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Monday, July 24th, 2023 5:25 AM

Live Poll: Creative Character Names

Excellent prose sometimes seems to be a dying art. The film industry, at times, does its part to revive it with great screen plays or scripts based on great novels. Great screen plays and great novels have something in common: they tend to be written by great writers, like Harper Lee, Spike Lee, and Quentin Tarantino. Great writers are imaginative enough that often their creativity is also displayed in details, such as the titles of the films and/or names of the characters, sometimes ignored by other writers. Below are some great character names that are wonderfully original or ironic, yet don't betray the character with unnecessary showiness or unfitting silliness. Instead of asking you for your favorite character, we ask: which name do you think best suits the particular character and really brings that person to life?



3.6K Messages


55K Points

1 year ago


John James Rambo

John Matrix (Commando)

Zed McGlunk, Carl Sweetchuck, Moses Hightower, Eugene Tackleberry (Police Academy)

Chong Li (Bloodsport)

Professor Sub Zero, Dynamo, Buzzsaw (Running Man)

Thulsa Doom (Conan)



7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

@mariojacobs​ Thank you for the suggestions. I added Thulsa Doom. I wanted to add Carl Sweetchuck but didn't see that name in the cast of characters for Police Academy. Just in case I just missed it, I'll look again. 



7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

@mariojacobs I found Carl Sweetchuck, if he's the same as Cadet Sweetchuck, which I'm assuming he is. He's not in the first movie but he is in the first sequel, which is where I found him. : )   (I added him; thanks for the suggestion.)




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192.5K Points

1 year ago



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192.9K Points

@Jessica Thanks, Jess, and thanks for the suggestion. 'Added. : )



9.6K Messages


192.5K Points

1 year ago



7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

@Jessica Thanks, so much, Jess! (And Dan, Pencho, and Peter)