Brijesh's profile

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34.6K Points

Tuesday, March 7th, 2023 6:11 PM

Live Poll: Favorite Isabelle Huppert Performance

​Isabelle Huppert​​, born on March 16, 1953, is considered one of the best actresses in the world. She is known for her cold and disdainful character portrayals. Here are some characters that gave her recognition at major awards.​

​Which of these Isabelle Huppert performances do you like the most? ​

​List: ​​​


4.4K Messages


70.8K Points

1 year ago

I like her a lot in The Piano Teacher.

10.6K Messages


224.9K Points

Great acting, but I found it painful to watch such an insufferable character.



14.1K Messages


326.7K Points

1 year ago


9.6K Messages


158.8K Points

1 year ago

@Brijesh  Lately, I have been trying to work my way through her filmography, but until I find something better, I will have to go with Michèle Leblanc in Elle.

2.3K Messages


34.6K Points

Replaced images.

I sometimes choose images which are more identifiable for a role. 

9.6K Messages


158.8K Points

@Brijesh​ I agree, but there should be a balance between being from a notable scene and being viewable. The poll images are so small to begin with, I would opt for solo headshots or upper body shots, when possible IMHO.

Thanks for updating.



6.6K Messages


116.6K Points

1 year ago


You are probably excluding several of her awards for not being major prizes, but

Saint-Cyr, L'école de la chair, la séparation gave her a Cesar best actress nomination, so they should probably be included.


9.6K Messages


158.8K Points

@Pencho15​ & @Brijesh,10.0&role=nm0001376&sort=num_votes,desc

I get this a select list, but it might be a good idea to cite what you consider a major acting award. Plus, I suspect the number might be higher with nearly 100 films credits and the caliber of actress she is. I don't think it would be a bad idea to vet the list once more.

2.3K Messages


34.6K Points

It's a selective list really. 

I haven't included those 3 because of lack of images on IMDb. I will try to find and put it on the list if approved. 

9.6K Messages


158.8K Points


I don't think lack of images is really a good reason to omit a valid answer. First, it only takes a few minutes to locate and upload a missing image for an answer option. Alternatively. I would put a bad image or even the movie poster, if nothing is available, at least you haven't omitted the answer, which is the worse offense, IMHO.

I agree with Pencho on the three roles he mentioned, plus another two other award-nominated roles. You should find images in their respective media indexes now. The quickest way to access them is probably through her award page on IMDb. Also, there might be some even better options  in the media indexes nowbfor the existing roles that you have on your poll list already.


2.3K Messages


34.6K Points

Someone (perhaps one of you) uploaded new images and now those three options are on the list. 

Not having images was one of the reasons, other being less votes on those movies and since it was selective anyways, I chose the easy path.

I agree it's good with those choices, and better with the images. I largely get good options with 20-25-30 images and I stop at that number unless there are suggestions. Sometimes I do upload images when I plan polls a bit early than I did for this and when there are less choices. 

9.6K Messages


158.8K Points

@Brijesh​ She is an odd duck. She has 500 images in her media index, which I consider a lot. But with 100+ titles to her credit she has some titles that have a lot and some titles that have none. I can sympathize, this poll idea was one of those suggestions where it seemed every other answer option needed an image or at least a better one.


9.6K Messages


158.8K Points

1 year ago

FYC, I think the last sentence is a bit clunky, plus you should make the point she is hitting the big 7-0 and this a career retrospective tribute poll, IMHO.

Isabelle Huppert, born on March 16, 1953, is considered one of the best actresses in the world. She is known for her cold and disdainful character portrayals. On her 70th birthday, we celebrate the roles that defined her career and were recognized at prestigious film festivals and major award ceremonies.

Which of these select Isabelle Huppert performances do you like the most? 


9.6K Messages


158.8K Points


I screwed up, I phrased the sentence in the past tense, like her career is over, which is not accurate. I think this version is better.

On Huppert's 70th birthday, we celebrate the roles that have defined her career to date and have been recognized at prestigious film festivals and major award ceremonies around the globe.

2.3K Messages


34.6K Points

Updated text. Your version is better, mine was a bit bland. 

9.6K Messages


158.8K Points

@Brijesh​ Thanks for updating it. I think your text was fine, I just think that tweak at end that connected the dots was a help.  I knew where you were going with this poll suggestion, it just needed to clear for everyone.



19.1K Messages


473.7K Points

1 year ago

Congratulations, @Brijesh!

Favorite Isabelle Huppert Performance

Live Poll:

Please change "Poll Suggestion" to "Live Poll" in the discussion thread title and change the settings so that it appears under "Praise" now, rather than "Idea."


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34.6K Points

Thank you!