BonaFideBOSS's profile

6.8K Messages


128K Points

Tuesday, September 15th, 2020 12:10 AM

Live Poll: IMDb Poll Board: Favorite Movie Starting With "A"

Dear members of the IMDb Poll Board,
What Is Your Favorite Movie Starting With A?

★ Please note that while considering, articles (a/an/the) are excluded.
- For example, 'A Clockwork Orange' does not qualify for this list because it starts with the letter C.
★ Please also note that the movie titles are read in IMDb's default title display settings.

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- by BonaFideBOSS | My Polls

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10.2K Messages


199K Points

4 years ago

I don't think "most" is needed:

Here are IMDb poll board members' most favorite movies starting with the letter A. 

6.8K Messages


128K Points



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14.6K Messages


332.3K Points

4 years ago

6.8K Messages


128K Points


Added. Thanks!

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8.7K Messages


177.6K Points

4 years ago



10.2K Messages


199K Points

4 years ago

824 Messages


13.5K Points

4 years ago

I wish I could be on this list too.



7.1K Messages


121.9K Points

@Master_Strange If you suggest your option maybe Bonafide can add it and ask for a repush. 

6.8K Messages


128K Points


Yes please, go ahead and share us your favorite movies starting with the letter "A"

I'll add it to the poll.

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824 Messages


13.5K Points

@Pencho15 OK, Thank You for guide.  


824 Messages


13.5K Points


- Thank You. It's OK if repush not happening. All good. :))

- Except for movies already selected by other users. My favorite movie starting with 'A' is Alita: Battle Angel

- Thanks Again. ♥
