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Saturday, March 11th, 2017 8:29 PM

Live Poll: Movies That Catch the Spirit of Ireland

Which movie filmed in Ireland best captures the spirit of Ireland?

See the partial list of movies which filmed on location in Ireland here: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls064740957/

Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/IFSrXDAJw3o/

1.9K Messages


52.5K Points

8 years ago

10.2K Messages


165.8K Points

8 years ago

Re-titled: Best Ireland Location Filmed Movie

Existing live poll includes some movies not filmed in Ireland. Live Poll: http://www.imdb.com/poll/8V5yZIL5JDc/

Scope remains the same with a different question, more relevant and more current movie titles as answer options

10.2K Messages


165.8K Points

8 years ago

In my humble opinion, I think it does in both these cases.

The animation studio is in Ireland, The setting of the movies is in Ireland. The theme of the movies is Irish folklore. The physical process of shooting the hand drawn animation cells is taking place in Ireland to create the movies.

I don't know how anyone would not be able to consider the movie to be shot in Ireland. If it were a stop-animated film and with more tangible figures being shot, would that somehow be more acceptable? I don't see a reason to exclude it simply because it is animated from being a movie filmed on location in Ireland.

I guess if all films that are shot in a studio are not considered to be filmed on-location, it would make sense. But only if it were to apply equally to all formats: live-action, documentary, stop-motion, animated, etc.. I think if I tweak the title to focus on the Spirit rather than the On Location it would solve the issue. Therefore, on- location becomes a more secondary factor and really means "made in" and the issue becomes mute.

Re-titled: Movies That Catch the Spirit of Ireland

Alternate Title: Best Ireland Location Filmed Movie

Which movie filmed in Ireland best captures the spirit of Ireland?

10.2K Messages


165.8K Points

Thanks, Dan or Peter for updating question and title, it is much appreciated.

1.5K Messages


35.2K Points

8 years ago

Laws of Attraction



10.2K Messages


199.6K Points

8 years ago

The Field (1990)

10.2K Messages


165.8K Points

Thanks,I provisionally added it a while back. It is a perfect example, other than it was not widely seen. Still, I wanted a few local productions that fit the bill other than being below 10,000 votes, they are perfect for this poll.
The Field 1990 | Movie 7.4 (4,949) The Field (1990)'s Ireland Filming Location
The General 1998 | Movie 7.3 (7,378) The General (1998)'s Ireland Filming Locations
Ryan's Daughter 1970 | Movie 7.5 (7,589) Ryan's Daughter (1970)'s Ireland Filming Locations
The Secret of Roan Inish 1994 | Movie 7.5 (6,498) The Secret of Roan Inish (1994)'s Ireland Filming Locations
Black '47 2018 | Movie 6.9 (4,028) Black '47 (2018)'s Ireland Filming Locations



4.9K Messages


98.8K Points

8 years ago

My Left Foot (1989)

10.2K Messages


165.8K Points


5.2K Messages


138.3K Points

8 years ago

How'bout Barry Lyndon?

10.2K Messages


165.8K Points

I like the thinking and the suggestion. I gave it honorable mention above, but ultimately decided against it as there were movie options that were more purely Irish. The action in story happens all over Europe, as well as many locations were shot outside of Ireland, some even doubled for Ireland itself. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0072684/locations

Filmed In Ireland and Well Known Movies but not Irish Enough
Barry Lyndon: Ireland Filming Locations
The Crying Game: Ireland Filming Locations

5.2K Messages


138.3K Points

But how about the Irish spirit that filled Barry Lyndon and made him a constant outcast within British aristocracy?

10.2K Messages


165.8K Points

I has been awhile since I worked on this poll suggestion. If I recall correctly, I wanted to include it. The issue wasn't with the Irish spirit or that the movie wasn't a great, highly rated, widely seen movie. While, I admitted a half dozen Irish-USA films, they all seemed to about Ireland and Irish roots. They always seem to be surrounded by fellow Irish and always talking about being Irish when not in Ireland. Barry Lyndon seemed to cross a line the few other listed Irish films that had a mixed locations didn't. It seemed more about an Irishman in Britain and elsewhere and about British society and beyond the poll's scope. The locations seemed at bit too international to be included in a poll that focuses on Ireland. http://www.movie-locations.com/movies/b/BarryLyndon.html The scope of poll is Best Ireland Location Filmed Movie and the question is Which movie filmed in Ireland best captures the spirit of Ireland?

1.3K Messages


21.7K Points

8 years ago

Ondine (2009)

10.2K Messages


165.8K Points

I liked the film as well.

5.2K Messages


138.3K Points

7 years ago

The Wind that Shakes the Barley
I couldn't believe Ken Loach wasn't Irish after seeing the film :)



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

7 years ago

The Secret of Roan Inish



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

7 years ago

I don't think it's necessary to include "Ireland Filming Locations" in every description when you already say that in the intro.

The Magdalene Sisters (a difficult but important movie about a tragedy that could only happen in Ireland)
The Matchmaker
Veronica Guerin
Darby O'Gill and the Little People

The following don't measure up to the other films you have on your list. They are lightweight movies that aren't especially known for being Irish. I suggest removing them:
Love, Rose
Laws of Attraction
Leap Year

10.2K Messages


165.8K Points

Thanks, I appreciate the suggestions these are some great movies. The purpose of the "Ireland Filming Locations" in each answer option is not to be redundant, but to serve as a clickable answer option specific hyperlink with each movies Irish filming locations. I changed  the format from Angela's Ashes (1999): Ireland Filming Locations to Angela's Ashes (1999)'s Ireland Filming Locations to be clearer.

I already had The General listed, I would to expand the options with some popular older Irish films that fit the bill beyond three pre-1990 movies I have listed now. I only have My Left Foot  (1989), Ryan's Daughter (1970) and The Quiet Man (1952), so far. If, I get some more older titles, they would likely take the place of some of weaker titles. I liked all your suggestions, but eliminated the following for cause due to the question's scope:

Which movie filmed in Ireland best captures the spirit of Ireland?

Movies Set in Scotland
Brave (2012) is set in the fictional kingdom of DunBroch, "its locations are inspired by some true places. The film crew made two trips to Scotland for research purposes, and they created the settings to reflect the real Scotland. The story takes place in the kingdom of DunBroch, which is supposedly located in the Highlands."
Likewise, Brigadoon (1954) "involves two American tourists who stumble upon Brigadoon, a mysterious Scottish village that appears for only one day every 100 years. Tommy, one of the tourists, falls in love with Fiona, a young woman from Brigadoon."

Movies Not Filmed in Ireland
Darby O'Gill and the Little People (1959) has the feel for Ireland but is an illusion as it is filmed in a Disney Burbank studio and Southern California locales for exteriors. The Magdalene Sisters (2002), while a true Irish story set in Ireland, it has same issue as a Scottish-filmed production filmed at a Scottish convent

I added Veronica Guerin (2003) as I think it fits both in reality, location and a realistic spirit. I am on the fence on The MatchMaker (1997), it is lightly voted and is set in Boston and Ireland, like Laws of Attraction (2004) is set in New York and Ireland, but has bigger stars and four times the votes.  Like Love, Rose and Leap Year these titles make the list because they fit the parameters and are well-seen giving poll takers options. Philomena (2013) likewise has similarities to The Magdalene Sisters (2002) but was actually filmed in Ireland.

2 Messages


112 Points

7 years ago

Quiet Man 

10.2K Messages


165.8K Points

Thanks, I love that movie too.



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

6 years ago

10.2K Messages


165.8K Points

Thanks, I like the movie and the suggestion. But, I already have sixteen movies that have below 30,000 votes (50% of the total answer pool) The Playboys is 6.3 IMDb rated and has only 1,050 votes. I feel true Irish films are well-represented and it is hard to make the case for adding another one that hasn't been seen by most poll takers.

1.8K Messages


55.3K Points

6 years ago

Hunger (2008). Set almost entirely within the Maze Prison near Belfast. A great development for the theme of "In the Name of the Father" being in you list.