themoviesmith's profile

1.5K Messages


35.2K Points

Monday, February 20th, 2017 10:42 PM

Live Poll: Favorite Streaming or Digital Video Service

What is your favorite streaming or digital video service?



7.6K Messages


277.6K Points

8 years ago

Would you consider using titles that represent the names of the services, as opposed to titles that are distributed by those services? Examples:

Amazon Prime/Amazon Instant Video: Amazon Women on the Moon
Sling: Sling Blade

1.5K Messages


35.2K Points

Thanks for the suggestion but I'm not going to make the change you suggested because I feel like it a common title associated with the service is better.

1.9K Messages


52.5K Points

8 years ago

I don't use streaming services. I have an extensive DVD or Blu-Ray collection or I just watch what's on TV or what I've recorded.

Plus I'm really old school, I still watch rentals (DVD Post: you select via internet and they're mailed to your house).

1.3K Messages


21.7K Points

8 years ago

“ Amazon Prime or Amazon Instant Video. or HBO

10.2K Messages


165.8K Points

8 years ago

Crackle, best bang for the buck,

1.5K Messages


35.2K Points

Thanks for the vote.

1 Message


60 Points

8 years ago

VUDU  except the removal of HD trailers,also the removal of the first 5mins. of films that helps in seeing the films look and sound quality!!! Also I would not have purchased Judy Garlands A Star is born. and  Seven Brides, both are ZOOMED IN TO FILL THE  TV screen !!!!!

1.5K Messages


35.2K Points

Thanks for the vote.

98 Messages


1.7K Points

8 years ago


1.5K Messages


35.2K Points

8 years ago


1.5K Messages


35.2K Points

7 years ago

Bump. Added CBS All Access.



10.2K Messages


199.6K Points

7 years ago

1.5K Messages


35.2K Points

Thank you.



19.7K Messages


479.8K Points

7 years ago

Congratulations TheMovieSmith on your 39th live poll! As of 2-Feb-2018 4:53 AM Pacific your polls have 50,160 or more votes, for an average of 1,286 votes per poll.

Favorite Streaming or Digital Video Service
6112th Live Poll:

This is the 2,664th Title poll. Such polls have a total of 6,271,213 votes for an average of 2,354 votes per poll.
Total Number of Votes			14,358,941
Projected Date of 15 Million Votes	20-May-2018
Days Until 15 Million Votes		106
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2 Messages


86 Points

1 month ago

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