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Thursday, May 6th, 2021 1:38 AM


PS: Quintessences of the IMDb Top 25


Quintessence = The substantial core of something.

You can find moral aspects on nearly every good movie which ever was made. On the top 25 rated movies ranked on IMDb, every movie has his own qualities of moral it tells. To read in which way the movies are moralistic, look at the texts of the options. (The poll options are arranged in the proper order of the IMDb Top 25 list on 05/06/2021.)

Which of the stated IMDb top 25 movies morals would you agree the most?

Tell us here.


It's ok to critizes the mentioned quintessences. But I want at least two users to state a matching argument to correct the text of an option (except typos, etc. They are always to change.) . If there are two buddies opposing and three buddies think another (but matching) way of it, I'll take the three's statement. For three of the movies there is no statement. I hope some of you  can put some moral essence of it in the discussion. I know it is a difficult subject. But we can do, I'm convinced. And I know I'm weak with English formulations - so please when you suggest, give me a short line in English.


Poll: TBD

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