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6.7K Messages


117.7K Points

Thursday, February 8th, 2024 1:23 AM

Live Poll: Best Picture Contenders With Two Nominations

Past Lives (2023) is the least nominated Best Picture Oscar hopeful this year, besides the big prize it only has one additional nomination for Best Original Screenplay.

It joins a big group of pictures over the years that, despite being in contention for the most important Oscar, have found little love from the rest of the Academy branches.

Which Best Picture Oscar nominee with just two nominations deserved more attention from The Academy?

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4.5K Messages


71K Points

7 months ago

Grand Hotel (1932) was nominated only for Best Picture and it won. That is even more exceptional. It has not ever happened since, and it probably will not happen ever again.




6.7K Messages


117.7K Points

@Maxence_G​ Indeed, I found some other films that were only nominated for Best Picture, but they did not win, Grand Hotel is a once in a lifetime occurrence.

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191.9K Points

7 months ago

Typo #3: Original Screenplay



6.7K Messages


117.7K Points

@Jessica​ Corrected, thanks.

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9.6K Messages


191.9K Points

7 months ago