Breumaster's profile

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165.1K Points

Thursday, September 2nd, 2021 8:50 AM

Live Poll: The Most Effective Way to destroy a Good Movie


Many movies are excellent in some ways, but nonetheless they are unbearable for you.

Which of these "awkward production-mistreats" annoys you the most?

Please tell here.


Movie-ideas which often destroy the impression on the movie for you. Please think of movies where that happened and then take the principle of it and think of a more popular movie, which has the same principle. Why? - To reach as much as possible people. You might have seen a principle in a movie that anoyed you several times in other movies. But when you take exact this movie, it might be too unpopular to make the principle clear to other people. So I take a more popular movies with the same principle of another movie which annoyed you even more. I hope I did explain it as good as possible.





19K Messages


472.7K Points

3 years ago


Please change the title of your list from:

The Most Effective Way to destroy a Good Movie


The Most Effective Way to Destroy a Good Movie

Please correct from:

2 Stroboscobic flickering and rotating colors or psychodelic effects in a too high ammount.



2 Excessive stroboscopic flickering and rotating colors or psychedelic effects.

8.9K Messages


165.1K Points


Thank you, Dan. I changed it. The changes are very good.



9.3K Messages


189.4K Points

3 years ago

Please correct #1 

Awful scores which distract you from the story,

8.9K Messages


165.1K Points


Thank you, Jessica. I corrected it.



14K Messages


326K Points

3 years ago

"mistreats" isn't a word, perhaps you mean mistreatment or misdeeds.

8.9K Messages


165.1K Points


Thank you. I changed it to mistreatments.



6.5K Messages


115.7K Points

3 years ago


Movies getting historical events wrong either by choice or by mistake like 10,000 BC (2008) - Reference View - IMDb

Movies that are untrue to their source material like Fantastic Four (2005) - Reference View - IMDb

8.9K Messages


165.1K Points


Thank you, Pencho. Good points. Added both.

3.6K Messages


54.9K Points

3 years ago

I am not sure I got the idea, but I hate when people fly too much in kungfu movies: the excessive use of cables and wires in martial art films. I have no example because I do not watch to the end...

8.9K Messages


165.1K Points


Well, Mario. Although I like those scenes in some movies when they are made artful like in 'Chan-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings' or 'Hero', I got it that many people don't like it. So I'll take it on the list, but I'll figure out tomorrow. Thank you for the interesting option, which - I guess so - many people would choose.

8.9K Messages


165.1K Points

P.S.: I know some of these movies so it will be easy to pick one for the list. Maybe I'll put it together with "... or accidential bad looking physics."

8.9K Messages


165.1K Points

Although I really love Hero, I took it as an example. I gave the movie a 10/10, because for me it's simply perfect, but I realized that there are many people who can't find a thing on it. I know these scenes are always full of far-east symbolism and I really enjoy the slow showing of the trial of strenght within. I've put it on the list. Thank you for suggesting.



6.5K Messages


115.7K Points

3 years ago

Live Poll:

Congratulations Breu

8.9K Messages


165.1K Points


Thank you, Pencho. Thank you, buddies. :D

5.1K Messages


137.8K Points

3 years ago

Trying too hard to be "timely" or "relevant", nothing dates the film as hard as this trope...

8.9K Messages


165.1K Points


I'm not sure, if I got a clue what you mean. Can you give me an example, please?

Is it about "Now dinosaurs are in, let's immediatelly make a bunch of movies about 'em!"?