mariojacobs's profile

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55K Points

Tuesday, May 17th, 2022 9:55 AM

Live Poll: Chicas Almodovar

Hello, poll forum, another idea for your consideration, feedback welcome, thank you.

Pedro Almodóvar (born 1949) is a Spanish film director, screenwriter, producer, and former actor.

His films are marked by melodrama, irreverent humour, bold color, glossy decor, quotations from popular culture, and complex narratives.

Desire, passion, family, and identity are among Almodovar's most prevalent subjects in his films.

His films generally depict the world of Spanish women and "Chicas Almodovar" are actresses who have starred in multiple works by Pedro Almodóvar, known for his frequent collaborations with strong female characters.

Sources: 1) Wikipedia, 2) Cinemania and 3) theartdesk.

Who is your favorite Almodovar actress?



19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

2 years ago

Congratulations, @mariojacobs!

Chicas Almodovar

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