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127.8K Points

Friday, September 17th, 2021 3:49 PM

Live Poll: What Is the Hardest Video Game of All Time?

Which of these AAA video games do you consider to be the hardest video game of all time?

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824 Messages


13.5K Points

3 years ago

Maybe Outlast can be in this poll?


6.8K Messages


127.8K Points


Added. Thanks.

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3.6K Messages


55.1K Points

3 years ago

In my opinion, the HARDEST video game is not AAA (I played Dark Souls a bit - extremely difficult for me).

I tried to play some of them, but I gave up.

It is a subcategory of shoot'em up (I loved these games) called BULLET HELL or MANIC SHOOTER.

You must not be human to play it


6.8K Messages


127.8K Points


That's the main reason I limited this poll to AAA games or else the list would exceed 100 options.

There are so many impossible-to-beat arcade games out there especially from the 80s and 90s.

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3.6K Messages


55.1K Points


>There are so many impossible-to-beat arcade games out there

They are possible to beat... IF YOU ARE JAPANESE!

I watched on Youtube some videos of those guys beating those very games in difficulty level: GOD MODE!



19.3K Messages


475.7K Points

3 years ago


All of these video games are well beyond my skill level. I usually loose in Pong and have never made it past the third level in Space Invaders.

3.6K Messages


55.1K Points


during the pandemic I stopped playing videogames, just movies watching, but this was my first video game

and this was the last game I played before the pandemic




19.3K Messages


475.7K Points

3 years ago

Congratulations, @BonaFideBOSS!

What Is the Hardest Video Game of All Time?

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