Aris_Athanas's profile

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177K Points

Wednesday, June 1st, 2022 9:38 PM

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Poll Suggestion: IMDb Poll Board Favorite Movie Watched in Theatre

Which is the best movie you watched in theatres?

623 Messages


17.9K Points

2 years ago

12 Years a Slave

4K Messages


85.9K Points

@eagles90​ Um...? I don't want to yuck your cinematic yum. But I have a question for your answer. Are you answering 12 Years a Slave as a favorite or best? I'm curious. It's a well-made film. But I hold the same sentiment when people claim Schindler's List as their favorite film. For me? My favorite films involve a level of ... enjoyment (and their rewatchability) more than respect for the craft. And I have enjoyed many bleak and dark films in my lifetime but with 12 Years a Slave and the likes of Schindler's List? I'm certain I'll ever rewatch either.

And as I stated? I'm merely curious on why that particular film and what metrics you'd possibly use to make it your choice.

4K Messages


85.9K Points

11 days ago

I know this sounds like semantics, but you have two conflicting questions (implied) in your suggestion. The favorite in the title and best in the question.

As for my answer? I'm a coward. Or my brain doesn't work like that. I can't definitively pick an answer for either best or favorite as it depends on my mood and current state of memory recall (basically closer to arbitrary response than a set determined answer.

For the sake of this poll? I'll choose Princess Mononoke (1997), my first Hayao Miyazaki film and barring any misremembering, my first anime film seen at a movie theater. My anime film experiences prior to that were from VHS and DVD rentals (with a rare Adult Swim cable viewing scattered around a bit).