13 Messages


182 Points

Monday, May 13th, 2024 2:54 AM


Search for quotes - can it be transformed into a more useful form?

My question was:  As it says - it used to be that we could search for movie quotes. I'd put in a word or phrase, and a list of movies quotes containing that word or phrase would be the result. Very useful, but now gone. Can we get it back?

The response was:

My further question is:

Thank you for the response!  Can we get it in a more useful form?  This doesn't link to the quotes, just movies that may contain the quotes.  The old version linked to the quotes themselves.  In order to review the quotes from this you'd have to click through to the movie, then  (if it were the Simpsons, somehow find the episode that the quote was in.  Search used to provide a series of the actual quotes, which was very, very useful to me.  As it is, I'm forced to use other databases that aren't nearly as complete as IMDB.

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IMDb Advanced Search Redesign

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