. Again, time that adds up when you have to do it hundreds of times. I did get the list formatted the way I wanted, but it required going off-site to do it and a creative solution, that may not occur to everyone. Obvious, a software fix makes more sense.

This public list is https://www.imdb.com/list/ls044499006/ and I am using an android duckduckgo browser (not app) on an android tablet to view and edit it.




7.2K Messages


178K Points


When I tried to add a space line in the notes, the return key could not be used to add the space line back in from the transferred text, because it acts to save the changes and closes the editing feature

Please see the FAQ and specifically:


How do I insert line breaks when editing a list page?

You can use SHIFT + ENTER or SHIFT + RETURN which will insert line breaks.


Hope this helps. 

9.8K Messages


161.7K Points

@Col_Needham​ Thanks.

318 Messages


4.6K Points

5 months ago

Another annoying thing is that I can't watch my lists without the edit mode. 

I can't copy and paste my lists without the formatting. 




7.2K Messages


178K Points


Another annoying thing is that I can't watch my lists without the edit mode. 

Please can you explain what you mean by the above?

I can't copy and paste my lists without the formatting. 

The same again — links and screen-grabs might be helpful, thanks. 

318 Messages


4.6K Points


this is how I see other lists:


but I can watch my lists only in edit mode:

Now, I try to copy the text in the list to IMDb poll board but it's impossible to do it  without the text formatting.

for example:

I want to copy "In 2024 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind celebrates  20 years" but I can only copy the text with the text formatting, like this: "In 2024 [link=tt0338013] celebrates  20 years." 



7.2K Messages


178K Points

@Boromir Here’s the text from https://www.imdb.com/list/ls066700208/ pasted here:


"How happy is the blameless vestal's lot! / The world forgetting, by the world forgot / Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! / Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd" (Alexander Pope's poem "Eloisa to Abelard")

In 2024 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) celebrates 20 years. The story follows Joel (Jim Carrey) and Clementine (Kate Winslet) as they undergo a procedure to erase memories of their tumultuous relationship.

The movie is full of beautiful, sad and bittersweet moments between the two main characters - Joel and Clementine.

Which one is your favorite?

Discuss here


It looks like perhaps you are trying to copy the text in edit mode, which naturally would include the IMDb formatting so instead you should copy it from view mode. 

318 Messages


4.6K Points


It's not your list, this is why you can copy the text without IMDb formatting. 

There is no view mode.




7.2K Messages


178K Points

@Boromir​ Thanks for clarifying.  I am on Safari on an iPad and I can select the text on my own list, however, I see the problem using Chrome on a Windows machine.   We will report this to the team.   In the meantime, you can still copy-and-paste the text by opening your own list in an incognito / private browsing tab and copying the text from there. 

8.9K Messages


166K Points


Same for me. I can only copy it, when logged out. So it turns to a log-out / log-in game. :(

The worst is the very narrow window in that I hardly can see my text to edit it and the "enter"-fail.




7.2K Messages


178K Points

@Breumaster​ You do not need to log out / login at all while we look at this issue — as noted above, simply open a private / incognito browser tab and copy from there. 

The worst is the very narrow window in that I hardly can see my text to edit it

For list descriptions, you can expand the window using the icon in the lower right of the text box, as highlighted here (drag from this icon to expand the box):

For individual notes on list items, the text window will expand as you type; the issue of note display being truncated in edit mode is noted elsewhere in this thread and we are working on this. 

Hope this helps. 


318 Messages


4.6K Points


Thanks, it's a good solution for now, but (1) we still need a "view mode," and (2) most IMDb users don't know about this solution.

Regarding the descriptions, we want to see the whole text without expanding. Second,  currently, we can only view one full description at a time. Moreover, the expanding didn't stay after we move to other option in the list.

8.9K Messages


166K Points

5 months ago

Please take the guy who did it and kick him out.

It is a desaster for me as a Poll-Maker to edit lists with the new editing form.

If that continues, I quit writing polls. It's no fun with that kind of tool.

Just wanted to edit a poll and can't because the edit mask takes the enter-key as finish-button.

Next line can't be written.

Sorry the page is getting worse with things like that.

I don't have a clue why they are always trying to make it better

and then do things like that. Bad, bad, bad. :( Very bad.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled The new list-editor is awful for poll creators.

1 Message


62 Points

5 months ago

Spoiler tags no longer seem to work in lists. I'm following the formatting specified on this page: https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/track-movies-tv/lists-faq/GNQMN47VZSE7KW38#  

In the previous layout, my spoilers were properly hidden. Now none of them are.



7.2K Messages


178K Points

@juanitocito​ Thanks for the problem report.  We have alerted the lists team. 

258 Messages


5.7K Points

5 months ago

I like how the name of the director and actors can be seen on the lists, it should be the same on Advanced Search + to see the genre without clicking on the i in a circle symbol on the right.

The more we scroll, the slower the content opens when we click on that symbol.



7.2K Messages


178K Points

@plur62​ Thanks for the feedback:

I like how the name of the director and actors can be seen on the lists, it should be the same on Advanced Search

We have passed this feedback reminder to the search team.

3 Messages


80 Points

5 months ago

I recently exported my Seen movie list, and in the list I'm finding many films that have a release date that is off by the true release date / year by even decades. I'm guessing it's showing the date of the film being re-released? In any case it's a major glitch.

A sample of the films, with the wrong date that is displaying:

25th Hour 2/22/2021
Big Trouble 2/22/2021
Broken Arrow 2/22/2021
Red Heat 2/18/2022
The 51st State 11/1/2021
Withnail and I 1/1/2023
Ruthless People 2/22/2021
Bernie 4/1/2022
The Adventures of Huck Finn 11/12/2019
The Inbetweeners Movie 2/5/2021
Bulletproof Monk 5/28/2019
Salinui chueok 10/23/2020
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Exported lists displaying wrong year / release date



7.2K Messages


178K Points

@briskt​ The release dates, certificates, running times, and titles in exports are now localised to your country.  It looks like you might be based in Canada as these appear to be the earliest listed release dates for Canada for those titles?  

We are looking at providing controls (or an override) for the export locale. 

3 Messages


80 Points

Yes, I'm in Canada, and I think you are correct in describing what is happening. But the date that appears in the list should be the earliest listed date for the film, period. Not localized.



7.2K Messages


178K Points

@brisktThanks again for the problem report.  We have updated the export on everything other than the ratings list (the same changes are awaiting time for the appropriate software team).  The “Year” column is now always the earliest release year per what you see on the IMDb /title/ pages, irrespective of your location. The exact release date is still localised to correspond to your settings or location.  We feel this is a fair compromise between customers who want localised data and those who do not. 

262 Messages


8.2K Points

4 months ago

The redesign seems ok, no serious issues so far for me. 



14.2K Messages


328.3K Points

4 months ago

with 3 different viewing types available (detailed, grid, compact) on each List page

That clearly doesn't apply to all list types. But why not keep the thumbnail version of image lists, which literally looks like a grid?


26 Messages


724 Points

4 months ago

When I pull up any one of my Lists to edit an item the whole view is different. I can not just go directly to the desired spot in the box but must scroll through all the descriptions for an item to begin editing what I need to add. In addition, if I want to enter more than one line of information when I hit ENTER it closes me out of the description all together instead of being able to just jump one line below.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Changes to the Editing Functions on My Lists



7.2K Messages


178K Points

@denise_6033628​ Please see our List Page FAQ.

Hope this helps. 

26 Messages


724 Points

@Col_Needham​ Thank you for your answer. Do not like that when looking at the item descriptions they drag off to the right out of view, instead of wrapping around. Where do I find the 3 different viewing types available? Why aren't the editing icons shown below here available in the editing mode of the list items?



7.2K Messages


178K Points

@denise_6033628​ The line-wrap for notes in edit mode is a known issue, sorry, and the lists team is working on a fix. 

The three styles in view mode are at the top of the list on the right, as shown here:

Once you select one view, all other lists will open with the same view until you switch the view to another one. 

Why aren't the editing icons shown below here available in the editing mode of the list items?

Please can you explain the issue in more detail and ideally attach a screen-grab to illustrate the problem? 

Hope this helps. 



14.2K Messages


328.3K Points


Why aren't the editing icons shown below here available in the editing mode of the list items?

Please can you explain the issue in more detail and ideally attach a screen-grab to illustrate the problem? 

I think it's a suggestion to add text formatting buttons in lists.


9 Messages


760 Points

4 months ago

Is there a way to revert this please. I'm finding it incredibly difficult to navigate. At least just bring back page by page so I don't have to keep scrolling and scrolling. I would much prefer to be able to get to the bottom of the page and click "next page" rather than what the desktop version is looking like at the moment. Please, help me out here. 



6.7K Messages


118.2K Points

@niall_hassett​ Agree, infinite scrolling is the worst possible thing.

Follow the IMDb Polls in Facebook and Twitter

7 Messages


202 Points

4 months ago

I know i've brought up the finnicky nature of the list system in the past, but this new version is even more of a mess. It - so far anyway - still has the same misplacing problems like when manually editing an item's place and saving the changes, which doesn't work properly; never aligning with where it should go, as well as the item count not being accurate, but now the whole system is more of a chore. Since there aren't pages of 100, clicking on an item to visit the page and going back to the list means that I have to scroll all the way back to where I was previously, creating lag problems in the process. Will there be a way to select what kind of list presentation we want to use, or are we stuck with a slower version that retains old issues?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled New list UI/presentation

9 Messages


760 Points

4 months ago

Hi everyone. 

I have dyspraxia and use the lists feature to find new things to watch and sometimes when there is overwhelming change, it's very difficult to navigate it. 

Just today, the lists aspect of the site on desktop changed. Instead of having the next 100 button at the bottom to click on, it just automatically updates it instead, like continues on rather than bring me on to a new page.

I can't stress how much this bugs me and I would really love if I can get it back to the way it was 24 hours ago.

Please and thank you, a loyal IMDB user.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Lists change

70 Messages


984 Points

4 months ago

I got the new version of IMDB lists back again today.

Things I Like:

1. The Filters feature.

2. In Edit there are now two methods for moving entries. The drag and drop method

works best for short distances. The line number method works best for long distances.

Things I Hate:

1. The long single page format which makes it take much longer to scroll to the bottom

of a long list than it did with the multi-page format. You also no longer have the option
to skip to any page (by changing the page number in the URL).

2. In Edit mode, the field where you select new movies to be added is at the opposite end
of the list from where they are added, making you have to scroll back and forth from top
to bottom when you add and position new movies within your list.

Things I Don't Like:
1. In Edit mode, when you update Notes, you have to use Shift-Enter instead of Enter to

add a new line to your note because Enter ends your update instead of the check mark.

This provides no benefit to the user. The old way was easier.

2. You have to select "< Back" instead of "Done" to get out of Edit mode. This is not very

clear. It took me a while to figure out how to get out of Edit the first time.

I am glad they fixed the abbreviated Notes box in Edit mode.
That would have driven me nuts.



7.2K Messages


178K Points

@MSebring​ Thanks for the feedback, just on this one:

In Edit mode, the field where you select new movies to be added is at the opposite end of the list from where they are added, making you have to scroll back and forth from top to bottom when you add and position new movies within your list.

Please flip the sort order of the list in edit mode and the new entries will appear at the top directly under the additions form. 

Hope this helps. 

70 Messages


984 Points

That does work, and I suppose I'll end up having to settle for that.
Another idea I thought of was to add all the movies I want to add
and then positioning them all, instead of adding and positioning
each one before going on to the next one.

3 Messages


94 Points

4 months ago

The new list interface doesn't hide what is marked as spoiler as the older interface did, so my list is left with spoilers for all movies in it being visible, which completely defeats the point of hiding them and since it's a recommendation list, it is quite bad that spoilers are easy to read without any warning.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled New IMDB list interface not properly covering spoilers



7.2K Messages


178K Points

@afsr11​ Thanks for the problem report; this was reported earlier in the thread and the team are working on a fix for this.  Sorry for the inconvenience in the meantime.