10.1K Messages


179.3K Points

Wednesday, June 1st, 2022 9:38 PM

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Poll Suggestion: IMDb Poll Board Favorite Movie Watched in Theatre

Which is your favorite movie you watched in theatres? https://www.imdb.com/list/ls565158407/

632 Messages


18.1K Points

3 years ago

12 Years a Slave

4.2K Messages


88.1K Points

@eagles90​ Um...? I don't want to yuck your cinematic yum. But I have a question for your answer. Are you answering 12 Years a Slave as a favorite or best? I'm curious. It's a well-made film. But I hold the same sentiment when people claim Schindler's List as their favorite film. For me? My favorite films involve a level of ... enjoyment (and their rewatchability) more than respect for the craft. And I have enjoyed many bleak and dark films in my lifetime but with 12 Years a Slave and the likes of Schindler's List? I'm certain I'll ever rewatch either. And as I stated? I'm merely curious on why that particular film and what metrics you'd possibly use to make it your choice.

10.1K Messages


179.3K Points

@eagles90​ 12 Years a Slave added

4.2K Messages


88.1K Points

6 months ago

I know this sounds like semantics, but you have two conflicting questions (implied) in your suggestion. The favorite in the title and best in the question. As for my answer? I'm a coward. Or my brain doesn't work like that. I can't definitively pick an answer for either best or favorite as it depends on my mood and current state of memory recall (basically closer to arbitrary response than a set determined answer. For the sake of this poll? I'll choose Princess Mononoke (1997), my first Hayao Miyazaki film and barring any misremembering, my first anime film seen at a movie theater. My anime film experiences prior to that were from VHS and DVD rentals (with a rare Adult Swim cable viewing scattered around a bit).

10.1K Messages


179.3K Points

@Tsarstepan​ Princess Mononoke added

4.2K Messages


88.1K Points

Much appreciated.



10.3K Messages


200.3K Points

6 months ago

@Aris_Athanas​  As Tsar pointed out, please make it clear if you are asking for the best movie or favorite. The text is different in the list and the top post. In my case, The Fellowship of the Ring is both my favorite and the best movie I have seen in theaters.

10.1K Messages


179.3K Points

@Jessica​ The Fellowship of the Ring added



10.3K Messages


200.3K Points

@Aris_Athanas​  Thanks.



19.7K Messages


480.1K Points

6 months ago

@Aris_Athanas , For your consideration: Fantasia (1940)

10.1K Messages


179.3K Points

@dan_dassow​ added



10.3K Messages


200.3K Points

27 days ago
