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845 Messages


34.3K Points

Saturday, December 14th, 2019 8:43 PM

Live Poll: Most Overrated Movie of 2019

It is about to end this 2019, it has left us great movies, but since the cinema is subjective we probably found them overrated movies. What do you think was the most overrated movie of this 2019? As much as by the public as by the critics.



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1.4K Messages


51K Points

5 years ago

have to agree with cinephile...anything with adam sandler can't be rated low enough....

4.4K Messages


124K Points

I've seen a handful of okay Sandler flicks (if that hand belongs to a tiny newborn); reminds me of a joke RiffTrax: A Talking Cat (I may paraphrase 'cause I can't remember it word for word):

Girl (talking about Hamlet): "It's about a man who doesn't go after what he wants even though it's right in front of him."
Kevin: "That's also the plot of EVERY Adam Sandler movie, so don't get all high and mighty!"

5.1K Messages


137.9K Points

5 years ago

So far I'm not disappointed by the movies but from the trailer, "Les Misérables" strikes me as a rather biased anti-Police film... I may be wrong but the film has been vividly criticized here in France.

845 Messages


34.3K Points

Do you think it's an "overrated" movie?

5.1K Messages


137.9K Points

I didnt watch the film... but it seems like a divisive movie. Detractors might find it dangerously manipulative... so kind of overrated.

845 Messages


34.3K Points

Les Miserables, added

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Are we talking about the Les Miserables musical?  It's actually great, in my opinion.  As far as being anti-police, I didnn;t get that. The punishment for a poor booy stealing food was much too harsh, back then.  But reguardless of the plot, the music is great and the best thing about it is that it's a musical with dignity - not cheesy High School Musical stuff.



14.2K Messages


327.9K Points

Les Misérables from this year is not a musical, but a modern drama which only borrows its title from the Victor Hugo story.

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Ah, yes... I remember seeing a poster for that.  That's not the musical, lol.  :)  I withdraw my previous comment, too.

4.4K Messages


124K Points

5 years ago

The Lion King.

845 Messages


34.3K Points

I thought it would be stupid to add The Lion King, because nobody seems to care about that movie, however after being nominated in the Golden Globes I could realize how overrated it really was.

415 Messages


17.9K Points

5 years ago

FYC- Captain Marvel

415 Messages


17.9K Points

Are you going to add Captain Marvel? It's the single most generic superhero movie I've ever seen, I really don't get the hype behind it besides it starring a female protagonist. DC two years ago released Wonder Woman, a female driven superhero movie that not only had a likeable star but was also directed by a female director! I know Marvel fans will crucify me for saying this but it just wasn't very good.

845 Messages


34.3K Points

Yes, added, it's really bad and overrated by MCU fans

415 Messages


17.9K Points

It will definitely get my vote 



6.7K Messages


117.8K Points

5 years ago

I haven't seen it, but looking at the 50 most voted films, Polar seems to have the biggest in critics and viewers love. 



6.7K Messages


117.8K Points

Sorry, I deleted a line, it has the biggest difference between the metacritic rating and the IMDb users rating, so you could argue it is very overrated by users.

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845 Messages


34.3K Points

I try to find an average balance between the opinion of critics and the public, this movie has a Metascore score of just "19"

1K Messages


27.9K Points

5 years ago

FYC: Suspiria

415 Messages


17.9K Points

The original Dario Argento movie is one of my favourite horror movies, it's got so much style and is absolutely unrelenting! I couldn't bring myself to watch the remake...

845 Messages


34.3K Points

Suspiria is from 2018 :D

4K Messages


85.9K Points

How is Suspiria (2018) overrated?
For something to be overrated, some group or population must have had at least valued the project numerically high? Critically and audience wise? It's all mixed reviews. No one particular population openly loved in (in their monolithical collective voice). And it didn't win any awards.

Yeah it won two Independent Spirit Awards but it also won a Yoga Award (WTH that is) for Worst Director.

1.3K Messages


28.4K Points

5 years ago

Irishman, I think the rating will be around 7.5 in 1 or 2 years. For me it’s a 4/10

1 Message


100 Points

5 years ago




7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

5 years ago

Definitely 'Joker:' A great performance but the second half of the film just got in the way. It seems that the writer and director never heard that "less is more." 

207 Messages


9.6K Points

5 years ago

The movie I have with a lower score is 'Endgame' but I met a lot of people who also despise this horrendous movie, and this seem to be loved by fans. So my choice would be Joker or Us, movies that were inflated by critics and people for being a supposed social criticism, however they are still faulty commercial movies, I enjoyed Joker a lot but I have heard so many people and critics say that this is the "best movie of the year" that became tormenting for me, and on the other hand 'Us' It's a movie with a silly script, almost as dumb as 'Get Out'



7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

I agree, especially about 'Joker,' and from your choice of favorite films of 2019, I think that we probably have similar taste. And while I've also seen or heard a few critics rave about it, it got a Metacritic score of only 59. I wouldn't even give it quite that but it's certainly not a high meta score. 

I generally don't go to see superhero movies, as my estimate of them is similar to  Martin Scorsese's so I didn't see Endgame. 

4K Messages


85.9K Points

5 years ago

FYC: Joker (2019)

845 Messages


34.3K Points

845 Messages


34.3K Points

5 years ago


207 Messages


9.6K Points

5 years ago

The Two Popes

845 Messages


34.3K Points

Added, I thought I had added it before.

8.9K Messages


165.8K Points

5 years ago

'John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum'  !

236 Messages


8K Points

5 years ago

Probably Joker or Avengers: Endgame. To be honest, I have not actually watched the latter, but ... can it really be THAT good ? I have heard people compare it to the Shawshank Redemption and the Usual Suspects, to that I say; no way.

I found Joker to be quite enjoyable, amazing performance by Phoenix who I think should win a long overdue Academy Award, but is it really better than masterpieces such as Once Upon a Time in the West, Apocalypse Now or Das Boot ?

A worthy contender would be Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood. I can maybe see where people are coming from, but to me, it's just an average Tarantino flick.

415 Messages


17.9K Points

It's implied though the infamous Manson murders take place directly after Rick Dalton enters the Polanski residence. The whole idea of the film is it portrays the end of an era, that being the 60s, and before these talented actors and filmmakers were killed by the Manson cult they lived their lives to the fullest. I do think Tarantino can be gratuitous with his violence sometimes but in this film I found it justified. Let those psychos burn I say! 

845 Messages


34.3K Points

It was total legitimate defense, some psychopaths were assalting his house, in fact Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is Tarantino movie that offers less violence, all the violence that is downloaded in the end is catartic and a good way to reach the climax of the movie.

236 Messages


8K Points

I feel like the violence in OUATIH was rather unnecessary. It just comes out of nowhere and ends just as fast as it came. In movies such as Django Unchained or Inglorious Basterds, the violence was handled very well, it is infact almost a need I think. But in OUATIH, I felt that Tarantino just decided (as you said cinephile) to throw it in for fun in order to craft a climax. It doesn't work that way.

415 Messages


17.9K Points

I can see where your argument is coming from but I thought the use of occasional violence towards the end suited the context of the narrative, that being the end of the 60s and the looming dread of the Manson murders throughout the movie. The only part in that scene that seemed overly gratuitous to me was when Cliff slammed that girl's head in around five times, that wasn't really necessary but I guess to Tarantino he wanted to show the consequences of threatening violence in real life opposed to using violence in movies to entertain.

8.9K Messages


165.8K Points

In real life Sharon Tate was awfully slaughtered by the Manson "family", which got caught and arrested. That's all what happened in real life, except that Polanski got shattered with it, too.

The movie just gives people who fear crime or maybe have be victim of a crime a vision of how it rather should happened instead the reality, were they can project their own inner hatred into. That's ok by me. :D

But sorry, the storytelling (for a Tarantino movie ) was disappointing. Over the whole time I had the feeling that the story is not really connected to the "incident". The "incident" is just a fantasy of QT. I got the feeling that his movies are not the same since his former cutter died. The movies had somehow more magic.

6.8K Messages


127.8K Points

"This movie had somehow more magic."

I felt that after watching his new film (Once Upon a Time in Hollywood).

I mean how the hell did the main characters get out alive from Tarantino's film.
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415 Messages


17.9K Points

I have to disagree, I found it to be Tarantino's most refreshing movie since Pulp Fiction. Tarantino as of late likes to pay homage to older genres which he has been doing for most of his career, but this movie goes back to what made his first few films so engrossing, following characters rather than using traditional storytelling. I think what separates mediocre films and good films is whether you as an audience member take anything away from the moviegoing experience. Pulp Fiction you take away, that despite the ugliness of the world, there are still human beings trying to redeem themselves. Once Upon A Time In Hollywood you take away that despite the atrocities committed by deplorable people, life isn't meaningless despite nihilistic psychopaths telling you otherwise. Sure the ending is a fantasy, but that's what movies are all about, they are not real! It seems like this was one of Tarantino's most personal movies since he is always criticised for using violence in his films and asked whether there's any connection to real crime. The ending of Once Upon A Time In Hollywood felt like a direct assault on those idiotic critics and that's why people loved it including myself!

6.8K Messages


127.8K Points

I'm not saying it's a bad movie (Tarantino is one those few filmmakers who never disappoints) ... I still got the Tarantino vibe.

I'm only surprised by the fact that nobody (any of the main characters) dies in the end.

But it was tense tho. The real tense began when Cliff visits that ranch.

I loved it. I love Tarantino because of his way of story-telling and violence in his films, his lust for blood. ◉‿◉
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8.9K Messages


165.8K Points

Ok, sorry for my lack of language knowledge and vocabulary. Sometimes I have problems to express my self exactly enough. It is not the main fail, that it doesn't show what these awful freaks have done to Tate and Polansky. Who would really like to see her slaughtered by these sick *ssh*oles? Me surely not. That would be pure blood lust voyeurism. That's not the point. I wanted to explain another thing, which is the main point I don't like.

Tarantino spends so much time on the two main guys and tells all in all two stories. He tells the story of these guys. The manson "family" is connected too less over the playtime to the end. So we have a story around the two guys that bored me at some point. And then - surprise - party time! This is the first time I was moderate disappointed about a Tarantino movie. It's like: Now put the story away and start our themepark.

I had the feeling earlier, that he decreases. The last movie that got me complete was 'Inglorious Basterds', from there on I feel he decreased. He never again reached the quality of e.g. 'Kill Bill'. And now please someone tell me about connection to reality  in that movie. It's just a fantasy, not more. The whole movie is a violence theme park. With popping blood fountains, lots of limbs and gore. But it was all connected in a story with a red line through it. In his Hollywood movie, I miss this red line sometimes. I'm still disappointed.

415 Messages


17.9K Points

Although that's exactly what I like about Once Upon A Time In Hollywood in that it's more like Pulp Fiction than Kill Bill. Kill Bill Vol 1. is good as stylised escapist entertainment especially that final action sequence and Uma Thurman is great, but Vol 2. was so heavy handed with the dialogue even for Tarantino standards, especially the comic book monologue from Bill which is so meaningless I don't even find it ironic. In Once Upon A Time In Hollywood I just really dug how Tarantino showed the day in the life of these two people in the movie, transporting you to another time and place rather than homaging another genre, like Kill Bill did for Martial Arts films, Django and Hateful Eight for Westerns, etc. I do like most of his filmography but it goes get tiring seeing him be retro homaging other genres.

8.9K Messages


165.8K Points

I agree with cinephile, that 'Joker' was a way better film than 'One Upon a Time in Hollywood'. 'Joker' is a breathtaking fictional drama, which deal with the dilemma that might happen, when a government cuts medical help for people in need. I know that 'Joker' is very dramatised and not real. But it needed also to be connected to the Batman stories. For a fiction about a villain character of a super hero story, it felt nearly too realistic. I think it's a milestone in superhero (-villain) stories. I think the cut was perfect and the dirty, rotten, sad atmosphere of 'Joker' got me more that the atmosphere of 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood'. And sorry - Joaquin Phoenix was so good in that role, that it hurt to see this guy suffer on screen. With false friends also around him (e.g. the gun dealer) A tragic character. A murder? yes! Prison? Absolutely! But the story also tells that this wouldn't have had to happen to this fictional character. Dramatic!

415 Messages


17.9K Points

Both movies are amazing, I may like Joker more actually.

8.9K Messages


165.8K Points

Ok, on one of the movies we have different povs, so what? :D
Greetz. :D

415 Messages


17.9K Points

Yep your right, do you reckon this poll will get chosen? The underrated poll did extremely well but not sure if some of these picks are too controversial? 

8.9K Messages


165.8K Points

I hope so, it's an extremely interesting subject, which I want to see how it turns out at the end. Controversial is ok, as long as the people behave and see just another  filmdude in each other. ;) If you ask me, if they put it online as a poll? I think so, because the users had a very interesting discussion and it's ovious that ruby already posted her words here down below:

'Good poll and, although I think most of the films on the list are quite good, it's a good list of options for this particular poll.
(End of quote)

So for me it's obvious that it will become a poll, soon.