ElMaruecan82's profile

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Sunday, October 2nd, 2022 8:42 AM

LIVE POLL: Motherhood-Themed Horror Movies

Whether for Oedipal pitfalls exposed as the roots of a predisposition for violence or the primal area in which the violence is expressed, causing the mother to be either the victim or the perpetrator of the horror, many horror movies handle the theme of motherhood in a social, cultural and sometimes organic way.

It may not be the focal point but it is not one to ignore in order to fully comprehend and appreciate the film as a whole.

Which of these motherhood-themed horror films is your favorite?




9.3K Messages


189.4K Points

2 years ago


Pahanhautoja (2022)

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137.8K Points


Funny, the title sounded Indian to me. Apparently, it's Finnish.



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115.7K Points

2 years ago

Coraline, We Need to Talk About Kevin and A l'intérieur are not tagged as horror movies at the IMDb (besides Mommie Dearest, which you acknowledge), do you want to keep them anyway?



6.5K Messages


115.7K Points

@ElMaruecan82 I see why A l'intérieur doesn't have the horror genre. Your list has the short film, rather than the feature film

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@Pencho15​ I tried to add Horror to Coraline. Because why not? The book it's based on is horror genre. 



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115.7K Points

@Tsarstepan​ I have no idea, I'm not familiar either with the book or the film. I just wanted to make sure ElMo was aware of this.

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137.8K Points

That's the trick, where does "dark fantasy" end and "horror" begin?

I saw "Coraline" twice and one was with classes of 6th and 7th grade in a theater and many kids were frightened by the smiling mother with buttons as eyes... there's something definitely unsettling with "Coraline" and I wouldn't consider it a stretch to tag it as a horror, horror for kids...

While we're at it, "Jaws" isn't even tagged as a horror film...

(I fixed the "Inside" issue, thanks)

4K Messages


85.2K Points

2 years ago

Coraline (2009)


Goodnight Mommy (2014)

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137.8K Points


Thanks Pencho, "The Bad Seed" was already there (6th position) good film but lousy (happy) ending.



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115.7K Points

2 years ago

I think you have The Brood listed twice.

5.1K Messages


137.8K Points

@Pencho15​ fixed, thanks

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85.2K Points

2 years ago

Gromit82 replied to me but the notification doesn't lead anywhere (to this or my Data problem thread on this topic).

So, I'm reposting my answer here as well.

People are making assumptions that I'm the only one to think Coraline is a horror film.

The site's Wiki page.

There's much more evidence but I'm at work. IMDb ain't my job.


5.1K Messages


137.8K Points


Reminds me of a joke in Asterix "look, Asterix, domestic boars" "no, Obelix these are wild pigs"... "Coraline is dark fantasy" Can't it be lighthearted horror?



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189.4K Points

2 years ago