815 Messages
12K Points
Live Poll: Highest Rated TV Series on IMDB by Average Episode Rating
Which among these is your favorite TV Series?List: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls087526688/ Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/IWPlTvU0P8s/
815 Messages
12K Points
Which among these is your favorite TV Series?List: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls087526688/ Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/IWPlTvU0P8s/
158 Messages
4.5K Points
5 years ago
My computer skills are minimal, but unless there's some type of shortcut, the effort required to compile the data for this list must have been far beyond the norm for these polls. Kudos to you for either working your butt off, or being savvy enough to do the job efficiently.
19.7K Messages
480.3K Points
5 years ago
Cyril Martin,This is an interesting concept for a poll. I exported your list and plotted the data.29 out of the 35 series have a higher Episode Average than Series Rating. I've observed that fans of a series are more likely to rate individual episodes than casual viewers. Generally, the number of ratings for an individual episode is much less than the number of ratings for a series.The Pearson correlation (R-Square) is 0.0409. This is very low and indicates that Episode Averages are uncorrelated to to Series Ratings. This probably indicates that some of these shows have avid fan bases the enjoy the shows much more than casual viewers.I've uploaded the Excel file to my Google Drive in case anyone wishes to view and/or download the file. I'm allowing comments to the file. Highest Rated TV Series on IMDB by Average Episode.xlsxhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1zZrsvCW6sJtcw_C3LQDuk1rML86u3vbU/view?ts=5f209355
158 Messages
4.5K Points
5 years ago
One reason for the higher episode rating might be that I usually take the time to rate an episode only when it shines above the series' norm. If I think a series is a 7, I won't rate shows in that zone, figuring the overall score for the series suffices. But if any episode deserves a 9 or 10, I'm more likely to acknowledge it. Rarely have I thought to do it when one sucks. If many others do the same, that could account at least partially for the differential.
10.3K Messages
200.6K Points
5 years ago
Please use the correct spelling: IMDb
7.2K Messages
122.8K Points
5 years ago
Great poll, if I had it my way, this would be the way to rate tv series in the IMDb, only the average of each episode vote shows the real feeling about the series as a whole. Instead of people voting on the series the same day it is released, without watching its evolution, or considering only the good seasons and not the episodes when series turn bad.Personally I rate each episode, and once the series is ended and I have seen all, I gave the tv series the average rating of all episodes, but since it is very hard to do this, I would love if the IMDb simply rated each series with the average rating of all episodes I've seen, updating it each time I rate a new episode.
7.7K Messages
195.2K Points
5 years ago
Good poll! The results should be interesting. My favorite of these is Breaking Bad. May I suggest a small edit just for further clarification in the intro? (Added text in bold)Series that have at least an average of 200 votes on each episode and with at least 10,000 votes for the series are considered.
19.7K Messages
480.3K Points
5 years ago
Congratulations, Cyril Martin!Highest Rated TV Series on IMDb by Average Episode RatingLive Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/IWPlTvU0P8s/
19.7K Messages
480.3K Points
5 years ago
As of 9:00 AM Central Daylight Time 30-July-2020 there were 90 votes. Breaking Bad is dominating the poll.Series Votes has the strongest correlation with Poll Votes.Series Ratings vs. Poll Votes (R-square = 0.2248)Episode Average vs. Poll Votes (R-square = 0.0623)Series Votes vs. Poll Votes (R-square = 0.5524)MOVIEmeter vs. Poll Votes (R-square = 0.0123)Data (Excel file)Highest Rated TV Series on IMDB by Average Episode 2020-07-30.xlsxhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1QMatcOx-vcf63NVCIpBHLlORyc8kOPff/view?ts=5f234b8bNote: If you download the Excel file, you will also see the plots.Plots (Power Point file)Highest Rated TV Series on IMDB by Average Episode.pptxhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1UEEa_CvL6yLKXCvVmtKOBGcXc55teLGL/view?ts=5f234c4a
6.8K Messages
128K Points
5 years ago
HOMEPAGE POLL!Congratulations! This is your second HP poll!
19.7K Messages
480.3K Points
5 years ago
Congratulations CyrilMartin. This is the 2nd time your poll has been featured at IMDb Home Page (http://www.imdb.com) since July 28, 2015.1 August 2020: Highest Rated TV Series on IMDb by Average Episode RatingList of Home Page Polls FAQ: Polls Featured at IMDb Home Page https://www.imdb.com/imdbpicks/Poll Author - Number of Polls Featured at IMDb Home Page (Since July 28, 2015) Dibyayan_Chakravorty - 98pere-25366 - 34urbanemovies - 32ElMaruecan82 - 23Rafael_M - 15Hoekkie - 15Paok-Kilkis - 15KhaledKalache - 13Simba63 - 13IMDb-Editors - 13Kirk-Picard - 11leavey-2 - 10BonaFideBOSS - 10The-Social-Introvert - 9yrnej - 9sir-mauri - 9pbn - 9dan_dassow - 8rubyfruit76 - 8peaspot - 6NDbportmanfan - 6masandaglinus123 - 6simeon-83777 - 6Eagles90 - 6 Teriek-Williams - 5penchofifteenpolls - 5TsarStepan - 5edindenco-154-269285 / Ed_Jones_XLIX - 5Manya086 - 4Mega_wizard - 4DoctorBuster - 4borimor - 4 Phoenix_R_3 - 4iakhtar-33380 - 4Silitonga - 4jalapenoman - 3NoPantsBatman - 3fancinderella - 3dgranger - 3TheMovieSmith - 2jamesh5 - 2KyBelle86 - 2RbDeraj - 2moatazaboalghuit - 2lnvicta - 2Debjit_Hazra - 2SkyDeshpande - 2guillenpascal - 2Chihir0 - 2CyrilMartin - 2ahmad_alaghbar - 1 mattyankster10 - 1 bluehunter16 - 1 Pictoris - 1 JoelRH - 1 BigBadDolemite - 1 alioth4 - 1 vamken46 1 Djesika - 1 alex_1-801-348552 - 1 rose-taylor - 1 FisnikFizz - 1 Drevnibor - 1 Garfield_the_Avenger - 1 vibhorpanda29 - 1 buddhalou - 1 waspinatorbj - 1 muzzle - 1 Jediknight29 - 1 Lucilfer - 1 Wonder_Gal - 1Hyker - 1jamariana - 1daniellejeffrey - 1DeadMan66 - 1jamesgandrew - 1chandrabhanusolanki - 1joesiegel - 1Philip_Marlowe_ - 1altntasnazmi - 1goddangwatir - 1thenolanfan - 1sheetsadam1 - 1(Click image for larger image.)
6.8K Messages
128K Points
5 years ago
1500+ VOTES! Happy to see an improvement in the homepage poll and I hope this to improve more. ('cause none of the previous HP polls crossed 1.5K votes after the latest "update.")Btw, the next homepage poll is also yours. Congratulations and Keep it up!=====But very sad to see that "Narcos" is highly undervoted.I expected this to be in the top 25 but it couldn't even gain 10 votes. :( :(