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47K Points

Sunday, August 12th, 2018 5:07 AM

Live Poll: Iconic Closing Shots in Movies

These were the very last shots that we saw before that screen faded to black... and we haven't been able to shake them since. As plots and character arcs wrapped up, these final frames were able to satisfy, shock or elicit some other type of emotion from us. They shots showed us how one can never underestimate the power of a send off.

Which of these iconic closing shots in a film is your favorite?




9.6K Messages


191.9K Points

6 years ago

Nice one.

These shots showed us how one can never underestimate the power of a send off.

2K Messages


47K Points

Yep, great fix Jess. Glad you like it :)

Surprised this hasn't been done yet as well.

5.1K Messages


137.8K Points

6 years ago

Here's some homework to you, Kyle:
 (you won't find pictures but I remember I had uploaded some pictures for that suggestion, so you might find them) (this one I never suggested because of "crop" issues but you might find a few good ones)

2K Messages


47K Points

Thanks ElM, I had already used your "all is well" poll as a bit of a reference.. great minds think alike :)

I will stay away from some of your options as I'm trying to ensure all of these endings are super iconic for the average movie-goer and some, while fantastic endings, may not be as well known as others.

Also, I have to caution using The Graduate as I realized the last shot isn't actually him and Elaine but of the bus driving away:

2K Messages


47K Points


That isn't actually the last frame of Empire, the below image is before it cuts to credits:

I know I'm being a stickler but I think the accuracy of this idea is important. However, you did call to mind other Star Wars endings and I think the ending of A New Hope (with the gang standing together) is pretty iconic. I think I'll go with that one... thanks for the idea!

10.6K Messages


225.1K Points

I used to be a fan who remembered nearly every detail, but I forgot that a shot of Redemption was the last frame of the film before the credits sequence began. I'm still pretty good with remembering exact quotes from the movies, though.

10.6K Messages


225.1K Points

6 years ago

I would probably pick one of Stanley Kubrick's.

795 Messages


29.7K Points

6 years ago


The closing shot from Dead Poets Society.



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

6 years ago

Slience of the Lambs - Lecter heading off to have a "friend" for dinner -

Back to the Future - Marty and Jennifer head to 2015 with Doc to rescue their kids
Back To The Future

Planet of the Apes - FInal reveal of the Statue of Liberty

The Graduate - Elaine and Benjamin make their escape in the back of the bus

Silverado - With a big grin on his face, Paden spreads his coat just wide enough to show that he is now wearing the Sheriff's star
I haven't been able to find a pic but it is an enormously satisfying ending.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Chief breaks out and runs into the dark night
Related image

The Shawshank Redemption - Zihuantanejo

The Taking of Pelham One Two Three - Mr. Green almost gets away, but as Garber is leaving, Green sneezes, which Garber recognizes, and he knows he got his man
Image result for end of taking of pelham 123

2K Messages


47K Points


Some of these are great I'll have to include a few though The Graduate won't qualify due to the memorable "last" frame technically being the penultimate one, before a long shot of the bus is shown.



7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

6 years ago

Hey Kyle, Are you still waiting for an uploaded image for #31?

2K Messages


47K Points


Thanks for reaching out :)

Unfortunately, I tried to upload two different images but both seemed to be rejected (The closing shot of The Piano is an underwater sequence that's quite blurry and dark, so I'm not surprised it's not being accepted in the database).

To be honest, I may remove that and a few other options where the last frame is merely a shot of the scenery that people don't remember (Shawshank is one where, while many scenes in the film are extremely iconic, the last frame isn't SO memorable).

So I think I'll remove a few options - including #31 - and then the list'll be good to go! 

369 Messages


10.8K Points

6 years ago

My vote: "Will It stop spinning...?" from Inception (2010).

534 Messages


18.1K Points

6 years ago

My vote is on
25 of 30

The third... and last man.

But with music my favorite scene, A Watchful Guardian

Closing Shot of Inception isn't focused on that spinning top scene if you watch it very closely. :D

FYC: Closing Shot of La Haine

I couldn't find any images related to this scene on IMDb. :(
If you're planing to add this, my caption for this,
......And.. .. Bam....



19.2K Messages


475.2K Points

6 years ago



4K Messages


244.1K Points

6 years ago

It just occured to me that varinat seen is NOT the last shot in Psycho: Marion's car being towed from the swamp is. 

10.6K Messages


225.1K Points

Nikolay Yeriomin, yeah, and from the perspective of poll suggestion proposers, approval takes too long, whereas from the perspective of community members who evaluate the suggestions, approval happens too quickly.

2K Messages


47K Points

Oh jeez! You're right... I could ask for a re-push and see if I can find one of the car being towed out - good catch Nikolay!



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

6 years ago

Would you add Cuckoo's Nest, Shawshank, Pelham One Two Three and Apes?

2K Messages


47K Points


I opted not to add Cuckoo and Shawshank as their final frames aren't very memorable imho (they're just scenic shots that I don't truly believe qualify as iconic; if anything, I find that their preceding frames largely overshadow them.)

I will add Pellham and Apes, however.

158 Messages


4.5K Points

Have we forgotten Slim Pickens riding the nuke in Dr. Strangelove????



19.2K Messages


475.2K Points

6 years ago

Congratulations pere-25366 on your 197th live poll! As of 16-Aug-2018 6:57 AM Pacific your polls have 467,847 or more votes, for an average of 2,375 votes per poll.

Iconic Closing Shots in Movies
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2 Messages


138 Points

6 years ago

What about the final shot from Planet of the Apes (1968)? With the Statue of Liberty in ruins on the shore? "Damn you... Damn you all to hell!"