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17.2K Messages


310.4K Points

Wednesday, November 1st, 2023 4:50 PM

IMDb Advanced Search Redesign

IMDb Advanced Search Redesign


We are excited to announce IMDb’s Advanced Search redesign! Customers are now able to leverage all three sub-searches (Name, Title, Collaborations) on a single search page, making it easier to update search queries and navigate to desired results. The refreshed search is meant to enhance the IMDb experience for all customers worldwide, improving the discovery and navigation with easier access to celebrity, movie, and TV content on any device. The updated experience reflects feedback and suggestions from customers as well as in-depth research.

For more information about the redesign you can review our FAQ, and for more information on how to use the new Advanced Search feature you can find details on our Help Guide.


We hope you enjoy this latest improvement, and thank you for continuing to make IMDb the world's most trusted source for movie, TV, and entertainment content. 


- The IMDb team



258 Messages


5.7K Points

8 months ago

New/old feature is added, that's good, but it should only be years, without months, because we can't search e.g. titles from January 1 to December 31 of a given year, but only from January 1 to December 1.




7.2K Messages


178K Points

@plur62​ Thanks, yes, this is a known bug (see earlier in the thread) and we are working on a fix. 



7.2K Messages


178K Points

@plur62This has now been fixed.  Thanks again for the problem report. 

10 Messages


324 Points

7 months ago

The old advanced title search allowed the inclusion of "Awards," whereby titles would come up that had *any* entries in that category, regardless of the awarding body (or "event," in the Imdb terminology). 

Is it possible to do that with the new advanced title search page? I'm seeing the option to include movies with *specific* awards or nominations (e.g., "Oscar-nominated), but not to include movies that have *any* data on their "Awards" page.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Possible to select generic "Awards" option on new advanced title search page?



5K Messages


118.1K Points

Yes, it's under Page Topics:


2 Messages


70 Points

7 months ago

https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title_type=tv_miniseries&genres=horror, always starts from 1, and it takes a lot of time to click "next 50" to get to where I was. Could it be possible to get some kind of "sitemap" to be able to jump to page 900-950and so on? TY!

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Surfing on voting lists

2 Messages


70 Points

7 months ago

it is frustrating not being able to search by location in the advanced search. This allowed to search for films shot in New York during the 1960s (for instance). Removing this feature just makes the site less useful when looking for info I care about.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Advanced location search



7.2K Messages


178K Points

@AspiefLocation search is still available — it is a topic search on the advanced search page so that you can combine other search criteria with the location search.  Please see https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/discover-watch/using-the-advanced-search-feature/GLUEUYWPQNPTEVPU?ref_=helpsrall#keyword for more details.  

For example, movies shot in NYC in the 1960s -> https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title_type=feature&release_date=1960-01-01,1969-12-31&locations=New%20York%20City@@@%20New%20York@@@%20USA

Hope this helps. 

258 Messages


5.7K Points

7 months ago

This menu icon

is not visible anymore when we scroll down and when we want to change search parameters.

We have to go all the way back to the top of the page to do it.



7.2K Messages


178K Points

@plur62​ We are not sure what you mean, sorry.  The above is the filter arrow (as used on /name/ pages and other locations on the site to add/remove filters to the current view).  The way to reach the top of the page in the advanced search results (and elsewhere) is via the “Back to top” link, as in:

If you are not seeing it, please see https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/common-issues/why-is-imdb-displaying-differently-on-my-browser/GF2ZAR69V859XLHF

Hope this helps. 

258 Messages


5.7K Points

@Col_Needham​ Sorry, I think it's actually the "see results" button, which is yellow, before it was visible when we passed the first 50 results (or before 50, I'm not sure), it appears when we scroll up a bit, so we can change at any time search mode, but now it's gone, so we have to go back to the top of the page to do it.

I'm talking about the mobile version of the site, I haven't checked how it is on the desktop version.

This is how it looks, no see results button visible



7.2K Messages


178K Points

@plur62​ Thanks for the details.  The mobile site and desktop are essentially the same these days, other than necessary differences in layout due to screen size (that’s one of the advantages of the new technology — we do not have to build everything twice).  We are not aware of any changes here, sorry, and we are not sure why either the filter button or the see results button would make sense in this context — there’s already a “Back to top” which gets you easily back to where you need to be to adjust the search parameters anyway. 

Are you not seeing the “Back to top” button? If not, please can you try with a different browser and then let us know the phone and browser combinations which you have tried.  We assume you have a standard installation and you are not modifying pages with plug-ins (especially ad blockers) as these may incorrectly hide the button. 

8 Messages


152 Points

6 months ago

problem since friday. always this errors, only if I wanna search by my dates of rating. i tried on mobile, firefox and google chrome

8 Messages


152 Points

hi col, thanks for your reply, all of them resulted in an error



7.2K Messages


178K Points

@gino_misanthrop_d_angelo​ Thanks for confirming; one last thing to try -- please can you open an incognito / private browsing window, login again there, and try the links?  

8 Messages


152 Points

6 months ago

the 2nd one is working in incognito modus



7.2K Messages


178K Points

@gino_misanthrop_d_angelo​  Thanks — this is helpful and we will pass this along to the search team. 

59 Messages


1.4K Points

6 months ago

For example, if I search for all feature films made in the 20th century and sort them by number of user votes descending:


I am unable to see the exact number of user ratings. I only get to see the approximate figure, such as 2.9M for The Shawshank Redemption, for example. I remember that I was able to see the exact number of ratings only a few months ago.

I have also noticed that I am able to see the exact number of ratings in IMDb lists that I have made but unable to see it using the IMDb advanced search function.

Is there any method to display the exact number of user ratings in the search results?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled I have noticed that the exact number of user votes are not visible in title search anymore.

59 Messages


1.4K Points

6 months ago

I have noticed that the exact number of user votes are not visible in title search anymore.

For example, if I search for all feature films made in the 20th century and sort them by number of user votes descending:


I am unable to see the exact number of user ratings. I only get to see the approximate figure, such as 2.9M for The Shawshank Redemption, for example. I remember that I was able to see the exact number of ratings only a few months ago.

I have also noticed that I am able to see the exact number of ratings in IMDb lists that I have made but unable to see it using the IMDb advanced search function.

Is there any method to display the exact number of user ratings in the search results?

8 Messages


116 Points

6 months ago

Before the redesign, the site had a great search option for the "Trivia" section. For example, if I wanted to find all the movies that used Wilhelm's scream or had a reference to Jaconda, it was convenient to search for such movies on the Advanced Search page (https://www.imdb.com/search/).

The existence of such a feature is documented, for example, here https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/general-information/you-have-so-much-information-where-should-i-start/G47FFV4PZE6GTZ75#.

Today, however, this page offers only a search by titles. No trivia.
How do I access this feature today? - All my attempts to find this functionality end up with a link to a page that lost this functionality after the redesign.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled How do I search under "Trivia" section? It was possible before

8.4K Messages


175K Points




Page Topics
Only includes titles with the selected topics
[ Wilhelm's scream ]
https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?trivia=Wilhelm%27s%20scream : 983


8 Messages


116 Points


Thank you very much for your reply - I could not find this item on my own.

It's certainly better than nothing. But it's something impossible to work with - the previous version of the design gave a list of facts at once.  The search did not bring up movies, but the trivia facts themselves.

In your proposed version, if I need to read the trivia about Wilhelm's scream in the movie Titanic, then after finding the movie in the search, I:

- go to the movie page, scroll to the section "trivia"

- search the page for the words I need and,

- if the trivia is not found, then I need to expand the facts with the button "spoilers" or "50 more" (in the case of the movie Titanic this button had to be pressed 9 times),

- and then search again.

It's still doable for one movie, but if you have to watch 10 or more — it's a horrible experience. Especially from a phone.

Maybe there is a link somewhere with access to the old search after all?

8 Messages


116 Points


Let me add to my previous comment:

Imagine that the user needs to find not only all movies that have a wilhelm scream, but also write out the timecodes of each scream for each movie.

In the previous version of search, this was a couple minute task. In the current one, it's a couple days work.

Anyway, thank you very much for your reply and help.



7.2K Messages


178K Points

@timquo​ Thanks for the feedback. We will be including the text of the topics matched directly in the search results as before (in your example, trivia).  This work is scheduled, however, the launch of the updated lists feature is ahead of it (lists also require support from the search team).  

One of the advantages of folding the topic search into Advanced Title Search (ATS) is that you can also restrict the matching titles by all of the other ATS criteria, whereas before those searches were general across all titles.  For example, you can now search for all movies which involve Arnold Schwarzenegger and the quote “I’ll Be Back” -> https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title_type=feature&quotes=%E2%80%9Ci%E2%80%99ll%20be%20back%E2%80%9D&role=nm0000216

Hope this helps. 




7.2K Messages


178K Points

@timquo​ We will also arrange for an update to the help page which we missed at the launch, sorry. 

8 Messages


116 Points

@Col_Needham​ Many thanks for the encouraging reply and thanks for the work you've done - can't wait for the updates. BW

8 Messages


116 Points

@Col_Needham​ Sorry to bother, but are there any updates on the issue I mentioned in my previous message? Yesterday, I tried to find all the trivia about movies that somehow referenced the Statue of Liberty — what would have taken ten minutes in the old design literally took hours. Am I missing something?


timquo, Mon Apr 08 2024 10:49:58 PM:
In your proposed version, if I need to read the trivia about Wilhelm's scream in the movie Titanic, then after finding the movie in the search, I:

- go to the movie page, scroll to the section "trivia"

- search the page for the words I need and,

- if the trivia is not found, then I need to expand the facts with the button "spoilers" or "50 more" (in the case of the movie Titanic this button had to be pressed 9 times),

- and then search again.

It's still doable for one movie, but if you have to watch 10 or more — it's a horrible experience. Especially from a phone.



7.2K Messages


178K Points

@timquo​ We gave an update further down the thread which I will repost here:

The fixes for lists are still on-going, sorry, and the search team is busy fixing issues with the replacement for the filmosearch feature.   All of this is complicated software which involves multiple systems / data types / implementation teams, so it takes time to design, build, test and launch.  We already have the design for this feature, but the other stages are awaiting the teams to be available. Thank you for your patience in the meantime.  

8 Messages


130 Points

5 months ago

I use an A-Z search for certain categories of movies (SCI-FI, History etc). My search for Sci Fi movies currently returns 11,972 results. Is there a way to save the search at a certain result number?. I tried to save (bookmark) my search at result 3050, but when I returned to the search engine later, it takes you straight back to result number 1 and you have to continually scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on the "50 more" to the next set of results and so on until I get to where I need to be.

Bookmarking does not save the the last 50 results you look at and it's very frustrating having to continually scroll down to where I need to be.

I would be helpful if there was an option to go to a certain result number, so I could continue my search from there without spending 20 minutes scrolling to reach the point I left off at.

Apologies if a solution is obvious and I've missed something, but since the loss of separate pages for searches that can be saved, using the current advanced search has become a chore and no longer an enjoyment.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled advanced search query

6 Messages


126 Points

5 months ago

After i applied filters to advanced title search, the results yielded are displayed broken. Some titles are displayed double and  they are placed disorderly( 5,6,4,5,6,7).I tried on many browsers and desktop display mode and the result is same.

 I hope it will be fixed because advanced search is valuable.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Advanced search results display problem



7.2K Messages


178K Points

@Caglarerdem​ Thanks for the problem report. This was recently fixed so please can you confirm that the above results are from today and, if so, please provide the URL of the search shown above. 

6 Messages


126 Points



6 Messages


126 Points

@Col_Needham​  The results above are from today.But I tried many set of filters today so I'm not sure which url belongs to the first screenshot.So, I tried one more time to reply you and here is a new screenshot and a new url. Problem is up to date. With every page reload, a different type of problematic list of movies are yielded.





7.2K Messages


178K Points

@Caglarerdem​ Thanks, this works for our investigation. 



7.2K Messages


178K Points

@Caglarerdem​ We are having trouble reproducing the above results, sorry.  Please could you try the suggestions in https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/common-issues/why-is-imdb-displaying-differently-on-my-browser/GF2ZAR69V859XLHF?ref_=helpsect_cons_5_1# and if it is still behaving like this, please let us know which browser(s) you tried on which devices and operating systems.  Thanks. 

258 Messages


5.7K Points


I had a similar problem (Chrome browser).

That visual glitch can be fixed by going to chrome://flags, typing Vulkan and enabling that feature.

Chrome browser:


Vulkan: Enabled


This worked for me.



7.2K Messages


178K Points

Thanks @plur62​ 

@Caglarerdem Can you confirm that this was the problem? 

6 Messages


126 Points


Chrome browser:


Vulkan: Enabled


I did this for chrome and the result is fine.The yielded list is correct.But I don't know if specifically vulkan solved the issue.It could be a coincidence too.

I now tried advanced search on opera and it is broken.It is fine on Microsoft edge.


  I also checked the article on IMDB help center " Why is IMDb displaying differently on my browser?".

  I will try different approaches in the following week.Observation is necessary for a while i guess.

 Thanks for time and effort to @plur62 and @Col_Needham 

Note: I use Samsung a34 smart phone


13 Messages


182 Points

5 months ago

As it says - it used to be that we could search for movie quotes.  I'd put in a word or phrase, and a list of movies quotes containing that word or phrase would be the result. Very useful, but now gone.

Can we get it back?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Are we ever getting the ability to search quotes by words or phrases back?



5K Messages


118.1K Points



7.2K Messages


178K Points

@wilderbyfar​ Please see the reply above from @bderoes (thanks) — for additional information on using the new advanced title search, please see https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/new-features-updates/advanced-search-redesign/G73SLJ6K33AA6NB5

13 Messages


182 Points

5 months ago

My question was:  As it says - it used to be that we could search for movie quotes. I'd put in a word or phrase, and a list of movies quotes containing that word or phrase would be the result. Very useful, but now gone. Can we get it back?

The response was:

My further question is:

Thank you for the response!  Can we get it in a more useful form?  This doesn't link to the quotes, just movies that may contain the quotes.  The old version linked to the quotes themselves.  In order to review the quotes from this you'd have to click through to the movie, then  (if it were the Simpsons, somehow find the episode that the quote was in.  Search used to provide a series of the actual quotes, which was very, very useful to me.  As it is, I'm forced to use other databases that aren't nearly as complete as IMDB.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Search for quotes - can it be transformed into a more useful form?



14.2K Messages


328.3K Points

4 months ago

On iPhone I now see the text "Filter by additional keywords" in the keyword field in the advanced title search. I don't see it on desktop.

It is a little confusing that it says "Filter by additional keywords" already before I have entered anything.

The feature itself seems to kick in after I have entered a keyword, started the search and then return to the search filters, where there is now a list of additional keywords (like in the regular keyword search).




7.2K Messages


178K Points

@Peter_pbn​ This is part of an experiment so it appears your phone is in the test group and your desktop machine is not.  This will equalise again once one version or the other launches.