Aris_Athanas's profile

10.1K Messages


179K Points

Monday, March 18th, 2019 12:35 PM

Live Poll: If You'd Found a Genie, What Would You Wish For?

You just found a lamp with a genie inside, just like Aladdin did. What would be your wish?

1.4K Messages


58.6K Points

6 years ago

Tom Hiddleston, of course!

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Gitte: LOL!  :DPaok: This is an awesome idea!  I love scenario polls.  I say Unlimited Wishes!!!  Suggs: FriendsPerfect Weather All the TimeServants/People to Help Me Get Things Done!  :)

1.4K Messages


58.6K Points

I just couldn't help it! 

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Yeah, that's okay - I'd wish for something like that, too!  ;)

10.1K Messages


179K Points

You must be in love with Tom Hiddleston. Unfortunately the Genie can't make him fall in love with you, so you must find a way to earn him just as Aladdin did with Princess Jasmine.

1.4K Messages


58.6K Points

Oh well, there's no law against hoping! In addition to looking gorgeous he is also an extremely gifted actor.

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Yes, he's the most tolerable in the Thor movies.  Have you seen Cranford (or Return to Cranford)?

1.4K Messages


58.6K Points

Oh yes!!!!

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Good.  :)  I like those movies; so sweet.

10.1K Messages


179K Points

He is the most intresting character in MCU. I hope they'll bring him back for the series they preparing and not choose a different actor.

10.1K Messages


179K Points

He is the most intresting character in MCU. I hope they'll bring him back for the series they preparing and not choose a different actor.

1K Messages


28K Points

6 years ago

mind control powers

10.1K Messages


179K Points


5.2K Messages


138.3K Points

6 years ago

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! NO, NO and NOOOO!"Sorry for overreacting, but you have a terrific idea for a poll so why are you destroying it with the last wish which is "unlimited wish", there's got to be one rule which is not to pick that wish, because it ruins the purpose of the whole poll, if I want wealth, that's good but wealth and beauty are better.Everyone is likely to pick the last option because it's the smartest move, so in the end we'll never know what everyone's secret wish would be.If I had to pick one, it wouldn't be beauty but height, 4 more inches would be perfect, yeah, I'm not crazy about fame or money, 4 more inches and I'd be happy... maybe that goes with beauty but I think it's too broad for my wish, I might ask for beauty and look like Tom Cruise and for some reason, i'd still be p****** off.FYCFlyingBeing someone elseSpeak every languageRead in people's mindBecoming invisibleOpening a Pickle Jar...

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Yes, Paok, I believe ElM is right... perhaps you could change the wording to, '100 More Wishes.'  That way you'd have to run out sometime!  Opening a Jar... LOL!  :D

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Oh, I have crazy trouble with jars - and not just Binks!I imagine even Schwarzenegger in his prime struggled with that!"I caan't opean eet!  Eet's too had!"

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Oh, sorry, Mr. Schwarzenegger.  Was just making a joke, hehe.  ;):D

5.2K Messages


138.3K Points

I was never that good with the pickle jar to begin with, I know many people dry their hands or use towels but I learned the trick, which is to take it upside down and hit the bottom several times with your palm, it worked 90% of the time... and that "PLOP" sound it makes when you open it (or when it decides to give up) is perhaps one of the most satisfying sounds ever... I feel like Popeye whenever I get it done.

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Yeah, I usually use one of those jar opener things made of some kind of rubber or whatever, (you know, the rag-like things) but sometimes even that won't get the job done!  Will keep ElM's trick in mind!

5.2K Messages


138.3K Points

I'm an Stuffed olive guy. So is Popeye lol...

10.1K Messages


179K Points

Done. You are right, ''Unlimited wishes'' will ruin the poll.

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Yes, the smell of a freshly opened bag of chips is delightful... but the sound is insane, especially if someone else is opening it, and you're trying to take a nap!  :D

5.2K Messages


138.3K Points

That's because people try to do it as silently as possible and it makes it painfully slow and noisy... you've got to do it in one quick "craaaak"... and try not to get them all over the floor. Funny you didn't mention the possibility of that thing happening in a movie theater, I guess that's because by the time the film finally starts, all the bags have been opened. I remember once I had the time to eat half the bag of M&Ms during the film's opening logos.

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Haha!  Yeah, usually at theaters people have opened their snacks before the movie... it's just the people coughing, talking loud, getting up and down, and dropping snacks you have to worry about, now!  I understand that nobody's perfect, and people will make some noise at the show... but c'mon!  You don't have to verbally react to every line of dialogue that is said at the top of your lungs!  "Ooh!"   "Whoa!"   "Ha ha!"   "Jeez!"   "What?"   "Aw, cool!"  *etc*

1K Messages


47K Points

6 years ago

Health and languages sound good. And while wealth doesn't equal happiness, it would sure be a huge relief.FYC: Time travelAbility to un-see moviesFreeze time whenever you like

10.1K Messages


179K Points




7.7K Messages


194.8K Points

Alb, since you're beautifully fluent in at least two, and I can't seem to get past an elementary understanding of anything but English, if you were to be granted languages, would you share it with me? : )Oh, and I love your suggestions! I was just wishing for time travel, in fact, lol. 'Great minds think alike. : )

1K Messages


47K Points

Don't worry Ruby, I'd wish for 10 trillion Dollars and buy a time freezer with that. Then we both use it to learn all the languages we want in an instant.



7.7K Messages


194.8K Points

Hahaha, that's a great plan. Thanks, Albe. 



19.7K Messages


480K Points

6 years ago

PK, If I have three wishes, for my first wish, I would wish for the great wisdom and other resources necessary to wisely use (or not use) my remaining two wishes. The remaining two wishes would be heavily contingent on the result of my first wish. If I am limited to one wish, I would wish for the great wisdom and other resources necessary to wisely conduct the remainder of my life.

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Wow, great thinking!  

1K Messages


47K Points

Nice, although there is the same problem as with love. There is 'outside' wealth that everyone can acknowledge, but the definitions of wisdom and love can only be found in each individual's mind and heart. They are often hard to grasp and are constantly evolving as your personality grows; I would even say you can't 'have' wisdom or love, you can only act them out.

10.1K Messages


179K Points

Wisdom added

5.2K Messages


138.3K Points

If you wish for wisdom, you'll get wise enough to understand that it's unwise to wish for something else when you should be satisfied with what life gave to you or that the wisest move would be to transfer the right to have those wishes to people who "really" need it, either ways, you're going to wish nothing for you, which kind of cancels out the purpose of the wish.A wise Rabbi said once: "men should only want what they have so they can get whatever they want" 



19.7K Messages


480K Points

PK,Wisdom added.Thanks.



4K Messages


244.3K Points

6 years ago

FYC: Better attention span to make sure I devote at least 10 minutes a day to everything I like/want/need to do. Wait, actually, I don't need genie for that. I need more coffee. :)

52 Messages


2.3K Points

6 years ago

I want them all! :)in other word, I want to be Neo!Dodging bullet and stopping them (stopping time), mastering in anything (like kungfu) in a few minutes, access to anythings, flying, knowing the future, having a strong love, having good friends, having a good look and fit body, and blah blah blah



7.1K Messages


122.2K Points

6 years ago

I remember there were two things Aladdin genie could not grant. Make someone fall in love with you and bring people back from the death were two of them. Perhaps that's a good reason to remove them from your options.As for Me, my first wish would be simply to achieve with complete success everything I decide to do in life. Having that I would use my next two wishes for the benefit of others.

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Ooh, you're right - if the Genie can't do those things, they should not be on the list!  :)

10.1K Messages


179K Points


5.2K Messages


138.3K Points

6 years ago

Imagine that power: having the answer to every question.- Does God exist?- What would be the best solution to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict?- Who was behind the assassination of JFK?- Where is the remote control?

10.1K Messages


179K Points

You think I should add this as an option?

5.2K Messages


138.3K Points

I think that would be the thing I would ask for, it's worth everything. You can read in people's mind by asking the right question to yourself, you can use it to know how to behave in social instances and say the right thing at the right moment, you can win money from game shows, you can predict the future, you can find how to cure cancer, you can find the proper word, then the proper sentence and eventually write a book. It all comes down to asking the right question... you can even know which religion you should practice... or not lol.

10.1K Messages


179K Points


96 Messages


3.8K Points

6 years ago

Wealth, flying, defeat of evil, friends and different parents or that these parents die soon.Suggestion: you could add attractive women/sex and also perfect health

10.1K Messages


179K Points


845 Messages


34.3K Points

6 years ago

Sé un genio de las matemáticas :)

10.1K Messages


179K Points

Added, thanks.



7.7K Messages


194.8K Points

6 years ago

I'd say health but there are a few others that would be nice. "The ability to un-see a movie" is really funny and a great option. I really like this poll; it's a great one and the images too!May I suggest a few small edits?The title: If You'd Found a Genie, What Would You Wish For? To be grammatically correct, it should be "If You'd Find..." or "If You Found..." but not both "You'd" and "Found"#15: Women is plural but man is singular. I'd suggest making them the same: "Woman/man" or "women/men"#20: "Reading people's minds" or "Read people's minds"#27:  Hmmm, why just math? : )



7.7K Messages


194.8K Points

Actually, I guess "If You'd Found" could mean "If You Had Found," which is correct, but it sounds like the contraction means "If You Would," which would be more common, and, in that case, it should be "If You'd Find" or "If You Found""If You Found" is probably best because it's the most straightforward and it avoids a contraction. Like I always say, English is a strange language. : )



10.3K Messages


199.8K Points

Also, in the last option: I would set the Genie free

10.1K Messages


179K Points

Corrected, thanks! I added math because a person from above request it.



7.7K Messages


194.8K Points

Oh, yeah, I did see that. Thanks, Paok. 

189 Messages


6K Points

I've spoken American English as my first language for 60+ years, and (insignificantly) published in the same, and "If you'd found" sounds like perfectly fine grammar to me, e.g.:  If you'd found a genie, you would have fixed the world's problems.  But you didn't.(Said with a smile) The third wish is traditionally to fix all the unforeseen problems caused by the previous wishes!



10.3K Messages


199.8K Points

6 years ago

FYC:To be something other than human 

10.1K Messages


179K Points




7.7K Messages


194.8K Points

6 years ago

Live Poll: Applause, applause... : )

10.1K Messages


179K Points


1K Messages


47K Points

6 years ago

Eh, right now I just wish that verifiably ignorant EU parliamentarians hadn't belittled protesters against their ill-conceived articles with such utter contempt...



14.7K Messages


332.9K Points

Possibly the first EU Parliament reference in the history of the IMDb Poll board.