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6.8K Messages


128K Points

Monday, April 4th, 2022 2:13 AM

Live Poll: Favorite Free-to-Play Video Game

Which of these free-to-play (F2P) video games is your favorite?

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4.5K Messages


71.3K Points

3 years ago

FYC: Roblox

6.8K Messages


128K Points


Added. Thanks!

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824 Messages


13.5K Points

3 years ago

Currently League of Legends and Valorant.

3.6K Messages


55.3K Points

3 years ago

are they available on Epic or Steam?

6.8K Messages


128K Points


Some of them, yes. Some are console games.

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6.8K Messages


128K Points

3 years ago


6.8K Messages


128K Points


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6.9K Messages


120.3K Points

2 months ago

FYC: Hero Wars Probably far away from anything else on your list, but it's the one I play every day

6.8K Messages


128K Points


Is it available anywhere other than mobile?

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6.9K Messages


120.3K Points

@BonaFideBOSS​ Desktop and Facebook, but not in any platform.

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19.5K Messages


478K Points

2 months ago

Congratulations, @BonaFideBOSS!

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Favorite Free-to-Play Video Game

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