9K Messages


166.4K Points

Saturday, January 25th, 2020 3:20 PM

Live Poll: The 2010 Dekade: Persons of International Interest

Preface:I don't know, if polls are allowed, if they touch political content. But I've also seen that there are social issues picked up in some polls. So - how political may a poll be? Where is the border?Intro:Which of these persons of international interests is your favorite? Discuss here.Rules:Living persons with political, financial or social heavyweight. The biggest influencers on earth, no second row - which means something like people who are the biggest of their countries and have to be known through news media. No dead persons, except they had a very big role in the 2010s.  Rules are pretty expendable on tat issue. ;DLink: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls093121482/Poll: ?

1.4K Messages


58.6K Points

5 years ago

No 1: Greta Thunberg - No 2: Angela Merkel - and you may keep the rest!

1K Messages


47K Points

5 years ago

Easily Greta, although she is the least powerful of them.FYC:Xi Jinping, president of the People's Republic of China (2012-)Narenda Modi, prime minister of India (2014-)Ali Khamenei, supreme leader of Iran (1989-)

9K Messages


166.4K Points

Thank you, albstein. :DThese three you mentioned are pretty good. I've put them to the list. It would be nice, if you'd put the line of leaders to your contribution. Otherwise I would look for it. :D

9K Messages


166.4K Points

Hallo albstein. :)Wäre schön, wenn Du noch die nummer der präsidentschaft, etc. nachreichen würdest. :) Sonst muss ich halt suchen. ;) Einfach wie in den Beispielen. Danke fürs Teilnehmen. ;)

1K Messages


47K Points

Xi Jinping: 7th PresidentNarendra Modi (sorry for the error; I wrote Narenda): 14th Prime MinisterAli Khamenei: 2nd Supreme Leader

9K Messages


166.4K Points

Thank you albstein. :DThat decreased a lot of work for me. :)

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166.4K Points

5 years ago

P.S.: Those people don't have necessarily to be politician. They have to be the ones, who moved something. That can also be bad guys. Look at the examples, please! ;)

1.4K Messages


51K Points

5 years ago

greta...then angela....

1K Messages


47K Points

I have been very critical of Angela but looking at the other leaders, I'm almost glad we have her...

4.4K Messages


124K Points

5 years ago

My pick: Col.

1K Messages


47K Points

5 years ago

Also FYC:Larry Page, CEO of Google (2011-15; probably the third, following himself and Eric Schmidt) and Google's parent Alphabet (2015-19, the first)Shinzo Abe, 63st Prime Minister of Japan (2012-)

9K Messages


166.4K Points

Problem: We got no image of Larry Page. We got to put him on the list without an image.

1K Messages


47K Points


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166.4K Points

I've put him to the list anyway. Google is a number for sure! ;DSo I take this blank image, but maybe we would find a fitting image.

6.8K Messages


128K Points

5 years ago

FYC:Elon Musk

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166.4K Points

He's on the list. Do you have a special line for him?

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166.4K Points

Wrote:Founder of Tesla, pioneer of electric mobility.

6.8K Messages


128K Points

Elon Musk: The Man, The Myth, The Beast ... oh, and The Meme.

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166.4K Points

Funny. ;D Ok, I let my own words stay. That's ok. Thank you for contributing. :)(wanted to keep it more realistic and a little more sober)

6.8K Messages


128K Points

It's okay. I wasn't serious either.Btw, he's also the founder of SpaceX.

9K Messages


166.4K Points

Yo, I've put that to the option. Thank you for completing.

1K Messages


47K Points

5 years ago

By the way, it's "Decade" in English.

6.8K Messages


128K Points

He's a Mortal Kombat fan.

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166.4K Points

BONAFIDE BOSS:I am! What about that? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sr1bLLvsbh0

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166.4K Points

albstein:Thank you! I corrected that. :D

1K Messages


47K Points

Decade → DekadeCombat → KombatK instead of C looks like a stylization in English.

6.8K Messages


128K Points

^Yeah, I thought you did that on purpose.

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166.4K Points

albstein:Sometimes, I do not answere as I should. When I wrote the k in the title, I ran in German mode. And I'm still fan of the wrong written c --> k in Mortal Kombat. ;) The edgy K also looks more aggressive than the round C. That makes sense. But I know that my title was obviously wrong written. ;) ... Since you told me. ;)



4K Messages


244.3K Points

5 years ago

My vote will likely go to Col Needham. I sincerely consider that IMDb is underrated as a global thing that aids everything: actual industry, education, researches ranging from independent small ones to much larger company-based, promotion, archiving... There are downsides. Everything has at least some. But results are already so large it's painful to see how neglectful people could be towards this website. To think that something so global began with a simple list of movies seen not unlike one I'm conducting on a daily basis always brings me in awe and fascination. I really like the selection so far, by the way. It's rather neutral (which is how it is supposed to be) and really is based on the impact of certain figures. I'm not exactly proud of entry from my country, to be honest, but impact of the person is indisputable. It's just that it's also rather unclear and kind of destabilizing so far.  

9K Messages


166.4K Points

I'm still not sure whom of them I like the most. But there are some on the list I don't really like. But to be neutral, they have to be on the list. Col Needham is one of my personal plus-candidates. ;D Always look on the bright side of life. :D

9K Messages


166.4K Points

5 years ago

Any other 2010s party crasher?



14.7K Messages


333.3K Points

5 years ago

FYC: Justin Trudeau

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166.4K Points

Peter:Thank you! :D I've put Mr. Trudeau to the list.

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166.4K Points

About prime ministers, presidents and so on, ....do these titles have to be written capitalized? (in the options)



14.7K Messages


333.3K Points

They can be, but I don't think they have to be.

4.5K Messages


71.6K Points

Officially, yes "Prime Minister is capitalized.I have another question, I know Justin Trudeau ( I'm Canadian), but I don't know how he marked the decade outside Canada. Yes, he is Prime Minister of Canada, but Stephen Harper was too until 2015. 

9K Messages


166.4K Points

Peter:Thank you for finding out. So I'll have to capitalize the titles. I will do.

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166.4K Points

5 years ago

Not interesting enough?

4.5K Messages


71.6K Points

I think that your poll is too focused on the last half of the decade, this is maybe why it is not going live.It is also very political,  I don't believe that IMDb is willing to take part in that.

9K Messages


166.4K Points

Thank you. Please give me some persons of interest of the first half of the last decade.I would prefer that IMDb tells me that and makes clear that this suggestion is not wanted. So I wouldn't care about it anymore and delete the list.

1K Messages


47K Points

5 years ago

FYC: Mohammad bin Salman, 12th Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. He seems to be the de facto ruler of the country, or at least the royal family's most active member. One of the key players in the Middle East; remember that Trump's first foreign trip was to Saudi Arabia. Just saw a documentary about "MbS" and his involvement in the Khashoggi case on arte (German).

5.2K Messages


138.3K Points

You know you're important when your name becomes an acronym

9K Messages


166.4K Points

I've put him on the list, but shortened the text a little to avoid "complications".

1K Messages


47K Points

Of course! What I wrote was just chit-chat.



7.1K Messages


122.4K Points

5 years ago

FYC: Nancy PelosiDavid Cameron 

9K Messages


166.4K Points

Hi, Pencho. :DI'll put them both on the list, but tomorrow. Gotta sleep now. ;)

9K Messages


166.4K Points

Thank you, pencho. Both are on the list now. :D

236 Messages


8K Points

5 years ago

Well, Col Needam basically ... uh ... made me into a cinephile, so I guess there is that.I aim to be as politically neutral as possible as well, which may be a contributing factor to my pick.