6 Messages


220 Points

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2018 7:18 AM

Live Poll: Most Powerful Hugh Jackman Performance

Which film is Hugh Jackman's most powerful performance? Hugh Jackman is a very versatile and accomplished actor. In which film does he give the most powerful performance as a non-superhero character? List: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls022669437/ Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/hcgVBB_0la0/

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

7 years ago

Well, rarely has Jackman failed to deliver. Alas, I have not seen most of the items on the list. Paperback HeroErskineville KingsSwordfishThe FountainThe PrestigeAustraliaReal SteelLes MisérablesPrisonersEddie the EagleThe Greatest ShowmanDeceptionNotably, in theory, this list would ensure thoughtful poll results as long as the Fox-Men movies are excluded. Besides there are probably several other polls dealing with that.



19.7K Messages


480.4K Points

7 years ago

Hi Paul Claassen, Thank you for your poll suggestion. 1. Once someone responds to a post, only an admin can edit that post. 2. Please read: FAQ: So You Want to Make an IMDb Poll? Here's How... Please note: Polls are limited to a maximum of 35 choices. 3. The IMDb editors prefer shorter titles. IMDb follows the Associated Press (AP) style guide for capitalizing titles. Also, you already ask the question in your poll suggestion. I recommend that you change the title of your list (https://www.imdb.com/list/ls022669437/) from: Which film is Hugh Jackman's most powerful performance? To: Most Powerful Hugh Jackman Performance 4. For future reference, this web application helps with title capitalization. Select Title Case and AP. https://capitalizemytitle.com/ 5. For your poll suggestion to be considered, you list must link back to this thread. Please add this text after your question. After voting, [link=https://getsatisfaction.com/imdb/topics/which-film-is-hugh-jackmans-most-powerful-performance]please discuss here.[/link]This will be displayed as: After voting, please discuss here. 6. Other poll authors and users may offer other suggestion. Please read their suggestions carefully and reply respectfully. 7. If you have any questions regarding creating and suggesting polls, please ask them in this thread.

6 Messages


220 Points

7 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Most Powerful Hugh Jackman Performance. Hugh Jackman is a very versatile and accomplished actor. In which film does he give the most powerful performance as a non-superhero character? After voting, please discuss here. link=https://getsatisfaction.com/imdb/topics/which-film-is-hugh-jackmans-most-powerful-performance



19.7K Messages


480.4K Points

Hi Paul Claassen, Please do not post more than one thread for a poll suggestion. This makes it more difficult to review your poll suggestion and less likely that your poll will be selected to go live.

718 Messages


26.3K Points

7 years ago

Greatest Showman, Real Steel. Showman the Best for the ages.

833 Messages


29.3K Points

7 years ago

Les Misérables 



19.7K Messages


480.4K Points

7 years ago

Paul Claassen, Thank you for adding the link back to this thread in your list.

534 Messages


18.1K Points

7 years ago

Les Misérables (2012) Edit list description to this After voting, [link=https://getsatisfaction.com/imdb/topics/which-film-is-hugh-jackmans-most-powerful-performance]please discuss here.[/link]



10.4K Messages


200.7K Points

7 years ago


10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

7 years ago

 I'm not sure that I can bring myself to watch lengthy musical Les Misérables, but every castmember's performance in it looks good from the movie's trailers.

6 Messages


220 Points

Indeed, the cast was very good, but - as you say - due to the film's long running time, the movie does lose momentum and becomes a bit dragged out. Jackman, off course, is very good as usual. (I can't say the same for Russell Crowe's performance in this film, as I did not find him believable.)



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

7 years ago

Hi Paul, I know you're new so I thought I'd share this with you - it's from the "How to make a poll" FAQ: 1. Be original and creative. We already have a way to rank a name (director, actor, etc), so polls like What's your favorite of these films of Director X are largely redundant. Look for less obvious, more imaginative and creative options. In particular, characters do not have these rankings today, so polls involving characters are always novel.



14.8K Messages


334.1K Points

The site has no other way to rank performances, though.



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

 polls like What's your favorite of these films of Director X are largely redundant



7.7K Messages


195.2K Points

7 years ago

'Probably 'Prisoners.' I wanted to commend you for such a well written introduction to the poll. Your grammar is impeccable; bravo. I think I've already said hi and welcome but, in case I haven't, hi and welcome. :) 

6 Messages


220 Points

Thank you; much appreciated!



10.4K Messages


200.7K Points

7 years ago

Congratulations! Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/hcgVBB_0la0/



19.7K Messages


480.4K Points

7 years ago

Congratulations paulclaassen on your 2nd live poll! As of 18-Jul-2018 8:11 PM Pacific your polls have 523 or more votes, for an average of 262 votes per poll. Most Powerful Hugh Jackman Performance 6670th Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/hcgVBB_0la0/ Seen: http://www.imdb.com/seen//ls022669437 This is the 2,955th Title poll. Such polls have a total of 7,229,975 votes for an average of 2,447 votes per poll. Total Number of Votes 15,806,139 Projected Date of 20 Million Votes 09-Jan-2020 Days Until 20 Million Votes 539 This is the list of paulclaassen's polls as of 12-Jul-2018: Sorted Alphabetically http://mypollwatch.blogspot.com/2014/05/imdb-polls-alphabetical-by-author.html#paulclaassen In Decreasing Order of Votes http://mypollwatch.blogspot.com/2015/03/imdb-polls-descending-order-of-votes-by.html#paulclaassen Alphabetical List of Polls http://mypollwatch.blogspot.com/2014/03/imdb-polls-alphabetical.html Top IMDb Polls http://mypollwatch.blogspot.com/2015/07/top-imdb-polls.html IMDb Polls - Descending Order of Votes http://mypollwatch.blogspot.com/2013/12/imdb-polls-descending-order-of-votes.html Summary Statistics http://mypollwatch.blogspot.com/2016/05/summary-statistics.html Key Threads - IMDb Poll FAQs Index https://getsatisfaction.com/imdb/topics/faq-key-threads-imdb-poll-faqs-index How to Improve the Chance of Having your Poll on the Home Page https://getsatisfaction.com/imdb/topics/faq-how-to-improve-the-chance-of-having-your-poll-on-the-hom...