8 Messages


130 Points

Monday, April 22nd, 2024 2:00 PM


No Status

advanced search query

I use an A-Z search for certain categories of movies (SCI-FI, History etc). My search for Sci Fi movies currently returns 11,972 results. Is there a way to save the search at a certain result number?. I tried to save (bookmark) my search at result 3050, but when I returned to the search engine later, it takes you straight back to result number 1 and you have to continually scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on the "50 more" to the next set of results and so on until I get to where I need to be.

Bookmarking does not save the the last 50 results you look at and it's very frustrating having to continually scroll down to where I need to be.

I would be helpful if there was an option to go to a certain result number, so I could continue my search from there without spending 20 minutes scrolling to reach the point I left off at.

Apologies if a solution is obvious and I've missed something, but since the loss of separate pages for searches that can be saved, using the current advanced search has become a chore and no longer an enjoyment.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

IMDb Advanced Search Redesign

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