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17.2K Messages


310.4K Points

Wednesday, November 1st, 2023 4:50 PM

IMDb Advanced Search Redesign

IMDb Advanced Search Redesign


We are excited to announce IMDb’s Advanced Search redesign! Customers are now able to leverage all three sub-searches (Name, Title, Collaborations) on a single search page, making it easier to update search queries and navigate to desired results. The refreshed search is meant to enhance the IMDb experience for all customers worldwide, improving the discovery and navigation with easier access to celebrity, movie, and TV content on any device. The updated experience reflects feedback and suggestions from customers as well as in-depth research.

For more information about the redesign you can review our FAQ, and for more information on how to use the new Advanced Search feature you can find details on our Help Guide.


We hope you enjoy this latest improvement, and thank you for continuing to make IMDb the world's most trusted source for movie, TV, and entertainment content. 


- The IMDb team



258 Messages


5.7K Points

9 months ago

Will there be any more changes or is this the final version?

1. Do you plan to put information about the director, actors and genre so that we don't have to click on "i in a circle" every time?

2. What about pagination?

3. One of the major disadvantages is that we have to open the links in a new tab or window every time, because otherwise it returns us to the first 50 results. What about that?

I think these are the key features that are missing in the new version. Without the rest, I guess, most users could live. 🙂




7.2K Messages


178K Points


Will there be any more changes or is this the final version?

No, this is not the final version as there are still some outstanding bugs and missed requirements vs. the old version. To answer your specific questions:

1. No plans for this.  The more simple display tests better and is more scalable, sorry. 

2. This is on the list to review (not changing the pagination, but at least supporting an extra parameter so you can skip to a specific point in the results).

3. We have flagged this for the team. 

Thanks for the feedback. 

2 Messages


70 Points

9 months ago

Why was Filming location removed as a Search item?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Why was Filming location removed as a Search item?



7.2K Messages


178K Points

@UnicornIMDB​ Location search is still available — it is a topic search on the advanced search page so that you can combine other search criteria with the location search.  Please see https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/discover-watch/using-the-advanced-search-feature/GLUEUYWPQNPTEVPU?ref_=helpsrall#keyword for more details.  



6.7K Messages


118.2K Points

9 months ago

Why isn't this advanced search giving no results?


I had spend a lot of time saving advanced search links in a blog to find useful information for Me, and now they are all useless.

I wanted to find all movies, TV movies, Video movies and documentaries I saw in a given year, marking a minimum runtime. However it is not possible to see Movies, TV movies, Video movies and documentaries in a single list anymore, and now I can only find lists if I limit myself to a single title type.

Can this be fixed?



7.2K Messages


178K Points

@Pencho15​ This is the search you need -> https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title_type=tv_movie,video,feature&release_date=2023-01-01,2023-12-31&sort=num_votes,desc&adult=include&runtime=45,9999999&my_ratings=restrict

By popular request from customers, the title type “movie” now includes narrative features and documentaries so there was no need for you to restrict the search to only titles which have the documentary genre. 



6.7K Messages


118.2K Points

@Col_Needham​ Thanks.

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258 Messages


5.7K Points

9 months ago

Does anyone know how to search all feature films without a plot outline?

This link used to work on old Advanced search, but not anymore





14.2K Messages


328.3K Points

I mentioned this flaw on the first page of this thread and Col said they would look into it, though admittedly that is now seven weeks ago.

(A difference I noticed is that the title search gives me a 404 error while the name search just ignores the search phrase.)




7.2K Messages


178K Points

@Peter_pbn​ / @plur62 Yes, this is still on the list of issues which the team is working through. 



7.2K Messages


178K Points

@plur62​ / @Peter_pbn 

This link used to work on old Advanced search, but not anymore


As noted earlier in the thread, this was recently fixed. Thanks again for the problem report.



14.2K Messages


328.3K Points

9 months ago

When I search for titles with fewer than 1000 votes (ratings), the results don't appear to include titles with no votes (or fewer than 5) such as unreleased titles. I was a little surprised by this, but I don't know if it is different from before.



7.2K Messages


178K Points

@Peter_pbn​ I cannot remember either, but the team can check the previous software.  In any case I think such results should be included so we will report this. 

8.4K Messages


175K Points

9 months ago

Advanced title search

Can not search "Soundtracks" for a song title?? 😳


Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled song title?



5K Messages


118.1K Points

8.4K Messages


175K Points

@bderoes​ 😀

Thank you !!

2.7K Messages


82.6K Points

9 months ago

I know it also wasn't possible in the old advanced search, but can you make it possible to have a search filter for causes of death?

2 Messages


72 Points

8 months ago


I try (for example) to search for the German title ("Friedhof ohne Kreuze") of this movie: tt0063740.

If I use the "normal" search (https://www.imdb.com/find/?s=tt&q=Friedhof%20ohne%20Kreuze) I get a result.

If I use the advanced search (https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title=Friedhof%20ohne%20Kreuze) not.

Is it a bug or a feature?

Thanks and Cheers


PS: The site language is set to German.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Search vs. Advanced Search



7.2K Messages


178K Points

@TrailerTracker​ Good catch, thanks. It is a little bit of both a bug and a feature; if we cannot fix it, we should at least document it.  The “Title name” field searches the original titles so https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title=Une%20corde%20un%20Colt works and it searches the US titles so https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title=Cemetery%20Without%20Crosses also works. However, it does not search any other local AKAs, which is the same behaviour as the previous Advanced Title Search. We will report this to the appropriate team.



14.2K Messages


328.3K Points

8 months ago

Topic searches such as Quotes use fuzzy search so for example my search for "corporation" seems to include matches for "corporal". This was not really a problem when the matching quotes were displayed in the search results, but now it's a hassle. Perhaps there could be a way to restrict to exact matches.

3 Messages


90 Points

8 months ago

I love the added feature of only inputing the year in a search instead of mm/dd/yyyy. However, the "latest" side of the search should go through Dec 31, not Dec 1.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Advanced Search - Date Error

3 Messages


84 Points

8 months ago

this url: https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title_type=feature&release_date=2018-01-01,2018-12-31&adult=include&sort=num_votes,desc&count=250&!countries=in used to work in excluding movies from India (via the "!countries=in" part in the URL) but now it no longer works.

any suggestions in how i can now filter/exclude a specific country?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled how to exclude search results from a specific country?

3 Messages


84 Points


In your case, the URL would be -> https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title_type=feature&release_date=2018-01-01,2018-12-31&sort=num_votes,desc&adult=include&countries=!IN&count=250 

Hope this helps. 

omg, thank you so much! all i had to do was move the exclamation mark! i even asked chatgpt about this and the suggestions it gave me were "&countries=NOTIN" and "&countries=~IN" etc but none worked.

again, many thanks!

4 Messages


170 Points

8 months ago


in the advanced title search, I want to display titles that two specific companies worked on.

This works great for names (using the "," in the URL) - displaying only titles, where name 1 AND name 2 are listed.

The same unfortunately doesn't work for companies. Here, it seems to be an OR-operator, displaying titles where either company 1 OR company 2 is listed:

Is there something I'm missing or is it simply not possible.. yet?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Advanced title search - AND not working for companies



7.2K Messages


178K Points

@ansgar​ Thanks for the problem report. We have flagged this to the appropriate team. Some Advanced Title Search fields default to using a logical “or” but most use a logical “and” for the comma separator.  We are checking to see if companies can be switched to “and” as that would make more sense and be similar to other related fields. 

9 Messages


214 Points

8 months ago

After removing all the filters in the Your Ratings page years ago, now the filter by My Rating in the Advanced Search has also been removed.

Please, bring at least one of these things back.

Now there isn't a place where I can have a list of, for example, all the TV shows I rated 8 stars.

I loved the option of filtering by title type in the Your Ratings page, but I need at least the option in the Advanced Search page.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Advanced Search - My Rating



7.2K Messages


178K Points

@pxara​ This option has not been removed, but you do have to be logged in to see it -- can you check that you are logged in? The following should work if you are logged in -> https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title_type=tv_series&sort=my_ratings,desc&my_ratings=restrict

Hope this helps. 

9 Messages


214 Points

Hello! I'm logged in. I can filter for titles I've rated but not by my rating. That was possible before the update, now that option has been removed. Also, I'm talking about filtering by my rating, not sorting.



7.2K Messages


178K Points

@pxara​ The link provided above sorts by your rating so you can scroll to the 8/10 section. 

Are you referring to a recent change on advanced title search?  The new version supports all of the previous queries (and more) aside from a few pending bugs with fixes in the pipeline.  Checking the ATS page from a year ago and there are no filters by your rating -> https://web.archive.org/web/20230210101034/https://www.imdb.com/search/title/ and simlarly none older that we could find. 

9 Messages


214 Points

@Col_Needham​ Wow! I feel like I'm in an alternate reality. I've been sorting and scrolling through the lists to get what I need. But today I was sure that option existed and I just couldn't find it with the new design.

I guess I was just remembering the very old My Ratings page. That option was available there: filtering by Title type and My rating at the same time.

You should add this option, anyway.

Thank you for your answer.

2 Messages


70 Points

8 months ago

After that latest update of IMDb Advanced Search

US-UNRATED Certificate Movies List got disappeared

Here is the URL showing no results


Please get back this if possible 🙏

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled US-UNRATED Certificate Movies List Missing after lastest Advanced Search Update



38 Messages


414 Points

Hi @alvinpangratious ,

Thank you for reporting the issue, have raised Ticket (#D116603255) with our Technical team to resolve the search update.



7.2K Messages


178K Points

@alvinpangratious​ This has now been fixed.  Thanks again for the problem report. 

2 Messages


92 Points

8 months ago

Please bring back proper pagination. The advanced search feature is useless to me without it, you can't skip to a certain point, and you can't bookmark a certain point for later.