gretchenator's profile

5 Messages


288 Points

Thursday, July 26th, 2018 12:54 AM



Creepy sexual keywords

I watched Trog tonight, and I noticed these keywords pop up:
"Girl in Mary Jane Shoes"
"Knee Socks"
"Girl In A Notably Short Outfit"
"Girl In Very Short Dress Or Skirt"

These are all referring to a child. The child's clothes are completely irrelevant to the plot (and her skirt isn't meant to be "very short" or "notably short"). Based on the other titles in the tags, those are all in reference to children. 

I also found (all of these also appear to be in reference to children) : 
Girl Tied Up
Camera Shot Of A Girl's Legs
Girl wearing a miniskirt / girl wearing a mini skirt / girl wears a miniskirt
Girl In Kneesocks And Saddle Shoes
Girl In School Uniform

Please get rid of these tags.

8.6K Messages


177.2K Points

6 years ago

Creepy sexual keywords
I watched Trog tonight, and I noticed these keywords
by gretchenator
Joined on July 26, 2018
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Someone (Not me) may be looking for these types of titles ? ?

- - -

Trog  (1970)
A sympathetic anthropologist uses drugs and surgery to try to communicate
with a primitive troglodyte who is found living in a local cave.

Joan Crawford   ...  Dr. Brockton
Joe Cornelius   ...  Trog

10.7K Messages


225.5K Points

6 years ago

Hi, gretchenator. It does seem as though the keywords were added by somebody with a prurient interest in children, or conversely a puritanical person who takes issue with movies that have children dressed that way. The door swings both ways. However, could you maybe please illustrate how the keywords violate IMDb submission guidelines?

5 Messages


288 Points

6 years ago

The door swings both ways
Someone who sees Trog and thinks to tag it with "girl in a notably short outfit" is absolutely sexualizing a child, regardless of the nature of that sexualization. Unless, of course, the tag is referring to Anne, but the rest of the content in that tag and the rest of the tags on Trog suggest otherwise.

However, could you maybe please illustrate how the keywords violate IMDb submission guidelines?
This is a good point. You're right, they may not in all cases (though guidelines can, of course, be changed. I feel it's worth pointing out the keywords are being used in this way).

 describe any notable object, concept, style or action that takes place during a title. The main purpose of keywords is to allow visitors to easily search and discover titles.
In the movie I just watched:

1. "Girl in Mary Jane Shoes" and "Knee Socks" are not remotely significant details. These might be fine, since they are definitely in the movie.

2. "Girl In A Notably Short Outfit"  Notable by which standard? This would make sense if characters in the movie talked about the length of her skirt, or if the camera focused on it. But "notably" is an opinion. Likewise, in "Girl In Very Short Dress Or Skirt," "very short" is meaningless and has no context in the story. It would be like tagging every Tom Cruise movie with "very short protagonist."

10.7K Messages


225.5K Points

If it is not enough to vote a keyword as "not relevant", then proceed to delete it. You might possibly need a stronger justification to get an IMDb staff member to unilaterally delete all these keywords, though.



3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

6 years ago

Hi gretchenator,

These keywords do not violate our policies. If however you have seen these titles and disagree with their use in relation to them (please see the below description) then you may submit a delete for that keyword for our data editors to review.

"A keyword is a word (or group of connected words) attached to a title (movie / TV series / TV episode) to describe any notable object, concept, style or action that takes place during a title. The main purpose of keywords is to allow visitors to easily search and discover titles."


8.6K Messages


177.2K Points

@ Will, Employee

I am not saying Yay nor Nay This list of Keywords
Keywords can be helpful at IMDb

Perhaps it is the Movies and TV shows (with keywords from above)
that should be censored - Not the Keyword lists
You might want to take a look at this list later
and see what ____ had removed and why

5 Messages


288 Points

then you may submit a delete for that keyword for our data editors to review. 

Besides voting something as "not relevant," is there a way to do this?

Perhaps it is the Movies and TV shows (with keywords from above) that should be censored - Not the Keyword lists

This seems like a mischaracterization of what I'm saying here:

1.  These key words seem to focus on a point of the movie that is not at all significant (I haven't seen all of the movies with these key words, but the ones I have are seen are bizarre additions. Are the types of shoes that Little Orphan Annie wears significant? Why isn't the movie tagged with "man in loafers"?). 

2. Descriptors like "very short" or "notably short" are subjective

3. While there may be a small subset of people who are using these tags for reasons that don't involve sexualizing a child, the sexualization of children is almost definitely why they're there.

A private citizen asking moderators of a website about taking content down isn't censorship. 
Taking my idealist hat off: I get that it's not that simple to just take them down. But in a lot of cases, they're not good contributions to the page.



14.5K Messages


331.5K Points

Voting keywords “not relevant” only moves them further down the page. The edit feature, available through ‘Edit’ links and the ‘Edit page’ button, allows submissions to correct or delete data.

10.7K Messages


225.5K Points

The IMDb staff will need a list of the title pages to which the keywords are attached but which shouldn't be attached, if a mass deletion is to be carried out.

5 Messages


288 Points

Thank you, I jumped the gun and didn't realize there was a way to request deletion of keywords on individual pages. I will definitely request appropriate edits with the movies I've seen.

8.6K Messages


177.2K Points


Many (?) people may not find this movie on IMDb now with Those Keywords

- - -

July 26 2018

I watched Trog tonight, and I noticed these keywords pop up:
Girl in Mary Jane Shoes
Knee Socks
Girl In A Notably Short Outfit
Girl In Very Short Dress Or Skirt
Girl Tied Up
Camera Shot Of A Girl's Legs
Girl wearing a miniskirt / girl wearing a mini skirt / girl wears a miniskirt
Girl In Kneesocks And Saddle Shoes
Girl In School Uniform
by gretchenator
- - -

Gone - July 27 2018

Trog  (1970)
Showing all 87 plot keywords

troglodyte, anthropologist, ice age, surgery, land developer, rampage,
cave, missing link,  tyrannosaurus rex, toy, caveman, discovery,
communication, religion, science, shooting, tracking device,
explosion, burning car, rescue, child in danger, caged animal,
education, evolution, crowbar, breaking and entering, triceratops,
volcano, dinosaur egg, baby dinosaur, live dinosaur, dinosaur skeleton,
flashback, operation, laboratory, beaten to death, german shepherd,
court of inquiry, inquiry, court, courtroom,
dog attack, barking dog, dog, animal trainer, ball, trained animal,
bar, doll, camera, camera flash, flash camera, blinded by camera flash,
cage, tranquilizer gun, tranquilizer dart, panic, rock throwing, throwing a rock,
light sensitivity, loincloth, scientist, television crew, hospital, blood on face,
blood, cave dweller, underwater cave, swimming in underwear,
boxer shorts, male underwear, undressing, female protagonist,
grand guignol, bare chested male, vocal cords, spelunking,
sodium pentathol, stock footage, research institute, monster, media circus,
meat hook, experimental surgery, ape man, anthropology, knee socks
= = =

10.7K Messages


225.5K Points

There are also "trademark" issues to consider, not literal registered trademarks, but signature themes. If one movie adopts the themes of another, then people would like to have a way to track it.

8.6K Messages


177.2K Points

Deletion of Keywords does Not change the content of the movie

Those 'items' will still be seen there  (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

10.7K Messages


225.5K Points

Well, deleting the content of the movie is not the point.

8.6K Messages


177.2K Points

Well...  What is the reason for Keywords ?  to find something in a movie

If not listed then that movie may not be found


10.7K Messages


225.5K Points

That is why an argument can be made to include and retain as many applicable keywords as possible. Sometimes the less-significant keyword applications are important for making it easier to identify movies with common elements.

8.6K Messages


177.2K Points

July 27 2018

well... You can still look up these short dresses ... titles

girl-in-school-uniform (31 titles)
girl-in-kneesocks-and-saddle-shoes (21 titles)
girl-in-a-notably-short-outfit (63 titles)
girl-in-very-short-dress-or-skirt (40 titles)
girl-tied-up (25 titles)
girl-wearing-a-miniskirt (176 titles) 
girl-wearing-a-mini-skirt (128 titles) 
girl-wears-a-miniskirt (30 titles)
girl-wearing-micro-mini-skirt (5 titles)
woman-wearing-a-miniskirt (89 titles) 
woman-wearing-a-mini-skirt (24 titles) 
nurse-wearing-a-miniskirt (1 title) 
man-wearing-a-miniskirt (1 title) 
woman-wearing-a-micro-mini-skirt (46 titles) 



14.5K Messages


331.5K Points

6 years ago

I can just imagine what a field day some blogger or journalist might have with some of these keyword listings. And now that they have been reported, IMDb wouldn't even be able to say that it was just a loose contributor who wasn't detected.



4K Messages


244.1K Points

Well, the keywords rather accurately describe that movie, I'd say. I see almost nothing wrong with most of those. 

8.6K Messages


177.2K Points

Nikolay Yeriomin, Champion
Well, the keywords rather accurately describe that movie (?)
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well... maybe after a few weeks Someone can restore gretchenator's creepy list ? ?

2.7K Messages


47K Points

3 years ago

@gretchenator Thank you for reporting these keywords. I believe two of these keywords violated IMDb's guidelines.

  • "girl-in-a-notably-short-outfit"

That keyword violated the guidelines because it is inherently subjective. What one contributor may find "notable" may not at all be notable to a second or third contributor. IMDb's guidelines prohibit subjective keywords, so this keyword was improper.

  • "girl-in-very-short-dress-or-skirt"

That keyword violated the guidelines for two reasons. First, the word "very" introduces subjectivity. What might be considered "very short" to one contributor might just be "short" to another contributor. Second, the keyword describes two different things ("dress" and "skirt") in the same keyword. If a keyword referring to a "dress-or-skirt" were permissible, then so would keywords like "man-drives-a-truck-or-a-van," "girl-pets-a-dog-or-a-cat," "boy-wears-a-three-piece-suit-or-a-tuxedo," and "woman-punches-a-man-or-a-woman-in-the-face." Obviously these keywords are absurd and improper. The same is true of "girl-in-very-short-dress-or-skirt."

Fortunately, both of these improper keywords have subsequently been removed from the database.  Thank you again for reporting them.