mariojacobs's profile

3.6K Messages


54.9K Points

Wednesday, April 21st, 2021 8:59 AM

Live Poll: German Shepherd Movie Stars

3.6K Messages


54.9K Points

3 years ago

Lee Aaker Dies, The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin Star Was 77



9.6K Messages


191.9K Points

1 year ago

There is a TV show included in the list, so you should probably change the title and question.

3.6K Messages


54.9K Points

@Jessica​ ok, I changed to

TV/Movie Stars

9.8K Messages


161K Points

1 year ago

@mariojacobs, I get this poll originated from a single cited source. Still, there seems to be a lot of unlisted movies that co-star a German Shepard character. It seems like this answer pool could be more substantial to me, there at least a half-dozen articles on the same exact topic that could be used as a resource.


3.6K Messages


54.9K Points

@urbanemovies​ I understand, but my problem now is time. All this suggestions I made during the pandemic. Now I not even suggesting new ideas anymore, just bumping old ones and making some small/quick contributions to other members ... thanks for the advice anyway, when I can I'll research  further.

9.8K Messages


161K Points


I can appreciate that. Maybe, you should prioritize poll suggestions that are getting a lot of comments first, then comment, then bump old polls, and only do new polls for timely and/or strong ideas. You seem to have more poll suggestions now than you can manage. Plus, your polls seem to all have introductions, which are time-intensive to manage, correct and maintain. So, simpler polls may help reduce the burden a bit.


3.6K Messages


54.9K Points


>your polls seem to all have introductions, which are time-intensive to manage, correct and maintain.

You are right. But I like to add a little information/trivia/fun stuff/description + source. Curiously, historically the 2 most voted polls have just 16 words (+50000 votes) and 8 words (+45000 votes), including the question!



6.7K Messages


117.7K Points

1 year ago

@mariojacobs Maybe you could add the title in which they appear next to the dogs name in the description.

If the images dissapear in the future as they sometimes do, there would be no way of knowing if the votes went for Megan Leavey's Rex, to Hudson & Rex's Rex or to Komissar Rex's Rex.

3.6K Messages


54.9K Points

@Pencho15​ done.

9.8K Messages


161K Points

1 year ago


Which is your favorite German shepherd dog TV/movie star?

FYC, I think your question needs a fix. I think you are really asking about dog characters, but it reads as your asking about the television and the movie dog stars that portray them. They are not the same and sometimes a dog character will be portrayed by multiple dogs in the same film or a long line of dogs across a TV or film series that spans decades. Depending on which question you are really intending to ask about, I think using the term "dog actors" or "dog characters" would be less open to interpetation and less confusing to poll takers. Also, I think using German Shepard dogs is redundant, but can see the advantage when paired with actors or characters. Also, your choice will impact whether animated dogs are included in the poll.

Which of these movie or television German Shepard dog actors is your favorite one?

Which of these movie or television German Shepherd dog characters is your favorite one?


3.6K Messages


54.9K Points

@urbanemovies​ thank you, all included. I personally think that 20-25 is the perfect number of items in a poll list. 35 demands too much scrolling up and down and makes the decision making more difficult, IMHO.



9.6K Messages


191.9K Points

1 year ago

9.8K Messages


161K Points

@Jessica​ Good one, I liked that movie.

3.6K Messages


54.9K Points

@Jessica​ 👍included.

9.8K Messages


161K Points

1 year ago

9.8K Messages


161K Points


I would take a look at the vote titles on these four, I think they are all under 500 votes. The main thing they have going for them is the German Shepard is the second lead in the movie. I just want to make sure you are aware and comfortable listing them. I probably would have waited until I exhausted all other options first, including listing more animated dog characters.


9.8K Messages


161K Points

1 year ago


FYC, whatever the number of options you choose to list, it should be a list of the best of that number of options available, not the first ones you found or the most convient to list. Also, your answer pool should strive not to have any glaring or gross omissions that would be potentially popular voting choices. I found a couple more untapped resources for your poll suggestion to utilize.


9.8K Messages


161K Points

1 year ago


A few  of these German Shephards overlap with the previous Wikipedia list, but this list has more details.


9.8K Messages


161K Points

1 year ago


FYI, I have run across this a couple times and it can be tricky. Belgian Shephards aka Malinios are not German Shephards, even though they are deceptively close looking.Therefore, the dogs from Max and Dog should not be listed in this answer pool.


9.8K Messages


161K Points

1 year ago


 Outstanding Issues

Max is a Belgian Shephard and not a German Shephard. They are two different AKC recognized breeds. Therefore, he should be removed from the answer pool. You have two Rin Tin Tins (Sr. & either son or great-grandson) listed, but they are playing the same character and Strongheart the Dog plays two different characters, Strongheart in one movie and North Star in another. The Megan Leavey answer option has  possibly the wrong dog pictured (not Rex).

The I Am Legend dog is Samantha, so I would list her as Samantha aka "Sam". There are better dog picture from the Little Hobo TV series than from the movie. Plus, I wouldn't listed the last resort options before Maximillion from the Bionic Women and the other more notable dogs cited above.

FYI, The two Flashes are different characters, one is an animated superhero, the other is an extraordinary live-action movie dog from the 1920s and 1930s.


3.6K Messages


54.9K Points

@urbanemovies​ thank you, that's a lot of information, I hope I have processed it right. If I missed something you can just copy&paste your previous text to save time...

Since I am asking 

Which ...  dog character is your favorite?

the list can have DIFFERENT characters with the same name. (2 Rin Tin Tins, one in the fort Apache the other one in the North Pole)

9.8K Messages


161K Points

    • @mariojacobs​, Being in different locations doesn't mean they are not the same character, plus it is not like we are talking about common names like, Rex or Buddy here. I would be more convinced if they were set in different time periods. But, the real issue is you have one of the dogs characters incorrectly listed.

    Still Outstanding Issues

    • The character is "The Wolf-Dog" in Where the North Begins, not "Rin Tin Tin".
    • You have two Rusty listed from the same film series, so one of those should be removed.
    • Plus, the dog's name in North Star is "North Star", not "Strongheart".
    • The I Am Legend dog is Samantha, so I would list her as Samantha aka "Sam". 
    • I think "Charlie Barkin" from the movie, All Dogs Go to Heaven, "Chase" from either the movie or TV series, Paw Patrol and "Buttons" from the TV series, Animaniacs should make the list without question. 
    • Remove Buck and the Magic Bracelet with its 39 votes and others that are lowly rated and lightly voted titles to make room for better rated and more popular options or simply to remove the dead weight from the answer pool.


9.8K Messages


161K Points


Personally, I think at about ten or so answer options, there are too many under 1000 IMBd voted titles on this list.

While, I agree some should be kept for other reasons, like the title being an important real-life German Shepard biopic, a highly rated or award-winning title, an important dog actor that needs to be represented, or another compelling reason.

I can't say the same for these six titles that are likely to get no votes and think they should be taken off the list. There are better options available that are not listed currently (see notes above) or the open answer slot has value, as it allows for an important German Shepard character to be added in the future.

Of the double listed Rusty options, either 'For the Love of Rusty' or 'Adventures of Rusty' should be removed to get one title to represent the character. The two dog actors, Ace the Wonder Dog and Flame Jr., who portray Rusty each have another character in your poll already.


3.6K Messages


54.9K Points



Still Outstanding Issues

thanks, I think I got all issues fixed.

Saxon has got no images on IMDb. I checked the Hot Fuzz movie page.

I added one good option from @ACT_1 list suggestions. Lots of dogs, but I found only a few german shepherds.

9.8K Messages


161K Points


New Outstanding Issues

  • The two dog actors on SEAL Team (2017) are Belgian Shepard and Dutch Shepard, so Cerberus should be removed from the answer pool. ##
  • I not sure about including Saxon played by Sampson. His handler, PC Bob Walker is a minor character in the film and the 21st listed actor in the credits. So, he wasn't featured prominently in the movie or had a lot of screentime. The only redeeming factor is Hot Fuzz is well-seen with over 500,000 IMDb votes to date. I guess I can see the case for and against both ways.

  • A far as bit part dogs go, I would be more inclined to include Max, aka "Wolfie" played by Beowolf, James Cameron's pet German Shepard in 'Terminator' and 'Terminator 2' as the movies were well-seen and the dog scenes memorable.
  • The one good option, Diggs, you added from ACT_1 lists of suggestions is now listed twice on your list @ #13 and #34.
  • Sorry, I messed up on the phrasing of the question. The corrected version is "Which of these movie or television German Shepherd dog characters is your favorite?"

  • Is this really a viable option at 84 votes???
  • Is this really a viable option at 46 votes???


8.3K Messages


174.3K Points

1 year ago

@mariojacobs  😀

Quick look @ Names and Titles

= = =

More Dog lists 🐶

Dogs in westerns, the movies.

by road-traveled

created - 25 Nov 2015
55 titles
= = =

Westerns- Dogs and their partners.

by road-traveled

created - 1 Sep 2016
53 names
= = =

Superhero dogs

by dgranger

created - 28 May 2018
27 images
= = =

All the Dog (canine) movies, films, TV series & episodes
I own..and those I've seen, I've rated

by Keester

created - 04 Feb 2012
1,106 titles
= = =

Canine (dog) actors and actresses

by Keester

created - 19 Jan 2013
225 names
= = =

Movies about Dogs

by ShuvoIMDb

17 Jan 2021
34 titles
= = =

The Power of the Dogs

by pbn

created - Sun, Jan 30, 2022
27 titles


9.8K Messages


161K Points

1 year ago

????? Do you recognize the actor in the red track suit?

In the interest of due diligence, there seems to be fair amount of dog-centric TV series that came out after Rin Tin Tin, Lassie, and The Roy Rogers Show (Bullet). I still think there are better options out there than these, but they are hard to ignore when the German Shepard is a co-star.

* FYI, Yukon King might be an Alsatian German Shepherd or another variation.

* FYI, Pax is a White German Shepherd that goes by different names.


I think these are two marginal options, Pax (white German Shepard) and Won Ton Ton,  but are better than two of the currently listed options, IMHO.

Plus, a list of notable German Shepherd dog actors.


3.6K Messages


54.9K Points


>????? Do you recognize the actor in the red track suit?

Looks like Bruce Lee.

Thanks for all the suggestions, I removed the non German Shepherds.

I guess I fixed the list. If I delete now the 2 low-rated movies, I ran out of new better options.

I really liked the Terminator dog. He has only seconds of screen time, but the scene is memorable. They could smell machines:

@dan_dassow @Peter_pbn changes done.

9.8K Messages


161K Points


I guess I fixed the list. If I delete now the 2 low-rated movies, I ran out of new better options

  • The question still needs fixing.
  • I disagree, there always better options for <100 vote answers, unless there is another compelling reason to list them. It is waste of an answer slot and limits your options going forward. Personally, I would split the list along TV(TV series & TV movies) and Theatrical Movie lines. I think there are at least 25-30 solid options for both.
  • The dog's name is Max from the Terminator film series, not "Wolfie".




19.2K Messages


475.2K Points

1 year ago

@mariojacobs ,

Thank you for including the film title for most of your choices. Sadly, images can disappear for image polls making the choice less obvious.

I noticed that the last three choices do not have the film title. Please add these when you have time to do so.



14.2K Messages


327.8K Points

1 year ago

Which of the these movie or television German Shepherd dog characters is your favorite?

Diggs (Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore) is on the list twice.
