10.1K Messages
179K Points
Live Poll: If You'd Found a Genie, What Would You Wish For?
You just found a lamp with a genie inside, just like Aladdin did. What would be your wish? https://www.imdb.com/list/ls046479959/https://www.imdb.com/poll/qwc1diYRD9g/
1.4K Messages
58.6K Points
6 years ago
Tom Hiddleston, of course!
1K Messages
28K Points
6 years ago
mind control powers
5.2K Messages
138.3K Points
6 years ago
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! NO, NO and NOOOO!"Sorry for overreacting, but you have a terrific idea for a poll so why are you destroying it with the last wish which is "unlimited wish", there's got to be one rule which is not to pick that wish, because it ruins the purpose of the whole poll, if I want wealth, that's good but wealth and beauty are better.Everyone is likely to pick the last option because it's the smartest move, so in the end we'll never know what everyone's secret wish would be.If I had to pick one, it wouldn't be beauty but height, 4 more inches would be perfect, yeah, I'm not crazy about fame or money, 4 more inches and I'd be happy... maybe that goes with beauty but I think it's too broad for my wish, I might ask for beauty and look like Tom Cruise and for some reason, i'd still be p****** off.FYCFlyingBeing someone elseSpeak every languageRead in people's mindBecoming invisibleOpening a Pickle Jar...
1K Messages
47K Points
6 years ago
Health and languages sound good. And while wealth doesn't equal happiness, it would sure be a huge relief.FYC: Time travelAbility to un-see moviesFreeze time whenever you like
19.7K Messages
480K Points
6 years ago
PK, If I have three wishes, for my first wish, I would wish for the great wisdom and other resources necessary to wisely use (or not use) my remaining two wishes. The remaining two wishes would be heavily contingent on the result of my first wish. If I am limited to one wish, I would wish for the great wisdom and other resources necessary to wisely conduct the remainder of my life.
4K Messages
244.3K Points
6 years ago
FYC: Better attention span to make sure I devote at least 10 minutes a day to everything I like/want/need to do. Wait, actually, I don't need genie for that. I need more coffee. :)
52 Messages
2.3K Points
6 years ago
I want them all! :)in other word, I want to be Neo!Dodging bullet and stopping them (stopping time), mastering in anything (like kungfu) in a few minutes, access to anythings, flying, knowing the future, having a strong love, having good friends, having a good look and fit body, and blah blah blah
7.1K Messages
122.2K Points
6 years ago
I remember there were two things Aladdin genie could not grant. Make someone fall in love with you and bring people back from the death were two of them. Perhaps that's a good reason to remove them from your options.As for Me, my first wish would be simply to achieve with complete success everything I decide to do in life. Having that I would use my next two wishes for the benefit of others.
5.2K Messages
138.3K Points
6 years ago
Imagine that power: having the answer to every question.- Does God exist?- What would be the best solution to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict?- Who was behind the assassination of JFK?- Where is the remote control?
96 Messages
3.8K Points
6 years ago
Wealth, flying, defeat of evil, friends and different parents or that these parents die soon.Suggestion: you could add attractive women/sex and also perfect health
845 Messages
34.3K Points
6 years ago
Sé un genio de las matemáticas :) https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0138704/me...
7.7K Messages
194.8K Points
6 years ago
I'd say health but there are a few others that would be nice. "The ability to un-see a movie" is really funny and a great option. I really like this poll; it's a great one and the images too!May I suggest a few small edits?The title: If You'd Found a Genie, What Would You Wish For? To be grammatically correct, it should be "If You'd Find..." or "If You Found..." but not both "You'd" and "Found"#15: Women is plural but man is singular. I'd suggest making them the same: "Woman/man" or "women/men"#20: "Reading people's minds" or "Read people's minds"#27: Hmmm, why just math? : )
10.3K Messages
199.8K Points
6 years ago
FYC:To be something other than human
7.7K Messages
194.8K Points
6 years ago
Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/qwc1diYRD9g/?ref_=po_fp Applause, applause... : )
1K Messages
47K Points
6 years ago
Eh, right now I just wish that verifiably ignorant EU parliamentarians hadn't belittled protesters against their ill-conceived articles with such utter contempt...