Breumaster's profile

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166.1K Points

Sunday, May 9th, 2021 2:50 AM

Live Poll: Your Least Favorite Movie of the IMDb Top 26-250


Hi dudes. Because of the big success of ...

Poll: Your Least Favorite Movie of the IMDb Top 25,

I plan to do a 9 pack of polls from 26-50, 51-75, ... and so on. I

will sample the lists of the poll-list here, one by one when I made them up.

Let's see, hm? I guess the next 2 or three poll list of this series might help us to decide,

if we do this down to #250. If there is no success, we can skip it. If I knew how fast it counted,

I would have planned it earlier from the #250-#1 (226-250, 200-225, ... and so on. At the end 1-25.

What do you think about?


Update: Because of a very appropriate objection, I changed the plan, another idea grew.

Please read it down in the comments.                                                                                               

New idea:

Link to part 2

Link to Part 3

Link to part 4

Additional part 5

(lets first see how it turns out with the other parts, it surely has to be revised in some kinds. Basic idea stays, but additional ideas welcome. ;>)

Poll 1:

Poll 2:

Poll 3:

Poll 4:

Additional Poll 5: TBD ? (in discussion)

4.5K Messages


71.5K Points

4 years ago

It is a good idea. Not sure, however, that the other polls will be as popular as the first one. People care a lot about the Top 25, but fewer are interested in the Top 226-250, just saying.

Also, the Top 226-250 is very versatile, it might not remain accurate for long.


Just for fun, below, I'm sharing my picks in advance.

Least Favorite:


The Departed (2006)


Kimi no na wa. (2016)


Avengers: Endgame (2019)


Toy Story 3 (2010)


Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)


Klaus (2019)


Fargo (1996)


Life of Brian (1979)


Contratiempo (2016)



Inception (2010)  tied with The Dark Knight (2008)


Casablanca (1942) tied with Seppuku (1962)


Once Upon a Time in America (1984) tied with Mononoke-hime (1997), Paths of Glory (1957) and Memento (2000)


2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) tied with Vertigo (1958) and M - Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder (1931)


A Clockwork Orange (1971) tied with Lawrence of Arabia (1962)


Unforgiven (1992)


Chinatown (1974)


Barry Lyndon (1975)


Network (1976)


Andrey Rublev (1966) tied with  Fa yeung nin wah (2000)


9K Messages


166.1K Points


Thank you for your thoughts. I think your view on it is totally right. I discussed it at home and a new idea grew. We came to the idea to enhance it to the top 100, which might last longer than the Top 250 - and it's more tightly structured then. Since the oscar ceremony happened recently, there will ("hopefully for this idea") be no entrances in the top 100 list for the foreseeable future.  We made up a new idea about a fifth poll suggestion, based on that 4. I would like to claim that. It's a special idea.


9K Messages


166.1K Points

4 years ago

Ok, the new idea is ...  like I stated it in the answere to cinephile up there:

I want to do 3 other polls to make a mirror of the Top 100 movies of IMDb.

I will put the links of the lists in the intro of this suggestion summary the next view days.

Ready to discuss. But if the project is wanted, we shouldn't waste much time.


9K Messages


166.1K Points

4 years ago

I've put the other lists online to make the idea more clear. Please visit them and tell me what you think about it? Good, bad, mediocre? I think with the fixed date of the 05/10/2021 in the intro of the further three suggestions, we have the status quo of today. The Top 25 of the last poll didn't change since May 2nd, 2021, so we can continue that without any flaw. If I should work on the further 4 intros, please tell me. We can get that proper. Specially read the intro of the 5th poll list, it reveals the idea behind.

9K Messages


166.1K Points

For the fifth poll I just need (then) an exact date when I should start counting the positions to complete it. All of them have to be evaluated at an fixed date like stated in the 5th poll to be fair to all candidates on it. If this idea is accepted, it all best happens before middle of June, because I'm heading to stay some time at a health resort in June. No internet, no mail, no stress, no contact. If not, it can also happen later in July, when I came back here.



7.7K Messages


194.8K Points

4 years ago

Hi Breu, I like this series a lot and choosing is pretty fun. My vote for Part II would be 'Terminator 2,' although I didn't see one of the films yet. I look forward to looking at the other lists. : )

May I suggest a few small edits? (I removed your bold print only so you didn't think I was suggesting something for that sentence.) 

After the huge success of the poll Your Least Favorite Movie of the IMDb Top 25, we decided to extend the idea to the top 100 of IMDb. This is part two of four

This time please vote for your least favorite movie in the IMDb Top 26 to 50.

Tell us here.

(The list is current as of May 10th, 2021.) _____________________________________________________

Part 1  

9K Messages


166.1K Points


I corrected it. Thank you for your interest in it. I made it up fast today to not let expire the idea. I will also correct the other parts, it's the same by copy and paste. The one of "Part 1" now is in the link, too. You underlined it, should I underline it, too?




7.1K Messages


122.1K Points

4 years ago

León has nothing to do among such great films. 

9K Messages


166.1K Points


Hi Pencho15. When the poll series goes live, you can vote so.

9K Messages


166.1K Points

4 years ago

Corrected list #5, it had a logigal error within. To be consequent, I stated in the intro to vote for the least rated on the list. Sorry for this little logical glitch.



19.7K Messages


479.7K Points

4 years ago

Congratulations, Breumaster!

Your Least Favorite Movie of the IMDb Top 26 to 50

Live Poll:

Please change "Poll Suggestion" to "Live Poll" in the discussion thread title and change the settings so that it appears under "Praise" now, rather than "Idea."


FAQ: Updating Threads After Poll Goes Live

9K Messages


166.1K Points


Thank you, Dan. Thank you fellows. I'm very curios.

9K Messages


166.1K Points

4 years ago

Updated the poll-URLs in the intro.



7.7K Messages


194.8K Points

4 years ago

Hi Breu,

For part three (51-75), please provide a link to Part Two and remove "Part 4 (still not released)."

Thank you! : )

9K Messages


166.1K Points



9K Messages


166.1K Points


Its good that I stated a special date the list was taken. It changed in many ways from that point on. The first change I saw was that 'Rear Window' and 'Cinema Paradiso' changed their place. 'Rear Window climbed up one count and 'Cinema Paradiso' got down one count. And a few other changes I guess in the numbers from 76 to 100 there will be totally different numbers. Even in the lower places of the top 25 there happen little changes. I will keep that in mind, if I would start such a project again. It's better to be discussed more precisely before, I see. ;) The fixed date is a good anchor.




7.7K Messages


194.8K Points


Yeah, the Top 250 is funny (and kind of fascinating) that way. It's interesting that even some very old movies can change places sometimes, occasionally even when a new movie hasn't caused that change. "A good anchor" is such a good way of describing the noting of a fixed date! 



7.7K Messages


194.8K Points

4 years ago

9K Messages


166.1K Points


Thank you, Ruby. Thank you, buddies. I'll change the 2nd part (link) immediately.



14.6K Messages


332.8K Points

4 years ago

Please add the link to part 3 in part 4. Please remove the reference to the "conclusion" until we know if it will be used.

9K Messages


166.1K Points


Thank you for reminding me, Peter. I've made the edits. The "conclusion"-poll-idea is just an option. I think it would complete the whole competition of the list. The first 4 polls are just a pre-selection. They show up the least hated movies of the Top100 on May 10, 2021. So far so good. When we take the last 5 of every poll and make agian a least hated poll, then at the bottom there are the movies, which really no one want's to get from the list. It's a vice-versa-thing. That's why it is very interesting. The changes of the other lists after the going live of the 5th list don't affect the 5th list, but tell us how the audience changes over the years. It's a very long time project within 5 polls. Even now there are new insights.

9K Messages


166.1K Points


I know there should be a few changes. We can change the waiting time. That's no problem. When I go to my health resort, I can wait 5-6 weeks for the last poll. For me that is no prob. We can do a title change, if the title isn't the best for the subject. I would pick the last 5 (Position 25, 24, 23, 22 and 21) of each of the 4 polls. And I know there can be complaints about picking the last five, especially when position 20, 21, 22, 23, ... have the same result. If there are same results within the last 5 positions, I would let it stay, except (e.g.) from the position 23 to (in the extreme case) position 10 have the same voting-result. In that case I would take the number of ratings a second criterion for picking the options. We can explain that in the optional 5th poll, on which criteria the picks were chosen. The pre-selection I wrote to the example-list have to be changed and I can add in the options which criteria were decisive to take the pick on it's position in the optional-poll. It sounds more complex than it is. It's simply categorical selection by taking facts on a special time stamp. That's much work for me on one day, but I would do that, if it is useful. For the formulations ... it could be helpful to have a helping hand. So it will become a special nice community project. ;)




14.6K Messages


332.8K Points

4 years ago

9K Messages


166.1K Points


Thank you, Peter. Thank you fellows.

Now it's crystal clear that an eventually Part 5 wouldn't go online before mid to end of July. I think that the time is too short for a correct result collection until I'm back. I would set it temporarily to 07/24/2021. Meanwhil, I will work on the lists design. You can look at it from time to time. It surely would need a few corrections shortly before. Thank you for believing in the idea with these polls. Let's see how it will turn out further. I hope Part 4 is a big success like the other 3 lists. ;) But it looks good by now. :D


9K Messages


166.1K Points

4 years ago

I preliminary changed the intro of (the eventually) Part 5.

I changed the text of the intro a little, put in the links for the other parts and - preliminary -  I've put options to the list to give the idea a face. These are not final. The places, candidates and numbers will/may change. But the form is like I thought it. I have an open ear for objections and ideas to make it better. I thought maybe I should change the places of the options within the list number by the number of votes. Or better not? the numbers are set like on the 4 single parts - not depending on that, numbers of ratings are still a decision tool for qualifying candidates with equal votes.


9K Messages


166.1K Points

4 years ago

I have put in the preliminary resulting candidates of Part 4 to the eventually Part 5 list for explaining how the selection should work. In Part 4, Toy Story and Good Will Hunting are on place 20 and 21. The Kid is on place 22. Tengoku to jigoku is on place 19. All of them have a result of 3 votes, but Toy Story and Good Will Hunting have the highest count of ratings, so they are (in Part 5) on place 1 and 2 of the last five options. I would use the same rule on the candidates above option 16 of Part 5. Plesae look at the list to compare.

9K Messages


166.1K Points

Changed the title to:

The Least Hated Movie of the IMDb Top 100


4.5K Messages


71.5K Points

This new title may confuse some veteran voters since a poll is already named Least Hated Top 250 Movies.


9K Messages


166.1K Points

We changed the whole idea a few weeks ago. The Top 250 aren't the subject anymore. It's  concentrated on the Top 100 since then. but maybe you have a better fitting title I could consider? It should be concentrated on the whole idea, which is a sieving-construct. It sieves the least hated from the top 100, based on the four former polls. I know the idea is a little twisted, but effective. ;)

9K Messages


166.1K Points

4 years ago

Ok, buddies. I actualized the list #5 and let it stay this way.

I made little changes and would say it's ready to go.