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Saturday, April 23rd, 2022 9:03 AM

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Poll Suggestion: Favorite Live-Action Star Trek Series

What is your favorite live-action Star Trek TV series?

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6.8K Messages


127.8K Points

2 years ago

Added "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds"

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

9.8K Messages


161.4K Points


For your consideration, "Star Trek: Short Treks", technically qualifies as the question being asked simply limits the answer pool to "live-action series". But as a two season anthology live-action series", it doesn't have its own unique cast of characters or a distinctive mission / setting. Plus, it mostly features characters from Star Trek: Discovery in nine out of its ten episodes and serves as a companion series to Discovery with only the tenth and final episode being a teaser for Star Trek: Picard.

Upcoming live-action Star Trek series (2025-2026 debut) as a Future Add

6.8K Messages


127.8K Points


Short treks added!

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19.3K Messages


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8 days ago

Congratulations, @BonaFideBOSS!

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Favorite Live-Action Star Trek Series

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