9K Messages
166.1K Points
Poll Suggestion: IMDb Poll Board User's Greatest Female and Male Movie Character of all Times
Intro (female):
The IMDb Poll Board Users made up little essays of their perfect number one movie female characters. When you compare them, ...
Which of these characters mostly seems to be the greatest female movie character?
Please tell us here.
Intro (male):
The IMDb Poll Board Users made up little essays of their perfect number one male movie characters. When you compare them, ...
Which of these characters mostly seems to be the greatest male movie character?
Please tell us here.
I think the idea speaks for itself. I still got some time until the end of the week. Any male or female movie character. Just one pick per list and please write at least a little line why it's your greatest movie character. The more precise you can get, the better it is. You can click the 2 separated list for males and females. There are examples for orientation. It's best to write a little vague to avoid complete spoiling, except the movie is older than 25, ... 30 years.
List (female): https://www.imdb.com/list/ls520933012/
List(male): https://www.imdb.com/list/ls520933058/
Poll (female): TBD
Poll (male): TBD
8.6K Messages
177.4K Points
2 years ago
@Breumaster 😀
Quick look @ Names & Titles 🙄
Female Movie Characters
Male Movie Characters