Hoekkie's profile

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28.4K Points

Thursday, February 27th, 2020 9:37 AM

PS: Movies That the Poll Board Members Wanted to Like but Didn’t

Please contribute!

Some movies can really appeal to you because you love the actors, the director, the storyline or the productiuon design. They seem cool and interesting and you have the feeling that this movie will become a personal favorite. But then, after watching the movie, you're dissapointed. And that's to bad. You wanted to like the movie but you didn't.
These are the movies the IMDb Poll Board members wanted to like, but didn't. Which movie dissapointed you the most?

My list: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls096891864/

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1K Messages


27.9K Points

5 years ago

my choice: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

90 Messages


3.1K Points

5 years ago

There have been very, very many over the years. The Matrix Reloaded  stands out in my memory.

But give me a bit of time to think before I submit my final choice, please.

1.3K Messages


28.4K Points

Thanks, added the Matrix Reloaded for now



6.9K Messages


120.3K Points

5 years ago

 first one that comes to my mind is Lost in Translation, I had very high expectations and I was terribly bored. and totally uninterested in the characters.  A similar case happened a few years later with The Hurt Locker

1.3K Messages


28.4K Points

Thanks. Added Lost in Translation

4.4K Messages


124K Points

5 years ago

Ooh!  Very good suggestion!
For me, there's so many...
but I guess I'll have to go with Maleficent (2014).
I was so excited about it, but when I finally saw it I could barely watch it.  :(  

1.3K Messages


28.4K Points

Thanks! Added



7.6K Messages


194K Points

5 years ago

I'm sure that there are many others but the first one to come to mind is 'Joker.'

1.3K Messages


28.4K Points

Thanks! Added

236 Messages


8K Points

5 years ago

Several films come to mind;

Fight Club (1999)
Reservoir Dogs (1992)
Life Is Beautiful (1997)
The Da Vinci Code (2006)

These are not bad movies per se (except for the last one), but I just couldn't like them as much as everyone else seems to do (once again, except for the last one).

But if I had to choose one, my pick would be:

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

1.3K Messages


28.4K Points

Thanks! Added



10K Messages


196.7K Points

5 years ago

Please correct:

production design
But then, after watching the movie, you're disappointed. And that's too bad.
Which movie disappointed you the most?

1.3K Messages


28.4K Points

Thanks! Done. 

10K Messages


178.1K Points

5 years ago

Hobbit. I wanted it to be like Lord of the Rings but it wasn't.

1.3K Messages


28.4K Points

Thanks, added!

936 Messages


27.5K Points

5 years ago

If I remember correctly I was really excited for Focus (2015) because of the leads, saw it in the theaters. Movie got dull fast and was even more disappointed because I could have watched Birdman instead.

1.3K Messages


28.4K Points

Thanks, added!

8.9K Messages


166K Points

5 years ago

Bladerunner 2049.
I though that they will make it more interesting, fluent - a more tying story. They blew it!
I slept in  the first one, because of the movie being long winded. Then the reboot came out. Like in the first movie half an hour was pretty good and then it begann to bore me. Pretending that there is more than there really was. Both movies are sleeping pills to me. The most bad things are logical errors at the end of the reboot.

1.3K Messages


28.4K Points

Thanks, added!

8.9K Messages


166K Points

Nice, thank you. :D

8.9K Messages


166K Points

I hope it becomes a poll. It's a good idea. I'm sure I would have a second movie I could add. ;)

6.8K Messages


128K Points

5 years ago

I never said I didn't like the Snyder cut. (I haven't even seen it ... yet.)

I only asked if you could add the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut hashtag.

Please correct it. Thank you.

1.3K Messages


28.4K Points

Done, I hope  it's good the way it is now.

833 Messages


29.3K Points

5 years ago

Avengers End Game
Once in the first part of the movie they try the time travel thing, I was like "oh no" Its a bad story.

1.3K Messages


28.4K Points

Added. Thanks!

4.5K Messages


71.3K Points

5 years ago

Metropolis (1927)

The movie is boring, I almost fell asleep literally.

1.3K Messages


28.4K Points

Added, thanks!



10K Messages


196.7K Points

5 years ago

I'll go with Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014)

1.3K Messages


28.4K Points

Thanks! Added!



10K Messages


196.7K Points

5 years ago