4 Messages
94 Points
Ring of Power Review Question
Why cant I read any review of this show that is lower then 6 stars? They just dont exists
4 Messages
94 Points
Why cant I read any review of this show that is lower then 6 stars? They just dont exists
Official Solution
500 Messages
42.2K Points
3 years ago
As the world’s most popular and authoritative source for information on movies, TV shows, and celebrities, IMDb offers a variety of innovative features, products, and services to help entertainment fans discover and decide what to watch, including more than one billion customer ratings and 7 million customer reviews.IMDb registered users can review and rate (on a 1-10 scale) more than 11 million titles on IMDb. IMDb calculates a weighted user average based on these ratings to provide a snapshot of the title’s assessment by IMDb customers worldwide.When unusual rating or review activity is detected (e.g. patterns consistent with an organized intent to manipulate perception of the title) our system employs additional methodologies, which can include temporarily pausing the display of new and existing reviews while we investigate. We continually update and strengthen our rating and reviews systems to ensure genuine customer sentiment is accurately represented.
2 Messages
70 Points
3 years ago
I say this as someone who has enjoyed the show so far - deleting the negative written reviews of your own program on what is supposed to be a completely user-driven database is abhorrent, slimy, corrupt and has completely tainted my view of the show. This serves a stark reminder that professor Tolkien would have despised Amazon and everything this rotten company represents. IMDb existed long before Amazon and it is not their personal promotional tool. Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Amazon deleting negative reviews of Rings of Power.
4 Messages
112 Points
3 years ago
I've rated this show a 4 for many good reasons. And they haven't posted that review since Friday. Naturally I checked if any reviews exist below 6 and there are none, they've also made it that there are more 10's than 7's 8's or 9's in a ascending order, extremely shady. What a joke IMDB... Joke site, not genuine, very disappointed.
8 Messages
144 Points
3 years ago
Hello I've used this website for over 15 years for film information, trivia and ratings etc but I'm so gutted that reviews are being doctored. I don't know if this has been happening all the time as generally I find shows that I look up have reviews I feel are respresentative. Now we know where I'm going with this, Rings of Power has had all it's reviews 5 or below removed and I know there's obviously review bombing happening but it has gone both ways you cannot be telling me 20k (currently) people have rated this 10/10? there's more 10/10 than there are 1/10 (16k currently). If your going to hide the low reviews but leave the high ones what does that say? I think IMDB needs to show some integrity (Amazon owned IMDB) and Amazon need to trust that if Rings of Power is as good as they say it is then restore all reviews and the show will speak for itself. For context I've only seen the original LOTR trilogy, not read the books and haven't watched The Hobbit films (looked awful). Kind Regards An honest IMDB user. Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Genuine question Rings of Power reviews, integrity and honesty.
8 Messages
144 Points
3 years ago
I just posted the same question, Amazon own IMDB which is shocking really I didn't know that until recently.
3 Messages
96 Points
3 years ago
Hi I think there is a problem with the reviews of rings of power. I can't see the user reviews for 1 tp 5 stars. There might be a glitch can you please look into this and correct. Regards Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Rings of power reviews
1.2K Messages
51.9K Points
3 years ago
Disappointed... Having verified for myself that there are indeed no reviews with scores below 6, at this point I would like IMDb to weigh in on this issue. As a staunch supporter of IMDb (even despite many questionable decisions throughout this time) and a long time contributor, I still want to believe that this is a glitch in the system and am reluctant to think that there is indeed an attempt to manipulate users. For me that would be crossing an unforgivable red line... and a very sad day, as I could no longer be part of this project that I still look at with the eyes (and purposes...) of more than 20 years ago.
10 Messages
200 Points
3 years ago
It's a worrying sign of the times that IMDB, one of the most trusted and influential entertainment review sites on the internet, would so brazenly hide negative reviews for a product they do not even own. That's authoritarianism, the absolute enemy of democracy. Corruption of the highest order. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Oh, and this is going viral right now. Head over to Twitter and see what people are saying about this disgrace.
2 Messages
70 Points
3 years ago
Hi, when are you going to show all the Lord of the rings: Rings of power reviews, not just the ones above 6 stars? regards, Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Rings of power
4 Messages
112 Points
3 years ago
Why are the ratings 1-5 hidden for this title? I really have little faith the ratings on imdb are real anymore. Sort yourself out. Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Lord of the rings rings of power
5 Messages
182 Points
3 years ago
Seems very dishonest for IMDB to hide reviews for a product it has a financial interest in. I voted 2 stars because i thought it sucked, much like the originals. I guess this site should be taken with a grain of salt as if they’re openly dishonest about this, it’s likely not an isolated case.
5 Messages
182 Points
3 years ago
It appears IMDB is manipulating the reviews for their new lord of the rings show. No better way to sink your credibility and turn off people who look to your site as a source. Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Why is IMDb manipulating reviews of a product they have financial interest in?
2 Messages
72 Points
3 years ago
Hi why can I not view the reviews lower than a 6 on Rings of Power? Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Review rings of power
10 Messages
200 Points
3 years ago
@Giancarlo_Cairella For reference, this my 4-star review for Rings of Power. Tell me, does it meet your standard or is it not positive enough? This show is an awful presentation of the LoTR Universe on every level. The writing is juvenile at best, acting wooden/pantomime-like, there are no likeable or relatable main characters in the entire show, and many of the scenes seem unrealistic/forced. It has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. I'm shocked and disappointed. Galadriel: without a shadow of a doubt, the worst casting choice in the show. She's whiny, has a sour demeanour and constantly preaches to everyone around her, a dislikable character in every aspect. She swims entire oceans, rendering the creation of elven boats obsolete in this universe. She can slay a troll completely unaided with a few swishes of her sword, a feat that took the entire fellowship to accomplish in the books and PJ's version. Who wrote this character? Fire them immediately. Elrond: what in the world is going on with this guy? From what I can gather, you're portraying him as a weak diplomat with no relatable character traits or self-respect, a shadow of his former self (or future self?). Yes, we're talking about the same Elrond that led the free peoples of middle earth against Sauron. One and the same elf. But in this laughing stock of a TV show, he can barely beat his fist on a rock without almost passing out from exhaustion, in stark contrast to Galadriel, who can swim an entire ocean and still have enough energy remaining to slay a troll single-handed. Senseless, contradictory stuff. Don't even get me started on the hobbits. Pathetic. This cost Amazon $1 billion to make by all accounts. Really? I cannot describe how disappointed my wife and I are with this show, we waited over a year for this mess. If it doesn't improve markedly over the next 2 or 3 episodes, consider our subscriptions cancelled.
2 Messages
70 Points
3 years ago
So, please tell me, how it feels to make fake rating on the products for exempl "lord of rings" by deleting all negative review even if that review only have constructive criticism? Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Fake rating