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Thursday, November 25th, 2021 10:08 PM

Live Poll: Face Off: Niles vs. Geoffrey

The 1990's was a magical time in television and the decade produced some memorable sitcoms. Two of the most memorable were The Nanny (1993) and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (1990). In both of these series it can be argued that the central family's butler stole the show?

Which comedic butler from these legendary 90's sitcoms would you rather have in your domicile?

Fun fact: While both characters on their series are British neither actor was born in in the UK. Davis is from Arkansas and Marcell is from St. Lucia.




14K Messages


325.6K Points

3 years ago

I liked both shows, but I'd pick Geoffrey. 


1.5K Messages


35.2K Points

@Peter_pbn I politely disagree (In my best butler voice). My vote in Niles.

3.6K Messages


54.9K Points


I also watched both shows, I think that Niles was something like a binary star system with CC Babcock, it was fun to watch the two get at each other.



9.3K Messages


188.9K Points

3 years ago

Please add a hyphen:

Face-Off: Niles vs. Geoffrey

1.5K Messages


35.2K Points

@Jessica Change made to the list. 



9.3K Messages


188.9K Points

3 years ago

1.5K Messages


35.2K Points

@JessicaThank you