30 Messages


426 Points

Thursday, July 13th, 2023 8:44 PM



Male nudity related keywords sabotaged

Hello dear IMDB forum,

First of all, I place great importance on adding any nudity related keywords to the IMDb database as much as possible so that anyone can know if a title, or episode has any form of (frontal, rear, pubic, genitalia etc.) male/female nudity in it.

Now the problem is someone has been sabotaging almost every male nudity related keywords for months especially the ones with the frontal tags, and that user either has been deleting the male frontal nudity or male full frontal nudity, but thankfully hasn't done so anything related to female nudity (yet). Rest assured that if I add a keyword, it is definitely true and informative to anyone as long as doesn't get deleted afterwards.

I am so sick and tired of adding these keywords over and over only to be deleted by that saboteur after a little while, like he has been targeting these to quickly delete and I wonder what kind of satisfaction he gets from doing that. I mean, seriously what is the purpose here besides the apparent deep-rooted aversion to male nudity in a title? What is the harm in letting people know if a naked man is present?

My request from you is that please take further actions against the saboteur if you could spot him so that anyone that visits the keywords of a certain title can know details such as if it has a fully naked man in it. Otherwise, he will keep deleting every male nudity related keyword and I am afraid I won't be able to keep re-adding them (just like he so desperately wants) because he comes back to delete no matter what the cost.

Find below the some titles he deleted the keywords regarding male frontal nudity for no good reason. There are countless more, of course.

#230713-182649-612000 #230713-182000-614000 #230713-152322-308000
#230713-140734-052000 #230713-133704-228000 #230713-131118-795000
#230713-005021-595000 #230713-001527-906000 #230712-231629-397000

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426 Points

1 year ago

Anyone from the staff to acknowledge the problem? He still continues to sabotage.

Check out this one too #230713-185341-382000.



17.2K Messages


310K Points

1 year ago

Hi @hoiberg -

Thanks for your report, we identified the contributor responsible and have taken the appropriate measures to help prevent correct nudity keywords from being continually removed.

Thanks again!

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426 Points

Thank you so much @Michelle!

I will try to restore the deleted ones, and let's see if the sabotage continues despite the measures. I will be letting you know in case such a thing happens.

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426 Points

1 year ago

Hi @Michelle 

I regret to inform you he is going at it again (maybe with a different account but with the same ulterior motive), please check out the ones below. I am pretty sure he will keep sweeping.

#230714-195100-140000 #230714-185619-045000 #230714-185242-246000 #230714-184148-964000



17.2K Messages


310K Points

Hi @hoiberg​ -

Thanks for this recent report.  I have identified the contributor responsible and taken steps to prevent further recurrences from that account.  I have also resurrected the removed keywords on the titles you reported above.

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426 Points


You're the best! 

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426 Points

1 year ago

Hi @Michelle 

The same problem happens again, please see below.

As I am typing now, he is on a full rampage mode. What can be done to stop him permanently? He has issues for sure.

#230716-161144-093000 #230716-173927-045000 #230716-174759-173000 #230717-150952-607000 #230717-152043-710000 #230717-153345-959000 #230715-213659-610000


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426 Points

Hi @Michelle

Have you seen his pattern? He somehow continues to delete. Can you do something to prevent him permanently? Or I will have to stop adding these informative keywords as I have re-added them many times before, and the new titles are also being sabotaged.


30 Messages


426 Points

Hi @Michelle,

I wonder if the problem has been acknowledged, or acted upon. 

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426 Points

No, I've just checked and he is on again to destroy keywords as much as he likes, and any second you don't do something about it, you let a saboteur run amok here!

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426 Points

1 year ago

Hello dear community, 

A user constantly has been targeting and sabotaging almost every male nudity related keyword as many times as he wants.

Unfortunately, another thread on the same topic has been given the brush off, and the saboteur continues to wreak damage on these keywords. I am writing as a last ditch effort to get this problem sorted out for good. If it makes no headway, I am going to have to stop contributing these informative keywords.

Please see below for a few selected titles affected by the user. There are a lot more. 

#230810-194757-239000 #230810-194701-548000 #230810-194415-127000 #230810-194339-542000 #230810-194024-142000
#230810-193949-179000 #230810-193910-668000 #230810-193615-325000 #230810-193340-798000 #230810-193139-626000

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled A User Sabotages Keywords

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426 Points

How come you have enough time to merge these but not to give me at least a simple answer let alone solution? Do you even take your valuable contributors seriously? What is the real deal here? Effective immediately, I won't bother to re-add any single keyword deleted by that keyword destroyer. It is clear that you take side with him, that's just perfect. Way to go! 



17.2K Messages


310K Points

Hi @hoiberg​ -

My sincere apologies for the delayed response.  I am currently actively investigating, which is why I merged the threads together to keep all activity under one thread.  Once I have completed the investigation on all the submissions you referenced in this thread I will post an update.



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310K Points

1 year ago

Hi @hoiberg -

I'm circling back to confirm that while investigating I observed some instances where the keywords were appropriately removed.  I have filed a ticket (#P96694229) for the appropriate team to continue the investigation and potential clean-up.  Once there is an update on the status our staff will post the details here.

Thanks for your patience!

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426 Points

Hi @Michelle -

Thank you for your efforts. From what I make of this comment, the saboteur was right to remove some keywords and now I really wonder what instances were those that the keywords were justly removed because they weren't added randomly in the first place given the fact that the scenes have nudity in them, so this is really intriguing and I am waiting for the update.

By the way, the same saboteur only collectively removes the male nudity related keywords, and I have also observed he had removed some female ones.




17.2K Messages


310K Points

Hi @hoiberg​ -

Some titles examples are: "New Moon (2022)" and "A Tale of Two Brothers (2015)".

I have also added the observation you mentioned about female-nudity keywords to the ticket as well.

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426 Points

Hi @Michelle -

After our discussion thanks to the ongoing investigation I presume the keywords weren't deleted, but now I see the same pattern is going on likely by the same destroyer. To test out if it would continue, I restored some of these, and ta-da! They were deleted and some of them listed below.

Just wanted to inform you and the others carrying out the investigation. It is a such a disgrace and a pathetic situation.

#230908-233624-829000 #230908-233938-054000 #230908-234235-859000 #230908-234449-722000 #230908-235043-314000 #230909-000320-587000 #230909-000507-071000 #230909-000610-497000
#230909-000747-271000 #230909-001107-283000 #230909-001151-193000 #230909-001335-286000 #230909-002559-721000 #230909-002946-514000 #230909-003024-538000 #230909-003310-312000




5.2K Messages


54.7K Points

@hoiberg​ Hi!

Investigation was done and we have found the responsible accounts. Steps have been taken in all of them. You should have no further problems, also all keywords on the last examples provided have been reinstated.


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426 Points

I am so glad to hear this. Many thanks to you and the others for their efforts. Let's hope this nonsense stops now.

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426 Points

Hi @Bethanny -

I have a bad news. The problem still persists, right now he is still able to delete keywords.

The ones below have been deleted after a short while (I've restored the latter now), and I am pretty sure he's going to continue so I wanted to inform again just in case, and I have stopped adding them for now.

A side note: the male nudity-related titles have declined in the last 30 minutes.

#230910-231640-834000 #230910-234149-027000




5.2K Messages


54.7K Points

@hoiberg​ This helped us find a new account related to the situation that was not under our radar, I have now taken steps. If you find it happening again let me know.


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426 Points

Hi @Bethanny - 

They are striking back, I have been taking it easy with my additions to test out if they will get deleted afterwards, and here we are:

1 - #230913-213912-989000

2 - #230915-113656-574000

3 - #230915-113859-149000



5.2K Messages


54.7K Points

@hoiberg​ Thanks! All taken care of.

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426 Points

11 months ago


I am here to inform you the newest sabotage at hand, male nudity related tags have greatly reduced. At the time of writing, only 7.636 titles have male frontal nudity. I remember the number being at somewhere over 8,000.

I also wonder if you could reinstate everything related with these specific keywords deleted by the same so-called contributor to save us a lot of time. It has become really tedious once the measure against it has been taken but only to be deleted by another account.

Some newly observed listed below:

1 - #231025-150305-028000

2 - #231025-143422-910000

3 - #231025-153511-641000




5.2K Messages


54.7K Points

@hoiberg​ Hi!

I have reinstated the mentioned above, I am glad to hear our process to stop the responsible user has worked. Unfortunately it's hard to track all keywords deleted by user so it's going to be hard to reinstate them on my side.


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426 Points

Hi @Bethanny 

The carnage has been on the rise. The number of the titles with the male frontal nudity tag has reduced to 7.468 at this time of writing, not to mention any other kinds of nudity-related keywords. Could you ban the responsible abuser?

Some below have been deleted:

1 - #231031-150527-360000

2 - #231030-111753-431000

3 - #231030-111555-326000

4 - #231030-110920-664000

5 - #231029-180708-474000



5.2K Messages


54.7K Points

@hoiberg​ Hi-

I have reinstated the keywords and tracked down the deletions, thanks for reporting!


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426 Points

Hi @Bethanny 

Did you also ban the user, or take any measure? Because you didn't say that and he is still freely destroying keywords. Of course, it is impossible for me to know if it is the same user. 

Kindly check below (only selected ones, there are more):

1 - #231102-153451-306000

2 - #231102-152306-272000

3 - #231102-151613-403000

4 - #231102-004128-828000

5 - #231102-003528-553000

6 - #231102-002655-579000


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426 Points

Hi @Bethanny 

This is my last comment on this matter unless a real action has been taken immediately. Right now, I can see the number is almost below 7k, and he has been deleting relentlessly.

If you choose to disregard this issue, I'm not going to continue adding nudity-related keywords at all, not just male ones. I still think these are very important keywords.



5.2K Messages


54.7K Points

@hoiberg​ Hi! I finally tracked down the user and reinstated as much keywords as I could find deleted by them, steps were taken in the account too.


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426 Points

Hi @Bethanny 

The purge continues, please look into the below contribution so that you can block. The number continues to decline with the other titles.




5.2K Messages


54.7K Points

@hoiberg​ Hi! All reinstated (found hundreds) and actions taken on the account.
