urbanemovies's profile

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156.7K Points

Wednesday, June 24th, 2020 11:38 AM

XX: Favorite "Father of ...." Biographical Movie? (Closed)

In a Father's Day 2023 celebration of all fathers everywhere, a fatherly themed biopic or biographical documentary poll.

Which of these select feature films about a game-changing person who is commonly regarded as the "father of ...." for a notable discovery, a pioneering effort or inspiring a nation is your favorite "father of" biographical movie or "father of" individual?

3.6K Messages


54.9K Points

3 years ago


Tim Berners-Lee father of the World Wide Web

9.4K Messages


156.7K Points

@mariojacobs​ Nice one


9.4K Messages


156.7K Points

Thanks, it was broadcast on PBS, so I assigned it to the "Father of ..." episodic series side of these media titles. List: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls033949695/

Thread: Favorite Biographical "Father of ...." Episodic Series?


8.8K Messages


164.7K Points

2 years ago

8.8K Messages


164.7K Points


A little controverse, but ...

Worlds Greatest Dad ... Lance

... Sorry, this one is not a biopic I know. ;)


3.6K Messages


54.9K Points

@Breumaster​ perhaps he could included Otto von Bismarck as the father of modern Germany... you must know better, I'm not that good in history.

8.8K Messages


164.7K Points


Albstein showed me that I'm not good in history, either. I know the Bismarck-Herring, which is an unbeatable dish in a semmel (bavarian kind of bread) together with pickled cucumbers and onion rings. There are legends that Bismarck said that "If herrings would be as expensive as caviar, the people would value it more". He invented the social insurance, but was also connected to the last monarchs. I guess he didn't have the means and historical makings for being a real changing person. Maybe he had the spark, but the time wasn't up to that, yet. I guess so. I also guess that some people would vote that, but just older. I guess that many people younger than 30 years of age don't even have thoughts on Bismarck.


9.4K Messages


156.7K Points


Thanks for the suggestions.

Are you suggesting Augusta Odone because he is the father of Lorenzo, who suffered from adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) or because he was the driving force behind the "Myelin Project" in the film biopic, Lorenzo's Oil?

I am strictly limiting the choices to real people, as depicted in biopics, so Lance from World's Greatest Dad (2009) wouldn't qualify for poll inclusion.

9.4K Messages


156.7K Points

2 years ago


Good suggestion he fits the bill, but the biopics are older, in German and lightly seen. I am sure they were a big deal in their day in depicting this important figure in history. I provisionally added Otto von Bismarck as "the father of modern Germany".

I am really surprised he hasn't gotten a more modern treatment, as he seems to been an interesting figure and in the middle of a lot of world events.

9.4K Messages


156.7K Points

2 years ago


3.6K Messages


54.9K Points

9.4K Messages


156.7K Points


I like the suggestion, but it lacks a noteworthy biopic that would garner votes.​


9.4K Messages


156.7K Points

2 years ago

"Father of" Biopic Honorable Mentions

Sporting Pioneer Ideas
A.G. Spaulding


9.4K Messages


156.7K Points

1 year ago

Any more suggestions??

I would be open to replacing a less notable "father of...."  and/or less seen biopic with a stronger "father of...."  answer option.

3.6K Messages


54.9K Points



Considered the “Father of modern art”, Post-Impressionist Paul Cezanne’s fresh, lively canvases broke with artistic tradition and led the way for the 20th century avant-garde.

9.4K Messages


156.7K Points

@mariojacobs​ Thanks, a pretty good suggestion. He has one biopic film and a bunch of biographical documentaries to his credit. Father of modern art seems like a big deal, although a little to broad for my taste, seems like he didn't have a defined impact. The film is better voted than some of the others that I have listed now and it was shortlisted as France's submission to the Oscars that year.

9.4K Messages


156.7K Points


Thanks, that is useful information and not necessarily a deal-breaker. I have a number of answer options that are co-claimants to the same "...father" of title.

Paul Cézanne, the "father of modern art" (co-claimant)

Vincent Van Gogh, the "father of modern art" (co-claimant)


3.6K Messages


54.9K Points



 He is considered the "father of the (handheld) cell phone" and is also cited as the first person in history to make a handheld cellular phone call in public, namely in 1973.

9.4K Messages


156.7K Points

@mariojacobs​ Interesting, but lacks a biopic, as far as I know.

3.6K Messages


54.9K Points

1 year ago


9.4K Messages


156.7K Points

@mariojacobs​ He lacks a suitable biopic.

A documentary about him titled Mario Bava: Maestro of the Macabre was released in 2000.

9.4K Messages


156.7K Points


I appreciate all the suggestions. All of them were within the broadest scope of what I was going for. I decided to add three of your suggestions to the final list: Bismarck, Cezanne and Bava. I also expanded the poll scope to include biographical documentaries for those truly deserving, but lacking a biopic movie to make the answer pool as strong as possible. I tried to balance the poll scope, the importance of the fatherly figure and the strength of the biopic in the final answer pool assortment.




9.3K Messages


188.9K Points

1 year ago

Urb, you have 36 options.

9.4K Messages


156.7K Points


Thanks, I was aware. I made the final cut down, save any last minute suggestions. Plus, I made some last minute changes to the question and scope to get the strongest answer pool possible. I tried to balance the poll's "father of" scope, the importance of the fatherly figure and the strength of the biopic in the final answer pool assortment.

Which of these select feature films about a game-changing person who is commonly regarded as the "father of ...." for a notable discovery, a pioneering effort or inspiring a nation is your favorite "father of" biographical movie or "father of" individual?

I cut the Alexander Graham Bell biopic, due to his fraudulent claim to the title and Robert Fulton biopic, as being too specific a claim, as compared to most of the broader category claims of the other "fathers of".




14K Messages


325.7K Points



commonly regarded

Alan Turing

Galileo Galilei

Otto von Bismarck

Sigmund Freud

9.4K Messages


156.7K Points


Thanks, very helpful feedback. I made the corrections on the poll list and in the poll thread.

9.4K Messages


156.7K Points


Thanks, I have listed the upcoming Oppenheimer (2023) biopic (July 19th/21st) as the the standard bearer for the five listed Oppenheimer biopics; since it is his most famous biopic and will no doubt take its place as the definitive Oppenheimer biopic. So in advance of the wide release dates, voters will be voting for one of the alternative biopics or the man himself. Plus, the question is equally about person, so voters can vote for just him too: J. Robert Oppenheimer, the "father of the atomic bomb" (co-claimant).




14K Messages


325.7K Points

11 months ago

Please update the list.