Michelle's profile



17K Messages


308.8K Points

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023 5:19 PM

Top Contributor Leaderboard for April 2023

Top Contributor Leaderboard for April 2023



Hey all!

Below you will find the link to April’s top contributor leaderboard update.

Top Contributors of April 2023

Here you will find the top contributors for the month of April, as well as the highest climbers and contribution increases. Each contributor can also be clicked to view that person’s past standings - dating as far back as March 2021, when we first started posting these on Sprinklr. As before, if you have successfully contributed over 100 items in that period, you will be able to see your total and position at the head of the leaderboard, even if you didn't make the top 1000.

As ever, huge thanks to everyone who contributes to IMDb and please do join the discussion below!

8.2K Messages


173K Points

1 year ago

Top Contributors of April 2023

#  1 - SkipEastport           548,798 approved items. 
#  2 - formulakaz             430,647 approved items.
#  3 - inespape-1            302,510 approved items.
#  4 - Nomissimon10      280,941 approved items.
#  5 - tatjanagreindl        186,045 approved items. 
#  6 - plomenzo              124,025 approved items.
#  7 - GusF                       70,214 approved items.
#  8 - cinelamour              62,476 approved items.
#  9 - rdstanford-84485   60,035 approved items. 
# 10 - andreas-sellfors    44,751 approved items.
- - -

Monday, April 3rd, 2023
Top Contributor Leaderboard for March 2023

Top Contributor Leaderboard for March 2023

#  1 Nomissimon10     927,430 approved items
#  2 tatjanagreindl       483,807 approved items
#  3 formulakaz           395,320 approved items
#  4 inespape-1           315,509 approved items
#  5 SkipEastport         308,769 approved items
#  6 cinelamour             66,598 approved items
#  7 andreas-sellfors     63,703 approved items
#  8 ron_whisky            31,028 approved items
#  9 Woodyanders        30,139 approved items
# 10 rdstanford-84485 29,772 approved items
- - -
Top Contributor Leaderboard for February 2023

Top Contributor Leaderboard for February 2023

# 1 Nomissimon10      601,039 approved items
# 2 SkipEastport          415,446 approved items
# 3 inespape-1            310,762 approved items
# 4 formulakaz            291,824 approved items
# 5 tatjanagreindl        112,404 approved items
# 6 cinelamour              64,097 approved items
# 7 GusF                        51,801 approved items
# 8 bradleykent1           44,254 approved items
# 9 MAthePA                 39,612 approved items
#10 michaelfool            32,927 approved items
- - -
Top Contributor Leaderboard for January 2023

Top Contributor Leaderboard for January 2023

# 1 Nomissimon10      1,695,681 approved items
# 2 formulakaz              413,339 approved items
# 3 SkipEastport            327,981 approved items
# 4 inespape-1              303,381 approved items
# 5 chasearsena-87087 125,670 approved items
# 6 bradleykent1            78,264 approved items
# 7 andreas-sellfors       77,640 approved items
# 8 tatjanagreindl          74,688 approved items
# 9 cinelamour              70,856 approved items
#10 Bonitao                  63,269 approved items
- - -
Mon May 1 2023

Sat Apr 1 2023

1,093,577 Users Registered April 2023
- - -

May 1 2023
27,650,010 Titles

14,810,000 Names

9,026,000 Reviews


8.2K Messages


173K Points

Monday, April 24th, 2023
Huge Indian vandalism
 26  Title     pages to delete
343 Name  pages to delete

- - -
Bethanny, Employee
Hi @mbmb -
Thanks for reporting this situation. All deleted, accounts taken care of.



548 Messages


7K Points

1 year ago

Rank 5 is nice, i like to be in the Top 10

515 Messages


9.8K Points

1 year ago

Down this month to outside the Top 170. I felt as though I did more this month, too... though it could just be that the stuff I was working on required a bit more research.

193 Messages


2.7K Points

1 year ago

@Michelle Hey, I sent a mail to your support 2 months ago. And I haven't received a response. (I responded to the mail to address a mail from Charlie) The mail started with 

The subject was "Double Encoded Character Sets"

The mail was sent 1st of April 2023, to the mail "support-imdb+A3HWY027OVLMEF@imdb.com". Would appreciate if you could have a look.



17K Messages


308.8K Points

Hi @Nomissimon10​ -

I will follow-up on this and check-in with Charlie to ensure he see's your reply.

193 Messages


2.7K Points

@Michelle​ Hello, another 3 months have passed by. Still no response



17K Messages


308.8K Points

Hi @Nomissimon10​ -

My apologies if you have not yet received a response.  I am circling back with the support team member now to request that they revisit.



17K Messages


308.8K Points

Hi @Nomissimon10​ -

I'm just following up here to confirm that your question has been escalated and someone will be in contact with you as soon as possible.

193 Messages


2.7K Points

@Michelle​ Thanks, I received word from Charlie now for my first question asking for a follow up. Now the technical questions remain (Charlie forgot to answer the forwarded mail with my original questions, or possibly taking them separate)



17K Messages


308.8K Points

Hi @Nomissimon10​ -

Concerning the technical questions, we don't have any updates on the other issue just yet, but rest assured it's still on the radar with our tech team (ticket #4605). 

193 Messages


2.7K Points

@Michelle​ Also, is there a way to disable mails for every update I receive from contributing every day (the update receipts)? (do-not-reply-here@imdb.com) I have a filter that automatically deletes them, but when I get 20k mails a day all my proper mails gets delayed due to the heavy load.


193 Messages


2.7K Points

@Michelle Bump. 
> Me deleting almost a quarter million mails from the last 2 weeks only




17K Messages


308.8K Points

Hi @Nomissimon10​ -

My apologies for missing your recent comments here.  As I understand, there is no current setting to opt out of the automated contribution notifications. 

As this is a significant pain point, I have filed a ticket (#P103141240) for the appropriate team for visibility and review.




7.1K Messages


176.6K Points

@Nomissimon10​ An alternative would be to create another email account (say with GMail), change your IMDb registered email address to point at the new email and then our emails will not interfere with your regular email? Do not create a new IMDb account with the new email though or you will lose your history and totals. 

193 Messages


2.7K Points

@Michelle​ Thanks. The best solution would be to add a setting that can be flicked to receive updates or not.

@Col_Needham Thanks, I did not know I could change the mail. Considering this approach.

Edit: Being trolled, when clicking change mail I need the OTP from my main mail. Which never arrives due to max timeout because of the large flow of mails. Guess I have to stop contributing and wait a few days.
Edit Edit: Never mind, it only required the OTP from the new mail account. Changed it now.

Please let me know if the system changes so that I can set my mail back




7.1K Messages


176.6K Points

@Nomissimon10​ It sounds like you found the "Login & security" link to change your email on https://www.imdb.com/registration/accountsettings -- hopefully you only have to pause contributing for an hour or so :-)

193 Messages


2.7K Points

@Col_Needham​ Changed it successfully :)

I think I would have had to pause it for a lot longer than that. As the mails coming in are stuck in delivery que.

As this arrived 1 min ago:

-Delivered after 51592 seconds ~14h
Edit: Stopped 08:21 this morning, so 16h

