Aris_Athanas's profile

9.9K Messages


176.5K Points

Tuesday, February 15th, 2022 6:37 PM

Live Poll: Favorite Horror Franchise

4.4K Messages


70.7K Points

2 years ago

It is hilarious that Friday the 13th's producers encounter problems making the 13th film. I guess "13" is really an unlucky number 🤣.


9.9K Messages


176.5K Points

2 years ago


8.9K Messages


165.1K Points


It should be named "Jaws franchise", I guess so.

9.9K Messages


176.5K Points

@Breumaster​ corrected



14K Messages


326K Points

2 years ago

4.4K Messages


70.7K Points

2 years ago

Normally, I would have made a comment mocking the 9 sequels of Hellraiser and the 11 sequels of Friday the 13th. I would have said that studios only make films for money and that with horror films they'll often continue making films until even their core fandom is tired. I believe these things are true, but I remembered the directors' commentaries from my Friday the 13th box set.

We often ignore the perspective of those "yes-men" who horror sequels. The fact struck me, when I listened to the commentaries for Friday the 13th Part VI by Tom McLoughlin, that a good chunk of those directors are genuinely passionate about their work and the project.

They can go on and on praising a character actor's comic talent. They call the Jason stuntman by his nickname, they share inside jokes. When they recount how they made the house explode in Friday the 13th Part VII, or how they filmed an underwater sequence in a backyard pool, they tell it with excitement. Clearly, they enjoyed being on set.

They have no pretension of making the next Citizen Kane, they want to make an entertaining film for the audience. They aren't completely unaware of influences nor incompetent either. Tom McLoughlin talked a lot about Hitchcock's influence on Part VI.

My point is that I have been often too harsh on these mainstream horror franchises. The backlash the films receive do hurt them because they put a lot of love into it. They are genuinely hurt when the studio makes cut or the MPAA suggest censure.

In brief, when we mock these films and disparage their directors, we ought to be  more considerate. Of course, we have the right to criticize films, but we got remember that they are people behind each films without whom it wouldn't be made.

It is easy to say "I don't care about those horror films being made, I have the right to criticism" but I would like people to notice that David Lean's 14 years break between Ryan's Daughter and A Passage to India is due to the criticism he faced following Ryan's Daughter release. Because of critics, perhaps we passed on 4 or 5 David Lean pictures. Isn't that a worse form of censure than the studio's. In the age of communication, it is particularly important to beware what criticism we post on the internet. A criticism shouldn't  be an insult to a film and its filmmaker.

TL.DR: In this post, I advocate for more respect to horror filmmakers. I think they are unjustly disrespected. And, I make my mea culpa because I realized that I'm often guilty of unjustly insulting said "yes men". "Yes men" do not exist.

662 Messages


7.3K Points

11 months ago

Am I the only person who just now realised that ARIS is PAULO?

I was thinking, I miss Paulo, what happened to him.

9.9K Messages


176.5K Points

@NYVKE​ Not Paulo, Paok

662 Messages


7.3K Points

Right, Paok!

6.8K Messages


127.8K Points

11 months ago




19K Messages


472.7K Points

11 months ago


Congratulations Paok-Kilkis. This is the 38th time your poll has been featured at IMDb Home Page ( since July 28, 2015.

29 July 2023

Favorite Horror Franchise

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(L) Dibyayan_Chakravorty - 101

(L) BonaFideBOSS - 39

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(L) Paok-Kilkis - 38

(L) pere-25366 - 35

(L) ElMaruecan82 - 26

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(L) Rafael_M - 15

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8.9K Messages


165.1K Points


On an Iraqi Airways plane, a bear was caught recently.

(German news video)

I'm waiting for a new Elizabeth Banks movie now. I guess  it's just a matter of time until

'Cocaine Bear 2 - Flying Claws' will be released. ;)

The first part, 'Cocaine Bear' was funny. Sure no total burner, but worth watching once. ;)


8.9K Messages


165.1K Points

11 months ago

Congrats, Aris. :D

9.9K Messages


176.5K Points

@Breumaster​ thanks