vinnie_rattolle's profile

5 Messages


132 Points

Sunday, February 4th, 2024 7:02 PM


I'm being told to renew my membership

I went to check the IMDbPro news feed, and I'm suddenly being redirected to a page telling me to renew my membership. This is despite an email that I received last month stating: "If you are inside the Top 300 contributors, we are offering free access to IMDbPro Premium throughout 2024 as a reflection of our appreciation."

So I checked the leaderboard, which says: " VinnieRattolle, you ranked 179th with 30,653 approved items in 2023."

I ain't paying for something I'm entitled to, particularly since that news feed is the only perk of being unpaid labor for amazon.

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Why i dont have a Pro Account longer?

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