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324.9K Points

Sunday, October 31st, 2021 8:45 AM

Live Poll: Sally Field Forever

We celebrate Sally Field's 75th birthday on November 6, 2021, with a list of the characters she has played. Which character is your favorite?




9.2K Messages


187.8K Points

3 years ago

6 Messages


134 Points

3 years ago

Although Sally's Oscar winning performances in Norma Rae and Places in the Heart are more than deserving of a high spot, I believe her best performance (winning an Emmy) is in the TV mini-series, Sybil, where she essentially plays multiple characters. Even after so much time has passed since 1976 (and having read the book it's based on), memories of her stunning performance in a challenging role in a multi-layered, confronting film are still fresh. Considering her light, comedic roles only 10 years or so earlier as Gidget and Sister Bertrille, she effortlessly pulls off the heartbreaking complexity of Sybil, conveying both strength and subtlety, where it could so easily have been overplayed.