2 Messages
70 Points
Amazon deleting negative reviews of Rings of Power.
I say this as someone who has enjoyed the show so far - deleting the negative written reviews of your own program on what is supposed to be a completely user-driven database is abhorrent, slimy, corrupt and has completely tainted my view of the show. This serves a stark reminder that professor Tolkien would have despised Amazon and everything this rotten company represents. IMDb existed long before Amazon and it is not their personal promotional tool.
5 Messages
112 Points
3 years ago
Hear hear. I am disgusted by all the antiwoke hate these days and removing reviews that solely focus on bashing should indeed be removed but not a single review below 6 after 76 reviews submitted? That is plain evil and reminds even of Sovjet era information control.
2 Messages
84 Points
3 years ago
This is weak Amazon. Show some respect and honor.
4 Messages
80 Points
3 years ago
Wrote an honest review for Rings of Power. Didnt even give it a 1 as I wasnt review bombing it. I gave it a 4.On Saturday morning there were near 200 reviews including mine. As of now there are 74 reviews and there isnt a single review under 5 stars. While I'm sure there were some troll bombs...there are just as many 10/10 ratings that are trolls also.The fact you would be clearing any review under 5 stars is really pathetic. How much money did Amazon pay you? Yes, ima ctually pissed over this because I've never in my life had a proper review I made cancelled lol. It's pretty lame Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Deleting/Hiding Reviews is shameful IMDB