dan_dassow's profile



19.5K Messages


478.2K Points

Friday, February 19th, 2021 8:52 PM



It Does Not Appear Possible to View People who Have UpVoted an Idea Thread

From what I can tell there is no way to view the people who have UpVoted an Idea thread. I am a IMDb Sprinklr Champion and have limited admin rights. Can only IMDb staff view the people who have UpVoted an Idea thread or is this an oversight in the design of Sprinklr? It would be helpful to extend the ability to view UpVotes to non-priveledged users.

This issue became apparent in this thread:

Implementation of new genres 

Ironically, I can view the names of the 10 people who liked my post above with the Paul Simon quote, for example, but not the names of the 4 people who like this whole idea/topic.

10.7K Messages


225.5K Points

4 years ago

I already sort of complained about this.



17.6K Messages


314.6K Points

4 years ago

Hi dan_dassow -


That is correct, currently only IMDb staff are able to view who specifically has voted on an idea.


Regarding your observations about not being able to change your vote status, I have made note of this as an improvement area to be addressed with the Sprinklr tech team.

10.7K Messages


225.5K Points

Thanks. However, I would prefer if the system would also be updated to allow everybody to see who voted "yay" or "nay" to an idea thread, as can be done in regards to "likes" on problems, questions, praises and announcements.



7.5K Messages


276.7K Points

I agree with Jeorj. We can all see the usernames of people who like an ordinary thread such as this one, or who like an individual reply or comment within the thread -- just not those who have supported an Idea. This seems more likely to have been an error by Sprinklr than an intentional decision.

79 Messages


2K Points

@Michelle It looks like the Votes issue I reported below was fixed shortly after, as mentioned in jeorj_euler’s post.  However, merged topics from the old forum (also in my below comment) still aren’t redirecting b/c they have no active links to click, and all responses were deleted from them.  Why were these removed?  On the old forum they remained there after conversations were merged.  I see that the 2 replies from my recent post were moved to the bottom of this one when it was merged, but it would be best to keep them with the original post as well.  These issues need to be passed onto the Sprinklr tech team.

Some links from old forum posts are also not redirecting properly, such as these 3 from nobody_7029854's comment that begin with imdb.com/board.

Also, please note that the forum Profile pages are missing the hyperlinked post titles for replies and comments that were liked.  So if you go to your profile and select “Like” from the Activities drop-down menu, it displays those hyperlinks for posts that you liked, but not for replies and comments.  Therefore, there is no way to view the thread of a liked reply or comment.  Also, every one of those replies/comments shows 0 for Views/Likes/Comments/Followers when there are more for each one.

Additionally, my private Profile page lists 13 badges when I've won only 1 badge.

And the Activities drop-down menu also needs to have a section for votes cast in order to know which Ideas you've supported.  There is currently no way to find them. This option existed on the old GetSatisfaction forum. 

Lastly, it would be very helpful to have a Preview button next to "Post" so you can see how your comment will appear before making it public.  This is standard for discussion forums, especially those which have advanced editors.

update: Another issue I just noticed on the profile page is that newly merged posts are being removed from the Activities section.  I recently posted 2 problems (here & here) but after they were merged they are no longer showing up in my Activities list.



79 Messages


2K Points

4 years ago

I agree that "it would be helpful to extend the ability to view UpVotes to non-privileged

users."  Votes should be consistent with Likes & Followers so everyone can see who voted for an idea.  This setup worked fine on the old forum.


79 Messages


2K Points

A much bigger problem, however, that is probably related to the inconsistency between the old and new forum is that all ideas seem to have had their votes reset to 0.  Can these be restored?  It took a lot of time for people's ideas to accumulate votes.  I don’t even know which ideas I voted for b/c they are not showing up on my profile, which is another problem.

This is a major setback for the user community as it’s very difficult to get IMDb to implement changes.  For ex, new genres were approved 11 years ago in the thread linked by dan_dassow at the top and still haven’t been added.

Also, merged conversations are missing their links.  See here: Rearranging the order of list items is not working correctly on the site.  “The main conversation” isn’t linked as it was on the old forum so there's no way to get to the merged post.




5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

4 years ago

And should sprinklr also display who has Down-voted the Idea?

Down-voting was not a feature on GS.

How about on the announcement of the new version of the title page, a post by an IMDb employee, where the net votes are negative?



14.5K Messages


331.2K Points

I think it is probably intentional that you can't see who up- or downvoted your idea.

10.7K Messages


225.5K Points

Yes, Sprinklr should display who both the collection of members who up-voted and the collection of members who down-voted, even on announcements pertaining to popular or unpopular amendments to polices or to the sets of features of the IMDb interfaces.

79 Messages


2K Points

Votes should be consistent with Likes as they were on the old forum. Users had an option to either up-vote or like a post/comment/idea or leave it alone.


79 Messages


2K Points

4 years ago

There are several technical issues with the new Sprinklr forum which I recently posted here, though my comment did not receive a response.

– Merged topics aren’t redirecting b/c they have no active links to click.  See here for an example: Rearranging the order of list items is not working correctly on the site.  “The main conversation” isn’t linked as it was on the old forum so there's no way to get to the merged post.

– Some links from old forum posts are also not redirecting properly, such as these 3 from nobody_7029854's comment that begin with imdb.com/board.

– The forum Profile pages are missing the hyperlinked post titles for replies and comments that were liked.  So if you go to your profile and select “Like” from the Activities drop-down menu, it displays those hyperlinks for posts that you liked, but not for replies and comments.  Therefore, there is no way to view the thread of a liked reply or comment.  Also, every one of those replies/comments shows 0 for Views/Likes/Comments/Followers when there are more for each one.

– My private Profile page lists 13 badges when I've won only 1 badge.

– The Activities drop-down menu also needs to have a section for votes cast in order to know which Ideas you've supported.  There is currently no way to find them. This option existed on the old GetSatisfaction forum. 

– It would be very helpful to have a Preview button next to "Post" so you can see how your comment will appear before making it public.  This is standard for discussion forums, especially those which have advanced editors.

update: Another issue I just noticed on the profile page is that newly merged posts are being removed from the Activities section.  I recently posted 2 problems (here & here) but after they were merged they are no longer showing up in my Activities list.


Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Sprinklr forum bugs + suggestions




14.5K Messages


331.2K Points

Message board links have not worked for years since the message boards were removed. Links to the old contributors board were redirected to this forum's Data Issues page.

10.7K Messages


225.5K Points

Quoting and commenting on the original post of this thread:

– Merged topics aren’t redirecting b/c they have no active links to click.  See here for an example: Rearranging the order of list items is not working correctly on the site.  “The main conversation” isn’t linked as it was on the old forum so there's no way to get to the merged post.

True, and this ought not ever happen, not even some of the time.

– Some links from old forum posts are also not redirecting properly, such as these 3 from nobody_7029854's comment that begin with imdb.com/board.

In the case of URLs to threads that resided on the old IMDb·Com message boards, particularly the Contributors Help board, there is nowhere to which to redirect them. Also, even if those boards never went offline, threads on certain boards were constantly being automatically deleted for being too old or too inactive, every time a new thread was created. This was a design problem that couldn't be overcome, for some reason, and basically every thread on any busy board was doomed to be purged at some point.

– The forum Profile pages are missing the post titles for replies and comments that were liked.  So if you go to your profile and select “Like” from the Activities drop-down menu, it displays those links for posts that you liked, but not for replies and comments.  Therefore, there is no way to view the thread of a liked reply or comment.  Also, every one of those replies/comments shows 0 for Views/Likes/Comments/Followers when there are more for each one.

Yes, the hyperlinks are missing, which is kind of disappointing. I do worry what the cost to the Sprinklr servers would be if this feature would be made analogous to looking up posting histories.

– My Profile page is incorrectly showing that I’ve won 13 badges when I haven’t even gotten to 2k points yet.

When I access https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/users/5f49556c917fbb5af045d473, the system indicates only one badge.

– The Activities drop-down menu also needs to have a section for votes cast in order to know which Ideas you've supported.

That would be helpful for keeping track of what has been voted upon. Certainly I prefer to be able to see both upvotes and downvotes.

– It would be very helpful to have a Preview button next to "Post" so you can see how your comment will appear before making it public.  This is standard for discussion forums, especially those which have advanced editors.

Sure, but most of the time, the content editing box will closely resemble the published outcome.

79 Messages


2K Points

Regarding URLs to threads, I never accessed the old message boards so I didn’t know, but figured that all the existing posts would have been moved to the Get Satisfaction forum.

Profile badges:  Ok, thanks for checking.  When I view my own Sprinklr profile it says: “shape5 has won 13 Badges” and shows them all in a row (including a 50k Badge), but I guess it’s displaying correctly in the public view.

Preview button next to "Post”:  For the most part, yes, but if it’s a longer post the comment box is way too small to be able to easily view it all.

Another issue I just noticed on the profile page is that newly merged posts are being removed from the Activities section.  I recently posted 2 problems (this one above being the first), but after they were merged they are no longer showing up in my Activities list. 
