3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

Saturday, March 3rd, 2018 7:27 AM

Live Poll: I Can’t Believe They Chose That As Best Picture

https://www.imdb.com/list/ls023768924/http://www.imdb.com/poll/IPh90smTvtI/ According to the member’s ratings on IMDb’s list of The Academy Of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences’ Best Picture Oscar Winners (https://www.imdb.com/chart/bestpicture/), these 30 films* are the lowest rated Best Picture winners on the IMDb.com. Frankly, I’m shocked that some vary fine films have such a low rating. However, out of this bottom 30 of the Best Picture Winners do YOU think is the WORST (not the best) Best Picture winner? Discuss it here. If you think that some of these films deserve a higher IMDb member vote rating, please click on the film and give it a higher vote!* I had to stop at 30 because there were 10 films at 7.8 that would have driven the list over the 35 entry limit.



4.9K Messages


98.9K Points

7 years ago

I made a similar suggestion last year - https://getsatisfaction.com/imdb/topics/poll-suggestion-favorite-lowest-rated-oscar-winning-best-pic...

10.3K Messages


166.4K Points

How are a poll that asks a worst question and a poll that asks a favorite question the same?I think they both cover some familiar territory, but they are plenty different. He asks worst and you ask favorite, Plus his is 30 options yours is 8 options. Other than pulling from the same group of options, they ask questions that are as different as black and white.Also, vary should be very, Moonlight or Cavalcade (1933) is my vote on the this poll and Around the World in Eighty Days  on DCs .

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

Dc, as Urbanmovies had correctly stated, that though we both drew from the same source and that I did mention that I was shocked at some of the finer films have a low rating, the point is you and I had asked questions that were distinctly polar opposites of each other. You had asked for the favorite of the low rated of the best picture winners. I had asked for the worst of the pictures that won best picture.

1.4K Messages


51K Points

7 years ago

i actually can believe that alot of these are low rated, despite being good movies...it seems many of the imdb voters have gotten to that stage where the majority consists of the 'generation with blinders on' who have taken over and anything before they were born isn't acceptable anymore... sad really...they're missing all the really good stuff.....but getting to the bad stuff...i'd have to go with 'the hurt locker' on this one...



14.7K Messages


333.5K Points

Most of the votes for older movies are from older voters. The published stats include a 30-44 group and a 45+ group.https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0048960/...



4K Messages


244.3K Points

Interesting. I'm 25 and yet I am such a movie buff that I'm watching anything from 1800's early experments to new media on YouTube. It always saddens me a bit when people can't percieve older movies and that seems to be a very common problem - I've seen people who can barely sit through 80's movies due to style, people who can't watch black-and-white etc. Some of the actually being older then me. Then again, I've met people with weird love for every kind of movie like me of different ages as well. 

1K Messages


47K Points

I often hear people of 50 years+ say older movies are outdated when they were made in a CGI-less era, or when they are slower than today's standards. Or there are people who love stuff from the 1970s because that's when they were young, but they consider anything before that archaic.

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

To me, I like movies from any age except maybe from the 1970s , the age of my youth because that was when the filmmakers started drifting away from technicolor and stable film stock and changed to less stabler Eastman/ Kodachrome stock. (side track: the old technicolor held up so much better than Eastman color that many of those films need less work to restore them). But back on track, I like the different styles of stories telling troughout the years. It gives me a perspective of what has been done and what was truly ground breaking and what was recycling old garbage in a new package. A story or film, well made and entertaining, will stand the test of time. Some of the films on this list are as entertaining as the day they were made. In fact, I can watch any Hitchcock film, “Casablanca”, “How Green Was My Valley” , “Citizen Kane”, and the adventures of Robin Hood” over and over and still be entertained by them and they were made all before I was born. (P.s. kids still like watching Errol Flynn as Robin Hood).

1K Messages


47K Points

Young children are much less prejudiced than teens or adults. They don't really see the age, they don't care if it's black or white, as long as the story genuinely appeals to them. I was once in a movie theater that showed Buster Keaton movies. The audience was mostly pre-school children and their parents. The children laughed about the brilliant physical comedy, while their parents only occasionally snorted during the intertitles ("haha, I get that wordplay!"). Interestingly, many grownups feel that Buster Keaton is silly and they're above his comedy, but those who love his movies are mostly movie buffs and children.



4K Messages


244.3K Points

I should day that one particularly difficult example of ignorance towards older media among people I know was a bit mellowed by Buster Keaton. The person is really into stunts and seeing how much Keaton was able to achieve without previous experience and modern technological advancements basically blows his mind. It might be unrelated but I have noticed that since he discovered Keaton he actually started to watch more older movies which mellows my heart as well, being a movie buff. For me it actually becomes a big concern that despite all technological advancements emotionally I rarely find something that really grips me in modern movies and a lot of people seem to be okay with that, preferring advanced mediocrity over unique if a bit flawed or dated vision.  

3 Messages


182 Points

A agree with what you're saying about the generation today. There are two movies that I think should be on the list that are not (leaving a comment for that later), but I do disagree with you with The Hurt Locker. Of the films that were the biggest contenders for Best Picture it was between The Hurt Locker and Avatar. I've watched both of these movies numerous times over and The Hurt Locker actually becomes better with every viewing. It is a slow burn but it's a very engaging film that is technically precise when creating tension and immersing the audience in its environment. Every one of the characters in the story from the supporting characters to small part extras has multiple layers to their involvement in the war and the events that take place involving the team is deeply personal.Avatar on the other hand becomes worse with every viewing. Behind all the computer generation are simple, stock archetypes. The villains are simple, the heroes are simple, the motives are simple. The winner of the best picture, whether it is or isn't your favourite shouldn't be simple.Take Marty. That movie is about a middle-aged man who is going out on a date with a young woman, but it is so much more than that. We see a man grow into himself and find his own values as well as take control of his own life for the very first time without compromising and becoming a jerk. THAT is best picture material.

1 Message


80 Points

Avatar doesn't treat a then current military operation as a mere pretense for exploring the so-called psychology of war.  The Hurt Locker is apolitical in the worse way. 



14.7K Messages


333.5K Points

7 years ago

Where did you get that link to IMDb's list of Best Pictures? It doesn't work for me.

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

Try this https://m.imdb.com/chart/bestpicture/



14.7K Messages


333.5K Points

Okay, but you may need to change it in your list description. There is also this link from the IMDb main menu:http://www.imdb.com/search/title?coun...



14.7K Messages


333.5K Points

Also, please correct "some vary fine films" to "some very fine films ".

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points




10.3K Messages


200.4K Points

7 years ago

Typos:However, out of these bottom 30 of the Best Picture Winners, which do YOU think is the WORST (not the best) Best Picture winner? 

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

I had fixed that. Question, which one of the bottom 30 do you think was the worst film to have been selected as best picture?

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

7 years ago




7.7K Messages


195.1K Points

7 years ago

'Good poll! And I agree there are some very fine films on the list. I wish I could vote more than once in this one. :)May I request one small edit?In the first sentence, member's ratings > > members' with the apostrophe after the "s," since members is plural. So it would be:According to the members' ratings on IMDb’s list of The Academy Of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences’ Best Picture Oscar Winners Thank you, so much. You can always change it after the poll goes live, if you'd like, by requesting a repush.

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

Edit done



19.7K Messages


480.2K Points

7 years ago

Congratulations, dgranger!I Can’t Believe They Chose That As Best PictureLive Poll: http://www.imdb.com/poll/IPh90smTvtI/

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

Thanks! I Can’t wait to see the results of this one. It will be interesting to say the very least.



19.7K Messages


480.2K Points

7 years ago

Congratulations dgranger on your 28th live poll! As of 8-Mar-2018 5:13 AM Pacific your polls have 31,686 or more votes, for an average of 1,132 votes per poll.I Can’t Believe They Chose That As Best Picture6246th Live Poll: http://www.imdb.com/poll/IPh90smTvtI/ Seen: http://www.imdb.com/seen//ls023768924This is the 2,741st Title poll. Such polls have a total of 6,486,467 votes for an average of 2,366 votes per poll.Total Number of Votes 14,675,521 Projected Date of 15 Million Votes 30-Apr-2018 Days Until 15 Million Votes 52 This is the list of dgranger's polls as of 28-Feb-2018:Sorted Alphabetically http://mypollwatch.blogspot.com/2014/05/imdb-polls-alphabetical-by-author.html#dgrangerIn Decreasing Order of Votes http://mypollwatch.blogspot.com/2015/03/imdb-polls-descending-order-of-votes-by.html#dgrangerAlphabetical List of Polls http://mypollwatch.blogspot.com/2014/03/imdb-polls-alphabetical.htmlTop IMDb Polls http://mypollwatch.blogspot.com/2015/07/top-imdb-polls.htmlIMDb Polls - Descending Order of Votes http://mypollwatch.blogspot.com/2013/12/imdb-polls-descending-order-of-votes.htmlSummary Statistics http://mypollwatch.blogspot.com/2016/05/summary-statistics.htmlKey Threads - IMDb Poll FAQs Index https://getsatisfaction.com/imdb/topics/faq-key-threads-imdb-poll-faqs-indexHow to Improve the Chance of Having your Poll on the Home Page https://getsatisfaction.com/imdb/topics/faq-how-to-improve-the-chance-of-having-your-poll-on-the-hom...

3 Messages


182 Points

7 years ago

I haven't seen every film on this poll but I have seen the movies that have been voted at the top, and it really breaks my heart to see these films receive that kind of feedback. Moonlight is by NO MEANS the worst movie to win Best Picture. It is one of the best technically crafted films to come out of the last decade and it is the definition of visual poetry; unapologetic, vulnerable, and offering insight in a disgraceful world that is contrasted by the elegance and beauty of the presented film making. It also isn't simple when it comes to it's storytelling. Rich characters drive the film and their histories and reactions to situations that unfold are what make it worthy of being a Best Picture recipient.The worst movies to win best picture, the two that technically do not hold up after receiving the award, are Crash and A Beautiful Mind. Both of these movies focus on their subject matter with the simplest of visual storytelling devices and the plot "twists" that occur in the stories offer the most basic levels of insight. ie. CRASH: Racist cop does something racist because he's racist.... BUT, he later does something that isn't racist and he is forgiven for being racist. A BEAUTIFUL MIND: The character that we that was a genius is actually struggling with a mental disorder... BUT, by the end of the film he is recognized for his greatness and everything in his past has little barring on the end of the story, in fact if you remove the entire film after his achievements are recognized at the university and before he is found in the library you would realize that the character never truly changed from who he was. Best Picture winners, whether you like them or not, should be movies that go beyond simplicity in storytelling. Not necessarily going too deep into the abstract or pretentious routes of film making, but still exploring their story through the fullest extent of the medium and making choices that best realize their visions.

87 Messages


1.4K Points

3 years ago

I picked Shakespeare in Love, but I think Rocky and Gladiator are the worst films to win Best Picture. I rated Grand Hotel a 10 and Cimarron, Cavalcade, An American in Paris, Going My Way, and Wings a 9.I gave 8s to Gigi, Tom Jones, and The Life of Emile Zola. I gave 7s to Out of Africa, Gentleman's Agreement, Driving Miss Daisy, The English Patient, and West Side Story (although I last saw West Side Story in 7th grade). I haven't seen the others yet.