urbanemovies's profile

10.1K Messages


164.3K Points

Tuesday, August 11th, 2020 6:32 AM

2 LIVE POLLS: Filmmakers With Multiple Acting Roles In Their Own Movies

Filmmakers With Multiple Acting Roles In Their Own Movies

Filmmakers With Multiple Major Acting Roles In Their Own Movies

Which of these selected creatively versatile filmmakers*, who also has multiple mostly major acting roles in films in which they also make a non-acting creative contribution, do you most enjoy watching their on-screen movie moments?

*includes creators, writers, directors, producers, executive producers, editors, musicians, etc. whose acting roles may entail major roles, supporting roles, voice-over parts, etc. in their own projects (minimum of 5 films with dual credits in front of and behind the camera)

​Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/DLdeah68SdE/   

QuickView List: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls548175380/copy/  

Poll List: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls548175380/  (ready)

Filmmakers With Multiple Minor Acting Roles In Their Own Movies

Which of these selected creatively versatile filmmakers*, who also has multiple mostly minor acting roles in films in which they also make a non-acting creative contribution, do you most enjoy watching their on-screen movie moments?

*includes creators, writers, directors, producers, executive producers, editors, musicians, etc. whose acting roles may entail minor roles, cameos, small voice-over parts, etc. in their own projects (minimum of 5 films with dual credits in front of and behind the camera) 

​Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/ZgLKBe9gSFY/  

QuickView List: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls081093750/copy/  

Poll List: ​https://www.imdb.com/list/ls081093750/​  (ready)

1.4K Messages


58.6K Points

4 years ago

I'll never stop looking for the immortal Stan Lee!

10.1K Messages


164.3K Points

Yes, he will be sorely missed. I wonder if they talked about a CGI Stan Lee cameo for upcoming Marvel releases as a tribute.

16 Messages


210 Points

@gitte_l_yche​ You're right, he's timeless, but he's not the only one cool in the world. 



19.5K Messages


478.2K Points

4 years ago



You have the list marked as a work in progress. Do you need help in completing the poll?

10.1K Messages


164.3K Points

@dan_dassow​ Thanks, any suggestions would be appreciated.

I feel good about the parameters of the poll suggestion. I just need to populate the answer pool with solid well-known options and do a minimum threshold check.

Answer Pool Parameters

1. An individual minimum of five acting apprearances in a credited or uncredited role (including those playing yourself).

2. The individual also must be linked creatively and have a behind-the-camera credit on the same project for it to count toward the minimum threshold (ie director, writer, producer, characters created, etc.).




7K Messages


120.7K Points

4 years ago

FYC: Colin Dexter, the author of the novels appeared in cameos in most if not all Inspector Morse episodes.


Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be available images of him in a scene, but here is the author with the two leading actors: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092379/mediaviewer/rm3132306944?ref_=ttmi_mi_nm_bts_1


Here is a video with all his appearances: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CemkLSk0hA8

10.1K Messages


164.3K Points

@Pencho15​ Thanks, I will likely restrict this poll suggestion to feature movies only. Once, I publish this version, I will do a TV version and include Colin Dexter.




7K Messages


120.7K Points

With 25 images this may be ready unless you're looking for more.

In case you're not you need to delete the work in progress message.

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10.1K Messages


164.3K Points


I probably just need to revisit the counts of appearances to be sure. Otherwise, it is should be close to ready. 


10.1K Messages


164.3K Points

@Pencho15​ I know there has to be more than a few notable​ options missing. I would like to get some outside suggestions. I think the answer pool should be able to hit 35+ plus options on this topic.


10.1K Messages


164.3K Points

Honorable Mention / Possible Inclusion

Movie Creatives With Multiple Acting Roles In Their Own Films


16 Messages


210 Points

@urbanemovies​ Serious task. I wonder how long it will take to accomplish it. 



10K Messages


196.9K Points

1 month ago

Please correct #8:

Orson Welles, Orson Welles Film Series 

Maybe Woody Allen (33 dual credits) and Adam Sandler (35 dual credits) should switch places?

10.1K Messages


164.3K Points

@Jessica​ Corrected Welles.

I also think there is a breadth aspect that goes beyond how many total projects you work in at least two roles, which includes acting. 

Woody Allen (33) is more versatile by probably acting, directing, writing in almost all his projects, followed by Clint Eastwood (35), who acts, produces in almost all his projects, but only sometimes directs. Adam Sandler (35), who acts and produces, but never directs, but does sometimes have songwriting contributions, rounds out the top three, IMHO.

I also think Allen ranks ahead of Eastwood in quality of projects with more award worthy projects, over Eastwood with Sandler's projects again trailing in terms of award worthiness. His projects seem to be geared toward mass appeal, with the award worthiness goal being a factor only some of the time. Based on all three of these considerations, I have subjectively ranked my top five individuals going beyond just the total number of projects, but in terms of the combined quantity, breadth and quality of those dual credit plus projects.





14.5K Messages


331.2K Points

1 month ago

Costner has at least 12 actor-producer credits.


10.1K Messages


164.3K Points

@Peter_pbn​ You are correct, corrected.

I have him with 17 debuted movie, TV movie and video projects with at least a 45 minute running time that he acts or narrates and fills some other creative behind the camera role too. (17/115)





10K Messages


196.9K Points

1 month ago

10.1K Messages


164.3K Points

@Jessica​ Thanks