3 Messages


80 Points

Thursday, May 16th, 2024 1:59 AM


Exported lists displaying wrong year / release date

I recently exported my Seen movie list, and in the list I'm finding many films that have a release date that is off by the true release date / year by even decades. I'm guessing it's showing the date of the film being re-released? In any case it's a major glitch.

A sample of the films, with the wrong date that is displaying:

25th Hour 2/22/2021
Big Trouble 2/22/2021
Broken Arrow 2/22/2021
Red Heat 2/18/2022
The 51st State 11/1/2021
Withnail and I 1/1/2023
Ruthless People 2/22/2021
Bernie 4/1/2022
The Adventures of Huck Finn 11/12/2019
The Inbetweeners Movie 2/5/2021
Bulletproof Monk 5/28/2019
Salinui chueok 10/23/2020

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