ndbportmanfan_1's profile

927 Messages


27.3K Points

Monday, January 1st, 2018 4:46 PM

Live Poll: IMDb Poll Board Top 5 Picks for 2017

Each user below has selected their own five favorite movies of 2017. Which list do you personally agree with the most?

Note: The lists below are not a ranked top 5 list. Users chose different ways to assemble their personal list.

List: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls027833670/

Poll: http://www.imdb.com/poll/H0Ik1CaTWrY/

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5.1K Messages


137.8K Points

7 years ago

Ask me the question in two months and I'll tell you, it's only until Oscar season reaches its peak that I have seen enough movies to come with a Top 5. So far, I only saw Get Out and Mudbound.

927 Messages


27.3K Points

No problem, I didn't expect too many people would have their list ready.



7.5K Messages


192.2K Points

7 years ago

Like Elmo, I haven't yet seen several films that have been released in the past two or three months, eve though I've really wanted to and that's the time when my kind of films are usually released. I had two deaths in my family so that stopped my time at the theater for a while. I saw Ladybird, though, tonight, and it was great. I doubt very much that anything I still see will outseat The Florida Project (I'm absolutely crazily obsessed with that film, lol) or Kedi. I suspect Ladybird will stay, too, if you don't mind changing my list from what it was. Now I'd say:

1. The Florida Project
2. Kedi
3. Ladybird
4. Wind River
5. Maudie

This really is a great idea. And I love seeing 'The Florida Project' there. And I like that this year my top five all have female protagonists except for one, which has feline protagonists, lol. 

(The ones I still hope to see include Three Billboards, The Shape of Water, Call Me by Your Name, Loveless, if it comes to my city, and a few other foreign films if they come to my city. I'm sure I'll see 'Shape' soon but 'Three Billboards' has left my city :-( and 'Call Me' won't be here for another couple of weeks. 'Maudie,' although I liked it, is the only one on my list that I'm not very confident about.)

927 Messages


27.3K Points

I will make the change but there is definitely no rush. :)  I haven't seen all of the movies I wanted either. 



7.5K Messages


192.2K Points

May I replace 'Maudie' with 'Quest?' 

(Although I still have to see a couple more movies, including 'Shape of Water,' so there's no hurry in making that change - this is really more of a bump for suggestions, lol.)

927 Messages


27.3K Points

I replaced it for now.

1.3K Messages


21.7K Points

7 years ago

1. Logan
2. Disaster Artist
3. Greatest Showman
4. Coco
5. Spider-Man Homecoming

Idea:  No one has done a IMDb Poll Board Top for   "TV series 2017"

HOping someone can do that.   If no one does, I'll try to make one and make time to keep up with it.  Its hard for me because of work schedule.

927 Messages


27.3K Points

Added, as far as the tv series idea goes; I really don't want to do too many of them. If you want to try and make it I would be more than happy to give my top 5. I am assuming it is shows currently airing in 2017 not shows that began in 2017.

1.3K Messages


21.7K Points

Can you please update my list?

1. Logan
2. The Shape of Water
3. Greatest Showman
4. Coco
5. Thor Ragnorak


927 Messages


27.3K Points




7.5K Messages


192.2K Points

7 years ago

bump for more contributions



7.5K Messages


192.2K Points

7 years ago

bump for more suggestions

131 Messages


2.2K Points

7 years ago

Blade Runner 2049
Thor: Ragnarok
Guardian of the Galaxy 2

927 Messages


27.3K Points


4K Messages


85.4K Points

7 years ago

Shape of Water (2017);
Your Name (2016);
All the Money in the World (2017);
The Breadwinner (2017);
Phantom Thread (2017).

927 Messages


27.3K Points

Added, I'm a little surprised Three Billboards didn't make your list.



7.5K Messages


192.2K Points

'Good list, S. I want to see Breadwinner and Your Name so much but they're not in my city; this is just one of many reasons that I miss NY. 

ND, I've been debating with myself about 'Three Billboard,' and I'd love to get your perspective. I finally saw it a couple of weeks ago and I definitely liked it but not as much as I expected, especially given that McDonagh wrote one of my three favorite plays, and I thought 'In Bruges' was excellent. The performances were exquisite, especially Frances McDormand and Woody Harrelson, the dialogue and cinematography were evocative and painfully beautiful, and the mood was right on key, but I got really tripped up over one detail: I didn't understand McDonagh's choice to have a fire extinguisher in Mildred's car. It seemed like it was there just to get the shot of Mildred trying to put out the fire, which wasn't worth it: I've never seen an extinguisher in anyone's car, unless that's a rural,  midwestern or western thing. It just seemed too contrived for something unnecessary. It would have been just as powerful to see how Mildred would react if she could do nothing but watch, I thought, but it also bothers me that I'm that bothered by it, lol, so I've really been wanting to hear someone else's thoughts.

927 Messages


27.3K Points

Some cars do have them but they are usually compact in size ( I can't remember if she had a full size one of not). (if full size) I took it as another thing that speaks to her personality of being overly prepared due to her lack of trust in the town. She seemed like the person that if she saw a fire and no one was helping she would get out of her car and start doing something about it.



7.5K Messages


192.2K Points

Indeed, that does fit her personality. 'Good point. Thank you for that perspective.



7.5K Messages


192.2K Points

I saw Breadwinner and, though it didn't make my top five, i liked it a lot. I saw in on Netflix. I wonder if I would like it even more if I were to see it in a theater instead of seeing it on a laptop screen; I suspect I would. 

9.6K Messages


158.8K Points

7 years ago

I still need to see a few films, in particular, Your Name (2016), Mudbound (2017) and Phantom Thread (2017) to finalize and cull my list down to a final five. My working top ten includes Shape of Water (2017), Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017), Blade Runner 2049 (2017), The Greatest Showman (2017), Molly's Game (2017),Their Finest (2016), Get Out (2017), Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017) and Gifted (2017). I will update once I have a set five.

9.6K Messages


158.8K Points

I finally saw Mudbound (2017), My top five:

Shape of Water (2017)
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)
Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
Their Finest (2016)
Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)

927 Messages


27.3K Points


320 Messages


7.1K Points

7 years ago

I expect to update my list as I see more films, but here's a tentative one.

1. The Shape of Water
2. Get Out
3. Logan
4. mother!
5. A Ghost Story

But that's not final. 

927 Messages


27.3K Points


320 Messages


7.1K Points

I'd like to move A Ghost Story to the top. Everything else can stay in the same order. 

927 Messages


27.3K Points


320 Messages


7.1K Points

Thank you!

2K Messages


47K Points

6 years ago

Likely my final picks but I'll let you know if anything changes once I see the remaining Best-Picture nominated films:

927 Messages


27.3K Points


2K Messages


47K Points


I just saw The Shape of Water (2017) and it easily made my top 2 for the year. I would like to replace Dunkirk with Shape of Water and then swap its place with Get Out. Therefore, I'd like my new order to be:

1. Coco (2017)
2. The Shape of Water (2017) 
3. Get Out (2017) 
4. Call Me by Your Name (2017)
5. Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)

927 Messages


27.3K Points




7.5K Messages


192.2K Points

6 years ago

I'm pretty sure I've seen all of the 2017 films I'm going to be able to see for quite a while (hopefully at some point I'll be able to see a few foreign films or micro-budget films that I'd really like to, but I don't expect them to be available for quite a while), so would you mind updating my list? I swear this is probably my final list, lol.

1. The Florida Project
2. Call Me by Your Name (tied with #3)
3. Kedi
4. Ladybird (tied with #5 & #6)
5. Mudbound
6. Quest

If you really want only five, I guess leave out 'Quest.' Thank you, so much. 

927 Messages


27.3K Points


1.3K Messages


28.4K Points

6 years ago

1. Patti Cake$
2. Coco
3. Hostiles
4. The Florida Project
5. The Disaster Artist



7.5K Messages


192.2K Points

Yay for 'The Fiorida Project!' I'm ridiculous about that movie, lol. I think you and I may be two of very few people who saw Patti Cake$ - and I liked that film a lot, too ('good list!).

927 Messages


27.3K Points


1.3K Messages


28.4K Points

I finally did see The Florida Project. Very good movie! But I'm not obsessed by it like you :). For me 8/10. I loved the performance of Bria Vinaite (Halley). She should be nominated for an Oscar as well. I'm glad I did see this movie, it was a good recommendation! 
Nice that you also did see Patti Cake$! Indeed, great movie!



7.5K Messages


192.2K Points

 But I'm not obsessed by it like you :)

That really made me lol. 

Yes, I agree that Vinaite should have received a nomination. She never had any acting experience, either - 'a natural. And for Sean Baker to get such great performances from non-actors and beginners is remarkable. Willem Dafoe said Vinaite and Prince completely held their own with him, like he was working with seasoned virtuosos.

Patti Cake$ made my top ten and could have made my top five: deciding on spots 4 and 5 was a decision between three movies. The lead in that film also gave such an authentic, magnetic, and compelling performance. She's one of my favorite characters in recent years. 

I have not yet seen the other three films on your list but they're on my to-see list. I'm sure I'll see Coco soon and hopefully the other two. 

659 Messages


20K Points

6 years ago

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
The Brawler

But it's not final yet.

927 Messages


27.3K Points




9.4K Messages


190.1K Points

6 years ago

927 Messages


27.3K Points


1K Messages


47K Points

6 years ago

1. Lucky
2. Blade Runner 2049
3. Get Out
4. The Florida Project
5. Baby Driver

There are still some to catch up on but I won't be able to do that soon. At least I had to see The Florida Project, with ruby campaigning for it :). It was worth it.

927 Messages


27.3K Points

Added, with so many people picking the Florida Project I might have to give it a go. 



7.5K Messages


192.2K Points

At least I had to see The Florida Project, with ruby campaigning for it :)


A few weeks ago, a friend of mine joked with me that I was verging on the obnoxious about that movie, and if that film was my boyfriend, she would hate him. :)  Then she saw the film and said, "Wow, I kind of think I now understand your obsession," lol.  

(I'm glad you liked it, alb.) 

Oh my gosh, I really need to see 'Lucky.' That's been on the top of my to-see list for so long. 'So many great ingredients. 

1K Messages


47K Points

We're here to share and inspire passion for movies after all, I appreciate your 'obsession'. :)

The children in The Florida Project were so great, especially Brooklynn Prince. But they also felt natural because they were allowed to act in the way children would do, most movies just treat children as fodder for emotional payoffs with adults.

I also liked the fact that the movie wasn't plotted down to death but rather focused on the experience in little moments. I hope it isn't revealing too much to say that Lucky has the same quality.



7.5K Messages


192.2K Points

I also liked the fact that the movie wasn't plotted down to death but rather focused on the experience in little moments.

'Very well said, indeed. You're so right about how children are usually used in films, as well. 

And now 'Lucky' went from number two on my "to-see" list to number one. :)